ATX Spotlight: Genuine Leather Return

genuineleatherBands come and go in Austin, but you can stay around as long as you’re out there working hard, and often, playing your own game. This is much the case with Genuine Leather, who are set to release their 3rd LP this year; we’ve covered several of their earlier releases, so there’s no reason not to spread news on this one, especially considering the interesting fashion in which they’re choosing to release this one…a song a week for 16 weeks. This one channels a bit of Austinites Spoon, though with a bit more funk in it. I look forward to seeing where these guys go as they move forward towards the release of Brunch.

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Show Preview: Mitski @ The Sidewinder (7/2)

Mitski_EbruYildiz_31This Saturday evening, you get the chance to catch some of the most buzzed bands of 2016 in your neck of the woods at The Sidewinder. Headlining the bill is Mitski, who is riding high off the release of Puberty 2, which came out earlier this year and is turning heads with both its beauty and its gore as Mitski explores the light and dark of indie rock. Joining the bill are Japanese Breakfast and Jay Som, who both bring something special and different to the lineup. Japanese Breakfast will floor you with their perfect dream pop, while Jay Somis an artist of the self proclaimed “woozy” genre. I suggest you get there early to get the most out of your money.

Now, tickets are sold out, but doors aren’t till 8pm tomorrow, so that gives you plenty of time to scramble around and find yourself some.

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Anthemic Rocker From Avers

unnamed (2)Richmond based rock band Avers caught my ear last month and I’ve been jamming their tunes since then. Today I have for you what might be my favorite song of the band yet with this new single “Insects”. Upon initial listening, I was reminded heavily of indie rockers like Nada Surf. It meanders a bit at first and slowly builds into a truly powerful and anthemic song.

Omega/Whatever is due out July 29th via EggHunt Records.

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Grab the New EP from Tim Chaplin

timEarlier this year, Tim Chaplin released a collection of his favorite works since 1989, but lucky for you, it’s enticed Tim to write new tunes, which come to you today via his new Taxi Lights EP. It’s four brand new tracks, illustrating his studied blend of psychedelia and pop structures. I think my favorite tune is the last one, “Acid Breakdown;” I love the sound of the needle skipping in the front of the recording. Makes me feel like home. Regardless, if you enjoy what you hear, remember to give a dollar or five to Tim, as this new EP is NYOP.

Fresh Indiepop from The Holiday Crowd

holidaycrowdIt’s probably best that I start off our Friday tunes with this recent number from The Holiday Crowd, although I think a lot of us can probably put it on our nightly playlist. I mean, that guitar sound makes it hard for me not to pull a “it sounds a lot like Orange Juice” card, but come on, there couldn’t be anything better…in my opinion. It’s got a little stomp, a little shuffle, ultimately making you feel good to be alive. So happy Friday and look for the band’s next release on Shelflife sometime in the nearest future.

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