Premiere: New Mumrunner Single

sputnikcover-900x900Something incredible always seems to pop out of Finland, and it’s usually through the hard work of the folks at Soliti Records; today we’ve got a new one from the label’s stable, Mumrunner. This tune walks the line between indiepop and dreamy indie, featuring feuding guitar lines and gentle vocals. There’s some nice little high-hat accents too, which shows the care the band put into the recording of this new track. You should definitely listen for the tension that builds just before the 2.5 minute mark, releasing a great wash of cascading pop beauty. Their new EP is titled Gentle Slopes and will see a release on September 9th worldwide.

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Stream Video Age’s Living Alone

videoA bunch of my friends were suggesting I get on this Video Age album right away when it bounced out yesterday; Living Alone is officially released today! If you’re looking for a dosage of great pop, then look no further, as this record is about as fun as it gets. “Dance Square” is a synth laden club-like hit, while other tracks like “Throwing Knives” or “Love Sick” pull in the dreamier side of pop music. Just something fun to spend your time with before you go out for the weekend. Grab it now from Inflated Records.

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Short Fuzz Pop from Navy Gangs

navygangsThis short number is getting at me right now. It’s a fuzzy pop number, but there’s like this underlying sadness lurking beneath it, or at least alluded to by the song’s title and the emotional feeling. Vocals lurk just behind the guitar chords, haunting the track in a strange manner. I kind of wish that the tune went on a little longer, so it could buzz in my eardrums for just a minute or so more, but it’s great that it is so impactful in such a short span. Look for Navy Gangs to release their debut EP on September 14th via No Roads.

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Intimate Minimalism From The Saxophones

The Saxophones - Band Photo A (Jesse Littlebird Photography)Nathan gets credit for finding this gem of a track, but it’s so good I don’t even mind giving him props. The Saxophones are a two piece husband and wife duo consisting of Alexi and Alison Erenkov, who are based in Oakland. Together, they are making 50’s inspired ballads of yesterday with modern touches that will blow you away with their subtleties. This song, “New Tradition,” is simply a delight; gentle vocals and minimalist instrumentation take turns through the song. It seems like there is never really more than two sounds occupying the sound space, and yet, this track has captured my full attention– everything works together to create a Grizzly Bear meets the vocals of Mystery Jets kind of folk track where you hang on every note. Definitely give this song a listen and then go check out their newest release, If You’re On The Water EP on their Bandcamp page.


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Pop Vibes from Terribly Yours

terriblyWhat makes a song explode in the interwebs? I’m not sure exactly what it is, but I think this number from Terribly Yours is one of those tunes that will get traction once it gets in the right hands. It’s relaxed in almost every way, but there’s this playful pop texture that seems to drive the tune forward. I actually love the guitar parts that are present when the vocals step aside for a moment, driving home the song’s emotional appeal. I can’t wait to hear the entirety of A Bloom Beyond, which will finally be released this Friday!

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Listen to a New Vomitface Tune

vomitfaceListening to this new track from Vomitface, it really starts to make a lot of sense that Steve Albini got himself behind the knobs to produce it. Maybe it’s just me, but Jared Micah sounds like a young Kurt Cobain (Incesticide era)…before it was all about the wailing. The track itself has a heavier handed bit of guitar, but that allows for the softness of Micah’s voice to really create this diverse feeling that draws you deep into the song’s emotional pull. They’ll release their debut LP, Hooray for Me, on August 26th.

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Trudy and the Romance Get “Wild”

trudyandtheromanceA few months ago, I discovered the goodness that is the 50s nost-pop that is Trudy and the Romance. Hailing from Liverpool, this group of gentlemen make a certain type of pop that seems destined for summer time listening. They’ve got a new single called “Wild,” which is below, and it’s got an infectious choral hook that you’ll be singing along to in no time. The vocals are raw and of the gang variety, while the guitar parts are loose and go where the song takes them, meanwhile the bass line is positively groovy, making you start the track from the start not long after it’s over.

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New Jams from The Tigerlillies

tigerlilliesI just wanted to start today off with something that has a little bit of energy, so this new track from The Tigerlillies seems fitting. It’s just an example of good old fashioned rock n’ roll…nothing too heavy or too daring, just calling on the spirits of Bowie and the like, then turning it into modern pop fare. It all boils down to execution, and you can tell the band has worked hard to craft their sound, make it their own and now they’re ready to release their new EP. They’ve titled it 123456 EP, and it’s going to be released on September 2nd, so grab a little listen.

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So Cow Announces New Album on Jigsaw Records

socowWhen thinking about So Cow, I can’t really think of another band around that’s been able to release four albums, improving upon each release and always staying true to the sound. It’s all owed to songwriter Brian Kelly, who has decided to play all the instruments on the latest LP, Lisa Marie Airplane Tour. You can hear the history of Irish/British songwriting, personal, playful and with a little bit of ramshackle rock n’ roll; I always feel like its a better produced Television Personalities. This brand new album (the fifth full length!) will be released by Jigsaw Records on September 15th, and we’ve got this exciting new preview below for your soon-to-be happy ears.

Elegant and Quiet Folk From Chris Staples

531838_10151779890682857_391227629_nChris Staples has been crafting careful folksy tunes for quite some time now, but he has returned and is on his way to releasing another album.Golden Ageis his latest project and it’s set for release on August 19th on Barsuk Records, but for now, you can check out the latest single from that release, which is called “Park Bench.” When I first started to listen to the track, I was suddenly taken with the way that Staples’ winding lyrics perfectly compliment the simple composition of the track. As the song goes on, the song’s complexity grows, with lush string arrangements keeping the songwriter company and fully fleshing out the number. Simply put, it’s a perfect track for early mornings or quiet times in your day. So give it a spin and get lost for a moment.



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