Corey Cunningham is Business of Dreams

businessSurely you’ve heard me rave about everything Corey Cunningham has done, from his projects like Magic Bullets, Terry Malts and his own solo work. But, he’s just come out that he’ll be working under the moniker of Business of Dreams, crafting delightfully dark pop music. Please don’t label it as strictly synth pop, as there’s definitely more. Just take the opener on his new EP, which takes a slight turn around the 1.20 minute mark with a twinkling guitar chord. If you’re asking me, I’ll trust anything Corey touches, and this new EP he’s just put up is now available digitally, so it’s time for you to fall head over heels with his new work.

Blasting Emo from Mo Troper

moI’ll admit, as an older, once super-emo, music fan, I’m not always sold on what’s coming out of the new resurgence. Some of it just seems so commonplace, such a rehash, but not Mo Troper. My ears here elements of the hooks that made things like Ultimate Fakebook endearing, yet still making nods back to the first two Weezer records. Sure, maybe it’s derivative in a sense, but that never hurts when it’s executed so perfectly. Look for Mo Troper to release Beloved on April 29th via Good Cheer Records.

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Fuzzy Hooks from WRITER

10429833_10153065156517978_1363039849383734709_nWRITER will be releasing their sophomore LP, Principle Web, this April, and I’m definitely digging on the latest single they’ve leaked before the release of the work. Fuzz-laden guitars push the track forward, whilst the calm vocal adds a different textural touch that enables it to endure repeated plays. There’s even a noisier element that makes its entry just after the 2.5 minute mark, in case you were worried you might find yourself labored by enjoying this too much. Look for the album April 8th via Small Plates Records.

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More from Ghost King

ghostkingWe tossed out the first single from Ghost King not too long ago, so we may as well get this brand new one up today…that, and it’s a really good track. I like the relaxed vibe on this tune, with the band really fleshing out their sound as the tune moves forward. The wailing vocal that comes around the 2 minute mark is a nice touch to hint at the grittier fuzzed out moments to follow near the end of the track. This song should guide you to picking up the group’s new album, Bones, which will be released on April 1st by Fleeting Youth Records.

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Lauren Green and the Old is New

lrnMany of you are surely (hopefully) aware of Lauren Green, one of the lead songwriters behind Austin/New Mexico act, Mirror Travel. While she just released Cruise Deal (Mod Out) this last week, she also quietly released a few EPs over the last few years that may have gone unnoticed. That is unless you were Keeled Scales, who will be compiling her two EPs (Grape Perfume/Easy Spirits) into one great cassette for your listening pleasure. I put the latest of the two, Grape Perfume, below for you to sample, as I think it’s my favorite of the two. It’s great to see a different mindset and songwriting structure for someone we’ve listened to for so long. You can order the cassette right HERE…and stream one of the two EPs below.

New Jay Arner Tune

jayOkay, so perhaps I’ve been going a little post crazy this week, but there’s just been so much great pop music that I can’t turn my head away; I can’t stop posting it! My latest joy has been this great Jay Arner tune, off his forthcoming album, Jay II. Interestingly, some of it sounds like the dark synths of Blank Dogs, but other times, there’s just this simple infectious hook that plays through your mind over and over again. This new record will hit just in time for your summer pool parties on June 17th via Mint Records.

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Here’s a New Track from The Gloomies

gloomiesI’m just about wrapped up with all my “I was at SXSW” emails, and I think this track from the Gloomies is one that deserves more attention. The band has finalized touches on their debut EP, and you can tell that some polish went into crafting this number; it has this smooth R&B touch beneath the front of the mix, which creates the yearning sensation that accompanies the vocal delivery. They’ll be releasing the Blackout EP courtesy of Thrill Me Records; it hits stores on April 1st.

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Sorry I Missed This: New Western Medication

westernmedicationStill working my way through the endless SXSW emails, and hiding in there was this gem from Western Medication that hit at the end of the week while I was knee deep in Lone Star. The quartet hails from Nashville’s DIY scene, and while they’ve had a few releases, this track is celebrating the completion of their debut album. Guitars take on that dreamy circular jangle, while the vocals provide a more emphatic approach to songwriting, giving a natural energy to the tune. Honestly, this seems like the perfect progression that’s been so dear to many people’s hearts for some time, bringing pop music in a distinct direction. Look for their debut, The Entertainer’s Secret, on April 15th via Funeral Party.

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The Loom Return!

Upload_SxSW2ndSt_2012_03_16-18_40_13The Loom is a Brooklyn based band who are dear old friends of ours having played not one, but two of our SXSW shows over the years. Since that time way back in 2011, I haven’t heard much from lead singer John Fanning and assumed the band had called it quits. Well imagine my excitement today when I received word about a new album after a close to 5 year hiatus. Saving you anymore wordy words, I suggest you check out their new track premiering on the web today called “Fire Makes”. I’m loving this new directions from the band, seemingly trading in their folk tendencies of the past for a moreguitar heavytype of driving rock. Nice to see you again.

Here in the Deadlightswill be released on April 22nd via Crosbill Records.

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Pleased to Meet You: Gibberish

gibberishI miss the old days where I felt like the music that Animal Collective was creating was accessible; it bordered on pushing boundaries while still remaining sensitive to pop lovers. Lucky for me I just discovered Gibberish, a California duo. There’s an electronic element, but it turns on the swirling melody that aims for the lofty heights of pop dreaminess. This single just hit the Internet, and with it, I’m hooked on the sound. I’m pretty sure you’ll feel the same, possibly leaving you clamoring for more, so stay tuned to these pages.

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