Brighten Your Monday With Pink Mexico

unnamed-29-1-690x690It’s obvious at this point that when a band signs to Burger Records out of NYC they are going to be of the highest quality. This is yet again proven by the recent signing of Pink Mexico and the debut of their new single “Forgetting Everything”. I can assure you that this song will make even the dullest of Mondays a little bit brighter and full of life. Anyone else hearing a bit of a Tiger Waves comparison here?

Burger Records will release the new Pink Mexico album entitled Fool on June 24th.

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Festival Recap: Day 3 of Primavera Sound

Photo by Eric Pamies

Photo by Eric Pamies

Last Saturday in Barcelona was the last day of the main festival of Primavera Sound. For me, while day three was still filled with big names to catch on its program, was definitely the underdog of the day-by-day breakdown, but it turned out to be possibly my favorite day. I caught classic acts in new ways and newer acts in classic ways. Follow the jump for coverage of the last main day of the 16th edition of Primavera Sound.

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Nice Electronica From Brodet

13307337_583887571787361_4607132715974937850_nMany of you know that songs such as this one from Brodet aren’t usually my bag, but sometimes the right song comes along and I’m swayed. This one is called “Ultra Friend” and is a sort of murkey and dark bit of pop music. Think bands like The Knife or Fever Ray and you’d be pretty close to the sounds created here. My apologies to the band, my computer won’t let my type or copy an umlaut for some reason….

Expect a new EP from Brodet in September.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Young Girls Record Release @ Cheer Ups (7/10)

Young Girls

Young Girls

Date Friday, June 10th
Location Cheer Up Charlies
Doors Happy Hour 4-8pm, bands after
Tickets $3 for 21+ & $10 for minors

This Friday at Cheer up Charlies is a celebration of a lot of hard work by everyone involved in the release of Young Girls new album Party Blood. I know ATH considers Young Girls as more than just label mates at this point and more like good friends. So come out and support us and support our band as they play you some sweet tunes. This is truly an ATH Records show as support is provided by Shivery Shakes, Quiet Kids, and Rose Selavy. Hell and it’s cheap too.

Stream the new album in full below and buy a copy here. Facebook event page here.

[bandcamp width=400 height=120 album=3267715586 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=63b2cc tracklist=false artwork=small]


Hear This Dark Building Track From Alex Cameron

alex cameronWhen I first hit play on this track from Alex Cameron‘s newest video for the track, “Take Care of Business,” I’ll admit that it took me a bit of time before I could really get into this minimalistic approach to dark pop. It’s a definite grower of a song, so you’ll need to have patience when you listen to this one, and make sure you hold on to the end, where the instrumentation picks up, and the sinister vocal growl of Cameron really becomes a croon. He’s releasing his Secretly Canadian debut later this year calledJumping The Shark, and his hitting the road with the likes of big names like Angel Olsen and Mac Demarco, so you should probably keep your ears peeled for more from this gentleman. Watch the video below.





Straight Rock From Avers

unnamed (2)Richmond based rockers Avers have dropped a few singles recently, but none as high in quality as this new one “Santa Anna”. For starters, I told you guys yesterday that I’d be filling your summer playlist this week and here’s yet another one to add to the list. This one is a summer driving rock n roll song reminiscent of lo-fi indie rock bands like Warm Soda. I just added it to my summer playlist and I recommend you do the same.

Avers will drop Omega/Whatever on July 29th via Egghunt Records.

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Nice Rocker From The Britanys

unnamed (1)Many folks in the music world are crowing New York rock band The Britanys as saviors to rock n roll music in an industry increasingly filled with DJs and electronica. Now I’m not sure I’m ready to call them the next Strokes, but I do rather enjoy their music. Maybe you will enjoy it as well when you listen to this new single from the guys entitled “Get My”. Funny thing is, the new single was produced by legendary producer Gordon Raphael who produced The Strokes ground breaking debut This is It. The guys will also be working with Raphael on an upcoming EP. Stay tuned.

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Welcome to the Party The Paranoid Style

unnamedElizabeth Nelson is a songwriter who works under the band name The Paranoid Style. While Nelson earned some underground critical praise last year, she is ready to explode on the scene with her debut LP Rolling Disclosure. To preview her upcoming album, one can check out this debut single “Common Emergencies” from her debut. I’m strongly reminded by Jenny Lewis here with the distorted guitar and take no prisoners vocal style. That’s definitely a good thing.

Rolling Disclosure will drop on July 15th via Bar/None Records.

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Festival Recap: Day 2 of Primavera Sound 2016

Photo by Eric Pamies

Photo by Eric Pmies

A nine hour flight turned twelve hour flight prevented me from posting this yesterday as planned, but travel woes aside I’m still living in the past weekend in Barcelona. Friday, the second day of the festival, was every bit as jam packed as the first day of Primavera Sound, with the promise, once again, of a huge name in the rock world at the spotlight of the day. As someone who calls herself a casual Radiohead fan, I’ll admit I was fairly stoked to see what the band had in store for their headlining evening at Parc Del Forum, but they weren’t the only exciting moment that Friday had in store for festival goers. Read on to hear some of the highlights and see some pictures from Day 2.

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Stream Tincho’s Nos Vemos EP

TINCHO-PROMO-PICA couple of weeks ago I shared with you guys a new single from up and coming Seattle based outfit Tincho and many of you have requested to hear more. Well today your wishes are granted with a stream of Tincho’s entire new EP Nos Vemos! I’ve already shared my comparisons with my previous posts so now I simply recommend that you spend some time with this 5 song album today. I promise you won’t regret it.

You can also get a download of the EP for only $2 over on bandcamp. $2 only!

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3579354903 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=63b2cc tracklist=false artwork=small]

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