Field Mouse Shares Another Pop Gem

13029473_10154076727798798_4915699061398802664_oThere’s nothing wrong with a nice slice of quality pop goodness, and this single from Field Mouse really checks that box for you. In case you weren’t already aware, Field Mouse are on their way to releasing their sophomore albumEpisodic, which is due out earlyAugust via Topshelf Records. This track, one of the few singles that the band have been shelling out, is another winner. “The Order of Things” is bright and sunny pop, with driving electric guitar and vocals that soar alongside the guitars. Take a listen below and make sure you’re ready forEpisodic,which is out August 5th and is available for pre-order here.



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Digging on Dogbreth

dogbrethOn the first few singles from Dogbreth, the band have brandished a broad array of sounds, but mostly in the energy-fueled power-pop genre. This latest single, however, displays a variance, even a softer side. It’s a steadying tune, filled in by all these elements that give huge depth; there’s a saxophone included, tapping drum work and a pleasant vocal added to the main one in the mix. This tune might not hit you over the head with immediacy like others, but its got the emotional pull for longevity. Their new record, Second Home, will be released on August 5th via Asian Man Records.

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Psych Pop Gem From Palm Honey

unnamed (5)Prior to writing this post I knew zero about Reading based Palm Honey, but I’m looking to get to know them starting right now. Let’s get to know them together with this enticing new single “Bones”. I’m reminded a bit of early MGMT stylings with quirky pop sounds and hints of psych rock. I’m expecting Palm Honey to be a household name here soon.

If you dig the tune, you can pick up a physical copy of the track on 7″ vinyl right now via Music Glue.

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Melancholy Tune from Whoa Melodic

whoaOne of the little labels of the world that I follow closely is WIAIWYA, who don’t release too often, but when they do, they always have their finger on the pulse of great tunes. They’ve just upped this brand new song from Whoa Melodic, reminding me of just how well they are at picking up great acts. This track definitely has a somber feel to it, but in doing that, there’s also a lyrical promise to be true to one’s self. It’s got that same musical sentiment as M. Ward, but for some reason, feels more accessible and sincere. As of now, looks like this will be released as a 7″ come November.

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Emphatic Blast from Cowtown

cowtownI’m so excited to hear the entirety of this Cowtown LP; there’s such energy in everything they’ve been leaking out in its anticipation. This new single, “Tweak,” even has a lyrical nod to the Bangles “Walk Like an Egyptian,” which only serves to up the hook factor inherent in the group’s tunes. But, be prepared to reach for the speaker volume, as you’re likely to have to turn it up to maximize your listening enjoyment. Look for their blisteringly fun Paranormal Romance via HHBTM on August 19th.

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Show Preview: Hovvdy, Pupppy, Thelma, Caroline Says @ The Mohawk (07.19)

12622520_1685149471764317_5094574804238702674_oThe heat is really glaringdown on all of us in the ATX, but if there’s one thing that can surely make everyone feel a little better, and that’s a night of high quality pop music from two local and two traveling bands gracing the indoor stage at the Mohawk. The night should be a burst of well crafted tunes, as this bill is stacked. You get the local love of Caroline Says and her melancholically simplistic tunes. Thelma will have you swooning with her angelic cherub folk pop and crisp vocals. Pupppy are sure to spice up the night with their eclectic brand of alt-pop with a hint of rock. And Hovvdy are making waves all around our town with their fuzzy lo-fi magic. All this is going down at the Mohawk tomorrow night and you can attend for under 10 dollars…you’d be a fool not to be there!

Get tickets and see door timeshere.

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Jam This Sleek Electronic Hit From Jenn Champion

jennchampion1Jenn Champion, who you may have encountered before with her project called S, is back on Hardly Art with the announcement of a new EP under this new moniker. While we will have to wait until August 5th for the rest of the new EP, you can catch the title track below. It’s an all electronic track, but features the ornate layers of sounds that all combine for a sleek and streamlined tune. The coolness of the vocals bathe the whole track with a wash of hipness that lodge itself into your brain for the rest of the day. Make sure you go pre-order this EP in all formats on Hardly Art’s website.

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Premiere: Baby Lucy Releases Debut Single

01 - Baby Lucy Album Art LP Jacket Front CoverI’m really excited for you all to hear Baby Lucy; it’s the project of Troy Tabner, who played drums for one of our favorite acts in Austin, Sweet Talk. However, he’s now married and living in Houston, writing songs on his own. Your first listen should have you as excited as we are, filled with a galloping pace wrapped around Tabner’s vocals and strumming. There’s lightly placed backing vocals and a joyous chorus. It’s one of those tracks that immediately makes you feel uplifted, happy to just be walking on this Earth. The Baby Lucy LP is going to be released on October 14th via new label Roofus & Friends Records, so enjoy your listening, and keep an eye out for more from the project.

Trippy New Video From Flyying Colours

unnamed (4)Australian based psych rockers Flyying Colours just dropped this new video and single this morning and I had to share the goodness with you. This one isof course a psych rock song equal to tout itself as one of the best of the current indie psych rock craze. On top of that though, the band offers a little bit of straight up hard rock here too as the verses drop into the heavy chorus. Rock on Wayne.

Flyying Colours will see the release of their debut LP Mindfullness on September 23rd via Club AC30.


ATX Spotlight: New Music from Slow

slowI’ve dug Slow since the first time I caught the band a few years ago; I went on to include the band in several of our own ATH shows around town too. I caught up with songwriter Garrick a few months back and he told me he had the band’s first LP almost ready to go, so here we are with the album’s first single. On display is Garrick’s distorted guitar riffs, put out there in almost a mathematical sense, crashing into one another while the lyrics are seemingly thrown in from a distance. The LP is titled Pocketknife and should be out later this year via Play Pinball.

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