Weirdo Nost-Pop From Trudy and the Romance

trudyWhen the genre tag on the track you’ve just clicked on is “mutant 50s Pop,” you know that you’re in for a treat, and even though this track may be a few days old, it’s worth your time. Oddly enough, this tag really fits this track from Liverpool’s Trudy and the Romance. “He Sings,” takes the old school attributes and really exaggerates them– the vibrato on the vocals is exceptionally audible, and these vocals are also distorted and fuzzy. The drums are a little jazzy, and the guitars build the song to its creepy and wild climax. Make sure you take a listen to this track and get with these lads from Liverpool.

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Show Review: Wild Nothing @ The Mohawk (05/16)

Wild Nothing, or the project of Jack Tatum, is a genre band. What I mean to say is that each of his studio albums explores a different sub genre of indie rock. Gemini saw Tatum trying his hand at jangly guitars and bedroom synths, Nocturne was a 70s disco piece with plenty to dance to. His latest effort, Life of Pause, which came out earlier this year, was a wall-of-sound piece that combined the past genres into a more straightforward rock sound. Going into Monday night, I was interested in seeing how the band would weave these sounds into a their live setting, and I was far from disappointed. Read on after the jump.

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ATX Spotlight: New Music from Wildfires

wildfiresA year after releasing the well-received Aguas Frescas EP, Austin’s Wildfires are back to bring you Aguas Frescas Part II. They tossed this new single up recently, and I highly recommend you give it a listen. I really love the vocals on this track; they’re not overdone, and they have this slightly drizzled/hazy quality that’s quite endearing. Musically, there’s a feeling of pleasant meandering that courses through the song, a sense of learning, which would fit with the EPs themes of growing older and reflecting upon life’s great meaning. The more I play it, the more I love it. You can hear it below, and look for the release of the AF Part II on August 26th.

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Promising New Track From Nail Polish

unnamed (8)Many of you are likely unfamiliar with NYC based band Nail Polish since they currently only have one EP release under their belt. I’m starting to think that will be changing here soon after you check out this promising new track “Stay Gone”. The new single brings to mind similar groups like Wavves or even some of the punkier elements from a band like So So Glos. I’m sure we’ll be hearing a lot more about Nail Polish in the future. Those of you interest in a free download of the song can head over to the Illuminasty Records site for a pay what you want type deal.

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More from PEMA

pemaJust a few weeks ago we dropped a tune your way from Alex Cohen, who many people will know from her work with Austin’s Alex Napping. But…don’t confuse this, as PEMA is her pop-centric new project, where she’s really stretching herself to find a new place for her voice. For this number, she enlisted producer LAZ3NBY to work behind the buttons. The product is a place where you likely haven’t heard Alex go, but if that’s the case, or if this is your first introduction, your’e going to be enamored with the end product. Vocals are looped back in to provide background while Alex’s voice rises to the front of the mix; I like the restraint on the beats, allowing Cohen to shine. Look for her PEMA debut, Doublethink, via Wishy Washy on June 3rd.

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Brand New Ballad from Amy Blaschke

amyblaschkeThe opening fifteen seconds of this track immediately grabbed me; it was one of those moments that made me want to hear what came next, which in the case of Amy Blaschke, was an incredible vocal performance. There’s something nostalgic in her voice, something that recalls a time in my earlier childhood listening to folk records with my dad. This tune is perfected by extra little notes too, such as backing vocals and what I believe were chimes…the careful touch of production in the studio makes this ballad really shine. Look for her new effort, Breaking the Blues, on July 1st.

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Enjoy New Sonny & the Sunsets

sonnyI think it’s time we all give credit to Sonny Smith, leader of Sonny & the Sunsets. For six “official” albums and countless other releases/projects he constantly is redefining his sound. While I have my personal favorites, I’m really stoked on his new approach. On this single, it seems like it’s a crash of new-wave style and the Television Personalities, so I can clearly get behind that sound. It’s interesting, yet still has some of the same stylistic approaches all Smith records wear; it’s great to move and change. His new LP, Moods Baby Moods, comes out on May 27th via Polyvinyl Records.

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Meet Beef Jerk…the Newest from Trouble in Mind

8574_10152135614239724_1253391926_nIf you pay attention to our little site here, it should come as no surprise that we follow the work of Trouble in Mind Records pretty closely; I always rave about their bands. They just announced that they’ll be working with Beef Jerk, an act from Sydney. While the sound has a similar ringing to that of their country’s comrades, they’ve got a bit more energy in their riffs, letting the guitar hit hard while the vocals sit back behind in the mix. The band doesn’t slow down, they push the pace, push the listener, all the way until the abrupt end of the track. It’s a great introduction to an act on one of our favorite labels. You can pre-order the TragicHERE, or pick it up at your local shop on July 8th.

Shiny Pop From The Velveteins

unnamed (6)When listening to this new song by Edmonton based The Velveteins, I certainly wouldn’t have guessed that the guys are from north of the border. Doesn’t this sound more like a band who would hail from somewhere like Brighton? Regardless of where they hail from, this new single “Hanging From the Ceiling” is a bit of bright and shiny pop music full of doo wops and just a hint of slacker rock thrown in for good measure. I’m down.

The Velveteins will releasetheir new EP A Hot Second With the Velveteins on May 27th via Fierce Panda.

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Video Premiere: Summer Salt

It’s been a pretty special year for Summer Salt, booking a couple of great tours and releasing their Going Native EP recently with us here at ATH Records. They just tossed us us this great video for the track, “Summer Salt,” and the video encompasses everything I love about the band, aside from the fact that it’s just a hands-down, great song. This three-o are all about crafting really incredible melodies, but they’re also about enjoying themselves. You can see their tight-knit attitude in the video, yet it also shows they’re goofy side. They’re out there playing the songs they love, willing to have fun with each other in a style that’s endearing to all. If you haven’t gotten into the band yet…well, what are you waiting for? Still a few copies of their Going Native EP available HERE.

And, if you’re in the Austin area, they have an incredible show with some of our other faves, Growl and Flesh Lights. Read more on it HERE.


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