New Music from Heliotropes

heliotropesIf I were you, I’d listen closely to this new song from Heliotropes; it’s the sort of rock n’ roll with just the right pop sensibility and shimmering edges to be your favorite track for the next few weeks. It almost sounds like a dream pop single, but the band don’t enforce the typical bits of expansive reverb and atmospherics, instead offering up an honest track. The only downfall? It might be just 30 seconds too short, but that’s only because I want this song to last forever. Look for the band to release Over There That Way on July 15th via The End Records.

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Single Premiere: Apartment 3

IMG_2896After enjoying their last single “Winter is Over” for the last month or so, I was more than excited to share another new track from Vermont based band Apartment 3 today. Entitled, “Sunshine”, the latest track from the band offers some serious bite to it. What does that mean exactly? Well, from the second you hit play, your ears will be blasted with a wall of guitars and a heaviness best described in my own words as “hell yeah”. As Nathan mentioned earlier, this is a band sure to be on the rise moving forward. We’ll drop more details on future releases as we receive them.

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Ne-HI Sign to Grand Jury

nehiThe Chicago scene is getting louder, at least it seems to have had a recent reemergence in the indie blogs, at least with the fandom of Twin Peaks…and now Ne-Hi. The group has just signed on to work with Grand Jury for their next release, and in the meantime, they’ve tossed up a new track to tease us until the record is done. While the song has a bit of a noisy blasting style, I think my favorite part is when the whole song pulls back around the 2 minute mark for a softer approach; it’s a nice dynamic that elevates the song. We’ll keep you posted on the band’s release going forward.

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Show Preview: Ought @ The Sidewinder (5.20)

When More Than Any Other Day came out, I was amazed that more people weren’t clamoring for Ought. They were crafting artful punk out of mundane storytelling, providing commentary on the everyday world with a unique perspective that I, honestly, have found nearly unmatched. Then they offered up Sun Coming Down, which piqued a bit more interest, but still hasn’t garnered them the fandom they deserve. So Friday, do yourself a huge favor, head to the Sidewinder and witness something you aren’t likely to see anywhere else in town, or anywhere else in the larger music community for that matter. Check out the video from their latest release on Constellation Records, and join me Friday; US Weekly and Priests will be opening…doors are at 8 PM.


More From Odonis Odonis

odonisodonisMan Odonis Odonis has picked up some heavy coverage on ATH over the years and I consider most of our writers and contributors as fans. With that said, this new track from the band features a bit of a different direction than what we’ve grown accustomed to. Sure the heavy sound is still apparent, but damn if the guys haven’t added in some crazy electronic elements similar to a band like Cold Cave or even NIN. Paired with their old flare for heavy rockers, this new electronic element is creating something truly powerful and downright badass. I’m on board for more of this.

New album Post Plague will hit stores on June 17th via Felte Records.

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Fresh Tunes from The Gotobeds

gotobedAdmittedly, I wasn’t into The Gotobeds until 12XU released the rad Poor People are Revolting in 2014; it’s a must have if you’re inclined to have a better record collection than your friends (and if you generally like rad music). In signing up with Sub Pop for the release of Blood/Sugar/Secs/Traffic, they’re not changing things up, churning out gritty riffs, raspy vocals wrapped inside a cocoon of pop sensibility. In listening to their first few singles, including this one, the sounds they’re crafting are destined to remain with listeners throughout the rest of the year…and longer; it’s no bullshit rock n’ roll of the best sort. Stoked to hear the entirety of this album, which is being released on June 10th.

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Check the New Ciggie Witch Video

Just a few weeks ago, we got the great new Ciggie Witch track up for you, ahead of the rest of our US counterparts, and now we’re at it again, bringing you the band’s new video for “Walking the Tracks.” This song is spliced up with bits from the class movie Twister (which is perfect for the weather in Texas right now). You’ll find this song on the band’s new album, Classic Connection, so enjoy watching the video, and grab the LP from Osborne Again Music on June 3rd.

Ciggie Witch – Walking The Tracks from Snowy Snowy on Vimeo.

Soak Up This Quiet Folk From Henri Bardot

henriWe’ve been having pretty constantly gloomy/rainy weather around Austin lately, and when that happens I like to lean into the mood, and jam some mellow tunes. Henri Bardot from Washington has got those chill vibes waiting for you with “Giving Up,” which is a groovy tune that centers around his mild vocals. There’s a great choral hook in this song, but it first starts with stark piano and sparse percussion, building to the chorus. Take a listen, and if you’re liking what you’re hearing, make sure you pick up Bardot’s latest album,Blue Night, which is out now.

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Stream the Young Girls Album, Party Blood

younggirlsWe’ve long been fans of Houston’s Young Girls, helping the band whenever we could, and even putting out this, their sophomore album. I’ve been waiting to share the entirety of Party Blood with you; it’s my favorite thing they’ve done, and I think you’re all just going to fall in love. We don’t need any more hyperbole though, so stream it below. If you want, order it from the ATH Records site (it comes with a free 7″ for the first few weeks).

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Pale Dian Go Dark With “Evan Evan”

12615340_1101543239877021_401735207472384011_oAustin’s own Pale Dian have been making waves with their dark shoe-gaze music, and so I’m excited to share that they’ve put out another single that doubles down on this darkness. “Evan Evan” is a five minute spiral in to layer upon layer of twangy and gritty guitars. The vocals are angelic for the verses, and then turn menacing with a bit of bite for the choruses. This song is excellent, and you’ll find yourself revisiting it throughout the day. Pale Dian are just about to hit the road on tour, so make sure you see if you can catch them anytime soon.And make sure to keep your ears perked for their upcoming record,Narrow Birth, which is out June 3rd fromManifesto Records.

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