ATX Spotlight: Star Parks

12717670_447276908797074_8975241183673572550_nWhile we all know that Austin is one of the best places to find new up-and-comers in the realm of indie music, it’s nice when you come across a band that really solidifies this notion. Today, that band is Star Parks, who make dream pop with americanainfluences that will melt your heart. The band is about to release their album,Don’t Dwell, this Friday, but before then, you should get acquainted with the band’s sweet sound with “Loose Ends.” There’s definitely a Dr. Dog-vibe going on here, but I’m liking the way the band really builds into the sound, and the vocals compel the track to its various levels. It’s the kind of song the makes you want to get out of your chair and dance around the room, which you’ll be hard pressed not to do, especially when those horns hit late in the track. Take a listen and then preorder their pretty blue record fromPaper Trail Records.

Enjoy New LUKA

lukaThere’s something so simply perfect in the LUKA track that’s been spreading throughout the Internets today. I mean, the song’s really almost a spoken-word piece, affected slightly by a quiet bit of guitar and percussion working beneath the vocals. The lyrics even have an easy honesty, although the content might be a tad bit painful. What’s best? You can’t turn your ears away…the perfect bit of pop. His album, Summon Up a Monkey King, is being released on Yellow K Records, who’ve already had a banner year on their own; it comes out on June 24th.

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More From Bird of Youth

unnamed (4)Nate dog shared with you guys a new song from Brooklyn based Bird of Youth and I’ve got another irresistible track from the band for you today. This new song entitled “Bitter Filth” is yet another tune from the band that is sure to up your energy levels and make even the lamest person want to rock. Seriously, I don’t see how anyone could deny the infectious sound of this track. Go ahead, deny it. I dare you.

New album, Get Off, will drop on May 20th via Kiam Records.

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Another Piece of Pop from Supermoon

supermoonNext week we’ll finally be able to get our hands on what sounds to be a delightful release from Supermoon. They’ve just unleashed another of the tunes off their forthcoming release, and it’s a doozy. There’s this indifferent vocal delivery that dominates the tune, almost in a disinterested punk sort of way; it matches the vibe of the darkly tinted guitar work too. But, beware, as a flow of pop hides deep within the tune, which of course is my favorite moment here. Playland is going to be joyous in an unexpected sort of way; look for it via Mint Records on May 20th.

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ATH Records + Fleeting Youth = Basketball Shorts

bballshortsWe’ve been keeping ourselves pretty busy this year with our various releases on ATH Records, so we aim to keep that up, at least for the time being. We’ve teamed up with our good friends over at Fleeting Youth Records to release a super special limited edition LP from Austin’s Basketball Shorts; Hot and Ready will come on clear vinyl with smoky blue swirls…a run of 350 split across the three participating parties. The band have long been a favorite of the Austin scene, blasting pop punk jams in your face whenever they take the stage. This is their debut LP, and we couldn’t be more excited for you to hear it. Pre-Order is up; it’ll ship on or before July 12th.

New Music from Tomorrows Tulips

tomorrows_tulips_-_indy_rock_royalty_comb_cover__sm_3Been a weird few days for me, which is where this new track from Tomorrows Tulips fits into my world. It’s simple in about every possible way; the guitar just hangs out there, meandering through your speakers, vocals dripped atop the mix and percussion just plodding along. Still, something about it found its way into my mind, and I loved the band’s last full-length effort, so I’m interested to see where the rest of their forthcoming iNdy rock royalty comb ep goes. It’s being released by Burger Records, and doesn’t hurt that Calvin Johnson recorded it, so grab it HERE.

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David Bazan Still Has It

bazan1While meandering around the internet yesterday, I went into a Pedro the Lion/David Bazan wormhole and came out with information about a new LP from Bazan coming out this Friday. I have no idea what pile of rocks I’ve been under to miss out on this news, but Bazan is so important to my musical history that I’ll be sharing his music regardless of timeliness. The new album I previously mentioned is really more of a collection of songs which saw release on 7″ vinyl last spring via Bazan’s monthly series in 2 volumes. The songs have been reworked, fleshed out, and some have even been redone completely. As a preview, I found this new song “Kept Secrets” on soundcloud yesterday. As always, prepare to be amazed, entranced, and possibly broken down emotionally.

Blanco will hit stores this Friday, May 13th. Pre-order now via Undertow.

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Hazy Mellow Tunes from Nassau

nassauI like the simplicity of this new track from New York duo, Nassau. There’s a trickling bit of percussive loops that opens the track, serving as a brief prelude to the meandering guitar work that dominates the rest of the song. My ears love that you can hear the slight buzz of the guitar string being plucked lightly.You’ll hear a hazy vocal, almost sounding weary and forlorn, yet in that, it’s also settling…at least in its familiarity. On June 23rd, the band will release the Hoss EP via Fire Talk Records…let it trickle in.

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Brand New Spook School

You know The Spook Schoolis one of my favorite bands of the moment. I quietly (or not so) tracked the band all around town during SXSW, even throwing a couple of shows together, just so they’d have a happy home. Well, news breaks today that the band have a brand new couple of songs appearing on the Continental Drift Compilation via Slumberland and Fortuna Pop. They’re debuting it via video, which is perfect, as you can clearly sense the band’s enjoyment/humor coming through in the clips; it’s one of the things that also makes them such a special live band. Look for the compilation in August…but for now, just relish in the fact that great pop bands still exist. Also, sorry for the over-abundance of FPop stuff today, but when you got it, you got it.


Single Premiere: Residuels

unnamed (3)My old friend Mike, formerly of Night Panther, pointed me towardsthis new project of his the other day. Going by the name Residuels, the group play their very own version of garage inspired, guitar heavy rock and roll music. Today I’m pleased to share with you their rockin’ new single entitled “Ordinary”. I’m immediately having this image of a snarling lead singer with a backing band who are keeping the energy levels turned to 11. Impressive debut guys.

This song is part of a 7″ single release on vinyl which can be purchased from Born Losers Records here right now. Official ship date is Friday, May 13th.

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