Show Pics: Nada Surf @ The Parish (5/27)

Nada Surf 17I was allowed to kick off my holiday weekend with some fun show bidness. After morning rain, a cold front blew through to give us a nice evening and I had spots to go take in Nada Surf at The Parish. When I have several separate circles of friends at the show, it warms your humidity-laden heart.

Click through. I have plenty of pics from the night and a few thoughts including some on the openers, The Misteries.

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ATX Spotlight: Listen to Roofs

roofsSometimes great music slips under the radar, especially in Austin where it seems like everyone is in one or two bands, at least until they all move to the thriving metropolis of Lockhart. But, lately I’ve been jamming to the recently released album from Roofs, which was recorded by Michael Landon (Estuary). It’s really hard to pigeonhole Oh Look at Us Go, which is a good thing, as each track runs in a similar vein, though with enough variance to keep the entirety of the listen moving forward. Voice Academy is supposed to have a cassette release of this, but for now, listen to this track, and be sure to take a listen to the rest of the LP.

Classic Alternative Sound from The Valery Trails

valeryPart Australia, part Texas…that’s the story of The Valery Trails. Their sound, well, it’s going to take you back to classic 90s radio sounds, filled with a solid melody and distorted guitars. The chorus of “you are ok, we are ok,” is catchy too, so you’ll have something to sink your teeth into while you jam this one. Think of bands like REM or maybe a happier Dinosaur Jr and you’ll no right where this group stands. They’ll release their new LP, Chameleon Bones, on August 5th, so look to the end of your summer for this rad release.

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New Album Coming from Ryley Walker

ryleyWhile Ryley Walker is only becoming a household name for many, he’s been quite busy since his stardom burst through with Primrose Green. Today comes new that he’ll be issuing a new record with Dead Oceans, Golden Sings That Have Been Sung, on August 19th. Musically, he’s still an exploratory artist, taking on the space his guitar has crafted, adding in varying textures of percussion and further guitar accompaniment. His vocal delivery seems steadying, but almost inserted as an afterthought, wordplay inserted to keep your attention as the song’s changing patterns unfold. There’s always more than meets the ear in his work, so bring your careful listens to this 6 minute jam.

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More Music from California Snow Story

1300_1104601302925014_3769517267500157304_nWe tossed out the first single from California Snow Story not too long ago, but the release date kind of slipped by under the radar, so we should revisit now that there’s a new single and the release date has come! This song’s success lives in the trade-off between male and female vocal performances, and the rest, well, that succeeds on the careful craftsmanship that David Skirving has always placed in his songs. You can grab the new album, Some Other Places, right now from the ultra-reliable Shelflife Records.

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Fresh Indiepop from Stephen’s Shore

I’ve been down and out with the weather the last few days, so it’s great to be back, and what better way to make my splash than to bring you this indiepop gem from Stephen’s Shore. Shimmering guitars turn in your ears, and there’s just a hint of haze coating the vocals as they swirl through the rest of the mix. You want a precise bit of great indiepop? You’re not going to find a better one this week…at least until I do. Look for this track on a new 7″ coming out this summer from Cloudberry Records.

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Up-and-Comer: DYAN

dyanDYAN is a three piece that are making music out of LA, but from their sound, you wouldn’t know it. What I mean by that is that I expect all LA bands to be sunny/jangly rock, and though that is a naive assumption, I still get a little surprised when the sound is melancholic and quiet. But”St. James,” is the kind of track that will make your day and then get you super stoked as to what will come next from the band. It’s a minimalistic dream pop song that spotlights the rich and smooth vocals of Alexis Marsh as they provide a glossy layer of lush beauty over the whole tune. Truly, this is a wonderful tune, and I’ll be on the lookout for more from them.


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Impressive New Single From ARMS

13100819_10154095561593328_1209908726262583798_nSomehow through my terrible absent mindedness I’ve missed the boat on some new singles from Brooklyn based Todd Goldstein and his new project known as ARMS. Now some of you may recognize Todd’s name as he used to play guitar and write some songs in now disbanded Brooklyn band Harlem Shakes. Already knowing his way around a pop song or two, Todd started making some music on his own and has released quite a few singles in anticipation of a new album. His most recent single, “Missing”, can be found below. It’s a nice bit of pop music that meanders a little bit as it builds toward an explosive and fist pump worthy finale. I thought you might enjoy.

Patterns will be out on June 3rd via Paper Garden Records.

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Slightly Late To The Party: Hidden Charms

hiddenThis song has got party vibes all over it– perfect for a Friday on a holiday weekend. Hidden Charms, out of London, are making 70’s disco alt rock, with just enough bounce to get those body rolls going in full force. “Cannonball,” the song below, may be a week old in internet land, but it’s worth a listen for sure, as these gentlemen are going to break into the limelight soon if they keep making tracks like this. I’m digging the vocal exchange between the main and the backing, falsetto “la-las.” The percussion on the song keeps it groovy, and a the bass line is prominent in the mix. It’s a great song that will get you ready for the rest of your day, or the long weekend ahead. Party on.

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Gritty Rocker From Yung

unnamed-44Denmark’s Yung are doing their damnedest to make their way into your heart before the release of their upcoming debut record, A Youthful Dream, which is coming out soon on Fat Possum Records. Their latest effort to win you over comes in the form of “Commercial” another single from that record, which is a rambunctious and riled up rock track. The first thing you hear is a gritty and crunchy guitar riff before the hazy vocals join the mix. The whole track is fairly lo fi, far from a clean sound, but it’s this fuzz that makes the song so endearing. Take a listen and then go pre-order their upcoming record, which will be out June 10th.



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