Here’s New Jenny Hval

jennyhvalIf you haven’t really spent too much time with Jenny Hval, this is actually a pretty good way to get introduced to her work. The music in this single is pretty minimal, just looping around on sampled beats. While it may be simple, it allows for her voice to really do the work on this song, and boy does it ever. She seems to have so many different tones/pitches, and they constantly seem to be delivered in a varying manner…it ends up creating sort of a beautified trance for the audience. Her new record Blood Bitch will be released on September 30th by Sacred Bones.

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Watch This Luke Roberts Video

Looks like I’m taking on some mellow tones today, and I’ll do that happily as long as it sounds like this delightful Luke Roberts tune. For me, the close work of the guitar picking creates a great feeling, and when accompanied with the video it leans towards a sensation of longing, looking to just get lost out there in the world. There’s some beautiful nature shots too, if you enjoy admiring the outdoors. This track will be featured on his new record, Sunlit Cross, which will see a release on October 14th via Thrill Jockey.

Loving this New Motel Radio Tune

motelradioFeel like at some point, I sort of digressed from the folk-influenced indie rock genre; it got tired after a bit. But, every once in a while, something peeks through and catches my ear, like this new Motel Radio tune. It’s a seemingly carefree number, hitting upon a great harmony for the duration of the track. Personally, I love the use of some of the negative space, with the way the organ/synth is used or the guitar chords are bent in just the right direction. I guess when things in a genre get bland, the only way to win new fans is to perfect the art, and I feel like the group have done precisely that. Look for their Desert Surf Films EP via Roll Call Records on August 12th.

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Flavorsound Productions Class of 2016 Premiere

flavorsavorThe last few years in Austin have seemed like a downer, everyone worrying about how the music scene here is dying. Well, I know it’s troublesome, but that’s not an Austin-centric issue. So let’s look on the bright side with Flavorsound Productions releasing a compilation of theClass of 2016. These are all acts that either got their start in 2016; you can tell by listening that while things are tough for the artists, there’s still an abundance of talented acts everywhere you look. We even have a hand in releasing a few of these acts, like Plantation Band and Mean Jolene (coming soon). Stream the whole compilation below, and see what Austin is really all about.

They’ll have a tape release of the compilation on August 12th over at Barracuda, so be on hand to get yours.

Fresh Single from Elephant Stone

elephantIt’s really interesting watching a band, such as Elephant Stone, progress through their various albums. In the beginning, it was easy to typify them as a purely psychedelic act, but this new single seems to indicate that the band has continued to progress throughout their releases; I feel like this one takes a more pop-centric exploration of the acid-house of late 90s Britain. It’s got a great melody, but often times it’s purposefully obscured by slicing guitars, vocal samples and synth washes. This single appears on the group’s new record Ship of Fools, which sees a digital release in September and a physical LP via Burger Records in November.

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Bright New Single From Snowglobe

8919019_1_origMany thanks are due to local Austin label Super Sonic Sounds Records for sending over this bright new single from Memphis based Snowglobe. It’s pure indie pop at it’s core, but also features some elements of Americana and a bit of quirkiness as well. Hopefully we’ll be hearing more from these guys real soon.

Snowglobe will release their new self-titled LP on July 29th via Super Sonic Sounds Records.

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New Seashells Tunes!

seashellsThere’s no better way for me to start things off than with a delightful indiepop hit, such as the brand new one that just went up from The Seashells. There’s a solemnity to the vocals, even as the pitch stretches to reach the high notes; the lyrics seem to reflect the need for all of us to be present in our day, or at least for the narrator in this number. A piano skeleton is used to give the song some backbone, bouncing us all the way to the tracks fade out. Enjoy this track and look for the new 7″ from Cloudberry Records come October.

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ATX Spotlight: River Jones Tune Blows Up

riverI’m not going to say Lorelei Linklater’s participation in this new River Jones song helped make this song blow up (though it might have helped) because the song’s just one of those tracks that’s too good to ignore. It’s the sprawling sort of indie rock that reminds me of the last Girls LP; the vocals by both performers really fit the emotional pull of the song…Jones has a cool drawl while Linklater has this dreamy R&B touch. You’ve also got to take note of the production itself, there’s not a single musical touch that oversteps it’s place in the song, knittingthe musical textures together for maximum pleasure. No idea where or when this will appear, but it’s a damn good track, and sometimes that’s enough.

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Yesterday’s News: New Magic Trick

magictrickI feel like the Fresh and Onlys are one of the most vital bands around today, hyperbolically speaking. First, the band’s great, consistent and still grows with each release. Second, the members such as Wymond Miles are great songwriters on their own…and now we have new Magic Trick, the long-time project of Tim Cohen. His latest LP is informed by his move to the Arizona desert and travels on the road, but it still wears the influences you’ve heard on his previous releases. The female backing vocals add this really haunting touch to the track, placing you in the world Cohen has envisioned. His new record, Other Man’s Blues, will be released by Empty Cellar Records on August 26th.

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Spring King Release Album in the U.S. !

unnamed-49Now, we’ve posted about Spring King in the past, but their debut album just came out earlier this year in Britain, and it’s been blowing up big time. That’s why I’m thrilled to announce thatTell Me If You Like To, has been released for us here stateside. Below is a track from that album, aptly titled “Summer,” and it’s a glimmer of rock and roll fun that Spring King is all about. You get gang vocals and hooky choruses that beg you to sing along. You also get bombastic percussion and bouncy synths. Make sure you jam along with these summer vibes here and then go pick up a copy of their newly released album from Terrible Recordsright over here.




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