Shy Layers Ease You Into Monday


Are you dragging as much as I am today and need a little bit of a jam to snap you into motion? Well, this new single from Shy Layers, aka JD Walsh, is one way to get you going today, as it’s a heavily layered track with a plethora of licks and rhythm that will surely make you shake it. The song with a simple guitar riff, then pretty much instantly the other layers of synths, percussion, and other guitar join in, creating a electro-pop song that begs you to shimmy and get off your butt. It’s got a Cut Copy meets pure instrumental jam feeling to it, with just a small bit of vocals coming in at the end. Take a listen and start your week with Shy Layers. Don’t forget to pick up the vinyl only release of his debut, self-titled album, out this Friday on Growing Bin Records.Pick it up here.


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Fresh Paul Bergmann

paulIt looks like every one has a case of the Mondays, at least based on the music coming about today. That’s not a bad thing, as it brings us this glorious tune from Paul Bergmann. This song really has the feeling of Devandra Barnhart, relying upon the strength of lyricism and vocals, while the music coolly sits in the background, trickling through your ears. His debut album, Stars and Streams, is high on my list of anticipated releases for this month, or even this year; it’s set to be released on August 26th. You’ll just need one listen to understand why.

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Another Great Ballad from Tom Brosseau

tombroI’ve really been stuck on a Tom Brosseau kick of late, expecting his forthcoming North Dakota Impressions to really catch on with the rest of you. I mean, just listen to this song and tell me you’re not in love with his voice; it’s got a faint little vocal quiver as he reaches for the loftier notes on the scale. This song doesn’t even need percussion, it’s that good; the entirety is carried by gentle guitar work, a contrasting guitar solo and Brosseau…that’s simply enough for me. Crossbill Records are releasing the new LP on September 16th.

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More Fresh Music from Baby Lucy

01 - Baby Lucy Album Art LP Jacket Front CoverNot too long ago, we offered you the first single from Baby Lucy, the current project of Troy Tabner. Looking back, that seems like the other side of the coin; it was a more upbeat number than the calming stomp of his latest single. This track brings Tabner’s vocal abilities into play; it has a great draw that brings your ear, and probably your heart, into play as you listen. I’m really impressed with his approach, bringing in a similar sound on both tunes, but allowing for distinctive touches that are destined to provide variance throughout the entirety of his debut record; it’s available from Roofus and Friends on October 14th.

Another Enjoyable BOYO Track

boyoJust a few weeks away from the debut release of the BOYO LP, and it seems fitting that we have one last single to share with you before it hits. This is another track that offers up another installation of the chilled vibes that seem to be coming our way as the release of Control nears. Musically, it seems pretty casual, with nothing to complex, but in stripping it down to the basics it allows for the harmony to achieve ultimate success. The more I press play, the more this song realizes its addictive potential; I can’t stop playing it again and again. You can grab the record on August 26th via Danger Collective Records.

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Stream More Escher and Random Notes from The Holy

theholyWe’ve dropped a few tunes from the debut for Finland’s the Holy over the last month or so. The most impressive thing about listening to the entirety of More Escher and Random Notes is just how polished the band seem to have grown into during these, the early years. You can hear bits of Arcade Fire and Coldplay, blending orchestration and noise with massive hints of pop sensibility. Soliti Music will be releasing the EP next week, August 10th, worldwide, but you can stream it below just to make sure you loved it as much as we do.

ATX Spotlight: More from Carl Sagan’s Skate Shoes

carlsaganWe’re just around the corner from the release of the new Carl Sagan’s Skate Shoes LP, and we’ve got another blistering track for you to enjoy this morning. It begins ominously, with this huge semi-metal guitar drop. But, seconds later the song is jumpstarted, and the lyrics are delivered in a punishing form that matches the energy of the guitar’s speed. Listen closely, as the guitar work has these little intricacies in the recording that really illustrate how creative the band is within the confines of rock n’ roll; there’s little guitar stutters, pop-centric chords and pace changes, all which change the momentary structure. The heavier bands in Austin often get overlooked, but these guys are ready to make themselves known to the masses. Look for the self-titled LP viaSuper Secret Records on August 19th.

Enjoying This Fond Han Track

hanYou’d be forgiven if you thought that this new Fond Han track was merely something to pass over, just another folk-influenced bit. Yet, hold on for a bit, as this is a number that gradually unfolds, and in doing so, ultimately rewards your ears. You can hear the groundswell of added textures as the tune moves on, culminating at the 1.5 minute mark with a crash of all the sounds in unison. There’s definitely a nostalgic feel to it, thinking about some of the early Jade Tree stuff in my mind; look for the band’s debut effort, Sham Cloud, on September 23rd via Exploding in Sound.

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Hear a New One from Ritual Howls

ritualMan, I think I’m in love with this new track from Ritual Howls. There’s this propulsive no-wave new-wave aspect that carries throughout, filled in with lots of negative space to really allow the musical elements to shine. Don’t get me wrong, the deep tonal quality of the vocals is fitting, and adds a strong layer to it, but the musicality alone would have sealed this song for me. This recalls the darker side of dream pop to me, and I fully expect Into the Water, their newest effort, to be something quite enjoyable. Look for its release on August 19th via Felte.

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Another New Black Marble Song

blackI’m gearing up to really enjoy this new Black Marble record, which is being released on September 30th. Hearing this new single, there’s a sensation of solitude that’s incorporated through the echo-effect on the vocals. The electronic progression is pretty restrained, it’s not forcing beats into your ears, allowing the song to slowly settle within the caverns of your brain. For a bedroom electronic project, this is precisely what one would come to expect. This LP is titled It’s Immaterial, and it’s going to be handled/released by Ghostly.

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