Mean Jolene Album Announcement!

MEAN_JOLENE_SALTY_FRONTIn case you haven’t noticed, we’ve got our own little label here at ATH, and we’re really stoked to be working with Mean Jolene for their debut album, Salty. Yesterday, Gold Flake Paint, a reputable place for hits, ran the album’s first single, “Bump the Rump.” It’s perfect timing, as this is a glorified summer hit; you’ll want to turn it up loud, whether you’re at your next pool party or speeding down the highway. If you want to sample the band’s sound live, they’ll be playing at the Flavorsound Class of 2016 Party at Barracuda on Friday…and also appearing at our ATH Records/101X Back to School Bash on August 27th. Stream the song, and preorder the LP from us HERE.

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Brand New Music from The Ocean Party

oceanpartyIt’s that time of month where we give you more new music from our favorite Aussie’s, The Ocean Party. The band’s been pretty prolific, getting an album a year out, including last year’s Light Weight, which we helped find a home in the States. Here they are set to release their newest, Restless, and the titular track illustrates how much they’ve grown as a band; the production and accompaniment on this track alone demonstrates what a huge pop group they’ve become. Restless is being handled by Spunk; it will have a worldwide release on September 30th…get ready for another album of great tunes. And! If you’re in the States, look for the band to head our way soon!

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Pleased to Meet You: No One Mind

noonemindNo One Mind grew out of previous projects, The Love Language and Birds of Avalon, so the songwriting is familiar, though the sound is entirely new. There’s a brooding sensation in the tones of the guitar/bass as the song pushes forward, taking on a tone of bleakness that relates to the path that led to the formation of the group. I love the way the song fades out with a cool vocal repetition that starts just before the 3 minute mark. Looking forward to what the band brings to the table when they release their eponymous debut on September 9th via Third Uncle Records.

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Power Pop Hit from The Persian Leaps

thepersianleapsFans of guitar pop should have a pretty good year, you know, with the next Teenage Fanclub LP heading our way soon. But, there’s still some great power-pop brewing out there that might be a little lesser known, like The Persian Leaps. The Minnesota trio is about to release their Your City Underwater EP via Land Ski Records, and I wanted to give folks a little sample of what’s to come. Think about huge riffs echoing through your speakers, melodious vocals and the sort of pop sensibility we’ve come to expect from bands like Nada Surf. The new EP is being released on September 16th, so you’ve been warned!

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Quiet Track from I Have a Tribe

patrickAs much as I love a good rocker, I also love a quiet tune of the singer-songwriter genre. There’s been a bunch of these tunes coming out lately, and I’d like to add this I Have a Tribe number to that growing list. It’s the project of Patrick O’laoghaire, an Irishman keen on stripping the songs down to their most emotional bare bones. This tune, in particular, starts soft before building, ever so gently, the piano bits that Patrick has made so carefully. Lend this track your ear, and keep an eye out for Beneath a Yellow Moon out October 14th via Gronland Records.

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Midnight Faces Bring You Sleek Pop

11054859_947370948647294_1396200646140316305_oMidnight Faces, a duo out of LA, have got a new song to share with you today that bridges genre and styles to make for one pretty groovy pop track. “Germanium” starts like a synth pop jam, with new wave influence in the endless synths. But then the electric guitar riffs cut through the mix and add a bit of psychedelic influence, followed closely by the vocals, which twist the song along folksier lines. Take a listen below, and if you’re digging the vibes, be sure to get ready for their upcoming album, Heavenly Bodies, which is due out August 26th.


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ATX Spotlight: Check the New Real Live Tigers Video

tonyEarlier this year, Austin’s Real Live Tigers released Denatured via Keeled Scales; it’s the perfect Austin album, relying upon great lyricism and folk aesthetics. But, in case you haven’t really gotten to know the band or its songs, then perhaps this great new video for “Leave a Map” will encourage your listening. Not only is the video shot beautifully, but the narrative also grasps the beauty of this track too, especially in its message of leaving something behind, something positive that can serve as your mark…where others will see your trials and tribulations as accomplishments along life’s path. Enjoy the video and head over to the KS Shop and grab the record.

Banger from Bad Sports

badsportsWhile we’ve long been fans of Bad Sports (and that’s not changing), I think this is the heaviest or hardest hitting track the group have released. It makes sense too, seeing as the group is comprised of members of Video and OBN IIIs. It’s as if the vocals on this tune were geared to incite a riot, almost barked out as orders, rather than sung. Personally, I’m in love with the bass line in this tune, bouncing quickly along to the pace of the guitar work; listen for the nice guitar solo too near the 2 minute mark. Want some rock n’ roll? Can’t get better than this…look for their new Living With Secrets EP via Dirtnap Records real soon!

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Business of Dreams Covers David Westlake

businessI don’t usually go for covers, but this one involves two of my favorites, so I can’t really hide my adoration for either. This particular tune features Business of Dreams, the project of Corey from Terry Malts/Magic Bullets, covering David Westlake of The Servants. Corey has a softer touch, accompanied by a female backing vocal and some light string arrangements. Still, the whole of the song is pretty special, as it always was, and warrants just a few moments of your time today…as well as the days to follow. Business of Dreams is wrapping up a debut LP, and we’ll keep you posted on that front as news comes our way.

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Brand New Tune from The Minders

mindersThose of you with an ear for the Elephant 6 brand should have heard of the Minders, but don’t think of the band as the second-coming of NMH. I like to think of the band as a more extravagant pop band, akin to the greats of indiepop. The songs, like the one below, are filled with undeniable melodies, but they’re fleshed out with strings and production that elevate each track. The band are set to release a new album, Into the River, via Space Cassette Records on September 9th.

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