Pleased to Meet You: The Holy

You know I’ve always got an eye on what’s going on over in Finland, particularly when it comes to the great label, Soliti. This week, news broke that the label was working with a new act, The Holy. I hadn’t heard anything from the group, or even anything about them really, until this video surfaced. It’s a band crafting a sound that I think sounds wholly unique; you’ll electronic elements, lofty vocal range, but also similarities to acts like Arcade Fire or U2 (when they were decent). Plus, they’ve created a captivating video, which, is more than a lot of “videos” that come our way. The single is officially released next week (5.3), but let’s expect a striking album in the future.


Levitation BTW: Super Furry Animals

SFA-New-1Somehow I woke up today, turned my computer on, and suddenly realized that Levitation Festival is going down this weekend. I suppose with all us ATH members being so dang busy over the last month or so, we fell asleep and failed on our pre-coverage. Well today that changes with our first band to watch feature spotlighting veteran Welsh band Super Furry Animals. Follow the jump for some brief personal thoughts and a video or two.

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Blasting Rock from Frail

12472803_1674740646109481_2095567835399816333_nTell your ears to hold on, the distortion level runs high with Frail. But, that being said you’re likely to fall in love with the band’s blend of melody and heavy riffs. There’s some resemblance to Teenage Fanclub (or Growl if you’re in Austin), though these guys play a bit louder, and perhaps a bit more youthful. Sounds like they just want to turn their guitars up as loud as possible and invite you have a bit of fun with them. This tune appears on the band’s forthcoming debut EP, which will be released on May 13th via Fleeting Youth Records.

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Show Preview: Bent Shapes @ Mohawk (4.26)

13002472_1743728915872333_1976087033947776178_oI looked at the Austin schedule for Tuesday night, and there’s no where you need to be more than at Mohawk to catch Bent Shapes. They’re touring on the back of their recent release Wolves of Want (Slumberland Records), which has gotten praise from all the Internet heavies. They’ve got this blend of pop-rock that’s so infectious you can’t find a way to turn it off. Plus, the show’s relatively early, so you can still make it home in time to catch some zzz’s. Joining the band will be local up-and-comers, Ponyboy and the Horsegirls and perennial indiepoppers, Rose Selavy.

Doors to the show are at 8 PM, and your presence is required.

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Brand New Plantation Band Tune + Album Announcement

PhotosDid I tell you that RayRay and I are some old school country boys? Well, one of my favorite things about the genre is the tradition of storytelling and matters of the heart, which I think is a central theme that runs through the music of Plantation Band. I’m really excited for you all to hear their debut album, Most Intellectual, which will be released on May 27th via our ATH Records label (pre-order HERE). But, one can’t have an album announcement without bringing out another great country-style ballad, so I’ve included one below for your enjoyment.

The band will be playing at Cheer Up Charlies on June 1st to celebrate the release of Most Intellectual.

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Bright Pop From Dentist

untitledOn a dreary Monday, it always helps so give yourself a little big of bright pop music to bring up your moods. Today that inspiration can best be provided by Asbury Park based band Dentist and their new single “Awful”. Though the song lyrics and subject matter seem to be a bit negative, the overall feeling of the song comes across as sunny and infectious. I believe this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Dentist will dropCeilingson June 24th via Little Dickman Records.

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Digging on Party of One

partyofoneEvery once in awhile you come into a track that does something, changes your outlook on the day, makes you smile or ultimately just begs you to come back and listen to it time and time again. As soon as I pressed play on this new Party of One single, I got just that; it has this sort of stuttering bounce to it, with a vocal hook that’s really hard to pull yourself away from. I think the production wins out too. The guitars sound perfect, but not overly done, letting the voice meld perfectly with their rhythm. It’s almost punk rock, but not quite. You’ll dig it. This song will be out on the band’s new LP, Streetside Surprise, coming out later this year via Weiner Records.

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New Tetherball Tune

tetherballSteve Voss, aka Tetherball, is aiming for a ridiculously ambitious 2016, promising to release six EPs in a year’s span. He’s currently working the cycle for Physical Violins, constructed entirely by the man himself. You’ve got to respect that process alone, but what’s even more astounding is how the song below sounds like it’s been crafted after time well-spent in the studio. Hooks are in the right place, the vocals land exactly where they’re supposed to, and it all grabs the listener before coming to a close. Look for this new EP on May 6th.

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Can’t Resist This New VHS Single

untitledWhen discussing genres like sludge rock or sludge punk, it seems like Violent Human System, shortened to VHS, need to be in the current discussion as one of the genre’s best. We’ve posted about the band several times in the past and today we are treated yet again to another gem. This one, “Art Decay”, is a bit of a slow builder of a song which builds into this driving slacker punk song with some chanting vocals that compliment things nicely. As things build, we are treated to some killer guitar near the end leading us on our way. Nicely done gents.

Gift of Life will come out on June 17th via Suicide Squeeze Records.

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New Single from Trevor Sensor

trevorI won’t lie to you. Every time I hear Trevor Sensor, I think of Tallest Man on Earth. But, that being said, I still quite like his sound, and having seen him live, he seems to have even more of an edge to his performance and attitude. If you listen closely, you can hear brief moments where he unleashes that attitude just a touch.He also possesses a slightly grim perspective on things; it is the one thing that does set him apart, making his songs worthy of your listening enjoyment. This looks to be a one-off digital single being released by Jagjaguwar on May 27th.

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