Droning Rock from Earring

earringIt’s really hard to classify Earring, and I should probably steer clear of trying in the first place. That being said, those of you who find yourselves interested in droning noise and shoegaze will likely find your ears pleased. The band have crafted a dark wall of sound, and within that wall, deep coated vocals drift atop the mix. There’s a great deal of restraint shown by the band too, pulling back throughout the track in order to maximize the emotional appeal within the song. This song appears on the band’s new Tunn Star LP, which is being released on June 10th via Fire Talk.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/258530265″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

The Megaphonic Thrift Makes Its Way to the USA

megaphonicIt’s been a rather big year for The Megaphonic Thrift, winning all sorts of awards in their homeland, Norway. But, there’s still the US market left to conquer, which should be easier now that the band has signed on with Old Flame Records to release Sun Stare Sound on this side of the pond. Their sound reminds me a lot of the tunes of early Stars, playing upon the dynamic interchange between male and female vocalists. I will say there’s a little more detail added to the songs too, giving a more artistic touch to theircraftsmanship. Look for the band to make waves when the album comes out later on this year.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/225075537″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Pics: Operators @ Sidewinder (4/13)

OperatorsDan Boeckner has been providing ATH with amazing songs for a long time. Wolf Parade, Handsome Furs, Divine Fits and, now, Operators. Teaming up with Sam from Divine Fits and a multi-instrumtalist in Devojka to create dance pop with an edge to it that allows for a broad audience share. Rager? Done. Dark wave? Done. RayRay and I were pretty jacked to see this project. Operators brought Bogan Via along with locals Boss Battle opening.

Click through for pics and notes…

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Slack Capital Release Tonight @ Barracuda !!!

Album Cover_Online VersionBy now I hope you’ve heard that ATH Records has teamed up with Big Bill to curate the excellent Slack Capital Compilation! We put the digital version out last week, but tonight at Austin’s Barracuda, we’ll be celebrating the physical release! Buy your way in, you get a copy of the CD, with proceeds going to Anthropos Arts…a foundation helping underprivileged youth get lessons in music. It means a lot to me personally to be part of this…on both the musical front and the charity front. You love Austin music? This is where to be tonight! Doors open at 8 PM.

Here’s the line-up:

9:00–Critical Dad
10:30–Que Pasa
11:15–Sailor Poon
12:00–Annabelle Chairlegs

9:30–Tough Age
10:15–Pollen Rx
11:00–Basketball Shorts
11:45–Big Bill
12:30–David Liebe Hart

Stream Slack Capital :

Announcing Young Girls Party Blood LP

2016-01-25 Young Girls Party Blood Final FRONT SMALLThose of you who weren’t checking the Internet yesterday might have missed this announcement, so I wanted to be sure you knew we’ve officially announced the release of the new LP from Young Girls. This record follows up their excellent self-titled EP (which we also put out), but I think you’ll be amazed at just how complete the trio sounds on Party Blood. Like the best tunes, every song begs to be played on repeat, like the single below. Pete’s got those churning guitar licks and the Mr. Dudek’s drums pound furiously til the end. Pre-order for the record is HERE, or just grab it on May 20th when it meets the rest of the world.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/257521985″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Check the New Troller Video

holodeckI won’t lie to you; I completely should have been on the ball giving more love to Troller. Their one of the great bands in Holodeck‘s stable, bringing some of the most interesting electronic music in town to the masses. Troller just released Graphic, which is a darkened collection of lush synth-pop tracks, including this standout, “Storm Maker.” The video matches the feeling of the song, unfolding various images as the vocals dance around in the atmosphere. If you’re smart, you’ll get your hands on the LP right away.

Troller – Storm Maker from HOLODECK on Vimeo.

New Music from Chief Ghoul

chiefI was really into the spooky folk tunes that Chief Ghoul gave out last year, and in fact covered him quite frequently. Now, as he preps a brand new album, Damned, Lee Miles, has unleashed a single to get you interested. It’s almost a jangly country ballad, using steady strumming support Miles’ voice, which often takes on those darkened tin-can tones. He’s like the poorman’s Tallest Man, and in that, seems like a lot more soul in every note he sings. Keep an eye out for news on the LP; you’ll likely find it here.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/241061167″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Fresh Single from Mock Orange

mockorangeThere’s this band that time seems to have forgotten, except on my iTunes, named the Glands. It’s this blend of folk and indie rock, filled with melodies and hooks that never escaped my heart. Now, here’s Mock Orange, filling in that gap, using these little elements of math-y rock and muddied indie grooves. I’m really excited to hear their full-length, Put the Kid on the Sleepy Horse; it’s being released by Topshelf Records on May 20th. This has the potential to make a lot of folks happy for a very long time. Are you one of those?

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/242970514″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Kevin Morby – Singing Saw

Rating: ★★★★☆

Kevin Morby has been making albums under his own name for a few years now, and with each release, this brand of Americana-influenced rock seems to grow and take a more definite shape. Singing Saw is his third full length on his own, and its nine tracks of delightful folk rock, well orchestrated and complex, haunting and lingering in their construction.

The album eases you in gently, with Morby at his quietest with Cut Me Down, but then picks up quickly with infectious single, I Have Been To The Mountain. Opening things up, you get the impression that Morby is picking up where he left off with his last release, Still Life, which came out in 2014. This track has got that stewing darkness that centers around Morbys smoky vocals, akin to what you found on that last record with tracks like Drowning, but where this song nails down the difference is the way in which Cut Me Down, starts and stops, creating newfound drama. Morby looks you in the eyes as he takes his stance and proclaims And youre going to do/what you came here to do/ So why not do it now/cut me down. This kind of welcome confrontation adds a bit of a punch behind the folk blend.

Such a lyrical punch is mirrored in the instrumentation on the next track as the first track begins to pick up in pace before the second track makes its entrance. I Have Been To The Mountain, is an exceptional songone that makes you want to dance as well as marvel at how detailed it is. Theres this brooding darkness underneath the groove that comes from the string work and the acoustic guitar that begin the track and then simmer underneath through its duration. To balance this darkness, there are the popping horns that chime in and the gospel choir Ahhs that intercede and combine with Morbys vocals.

Singing Saw, the title track, follows up on the dark undercurrents of the previous number, the licks of guitar snarling through the mix like flames of a growing fire. However, this song doesnt just stay in one place, but picks up strength as it goes. Theres so much going on here, and yet, each instrument and vocal note feels precisely placed as the number builds and builds. The rest of the album keeps surprising youwhether its the bouncy Dorothy, the gentle, lyrically driven Black Flowers or ending blues-inspired Water, you remain with Morby to the very end.

What sets Singing Saw apart from your average folk rock is that does both the quiet and bombastic tracks superbly welltheres never a dull moment on the album. The brevity of the nine songs works to hold your attention and keep you rooted in their fine craftsmanship. You ought to take a listen.


New Music from Crooked Bangs

971692_597319410321111_1888716397_nFeel like it’s been a minute since I’ve heard fresh music from Crooked Bangs, but that changed with they quietly unleashed a new tune yesterday. I dig the sound here for sure, bordering on blistering punk, yet holding onto a little sensibility from a few other genres that are uniquely blended together. Cymbals crash into your ears, the vocals seem indifferent until they take on a more forceful tone, making the whole song work together. Not sure on a full release or anything, but I’ll take this rocker for today.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/258884900″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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