Golden Suits Will Change Your Day

d6755dd4-9469-4235-a207-4671d7614a9eMany folks on the interwebs have been talking about Fred Nicolaus and his new project known as Golden Suits recently. Fred is known primarily for his work with Department of Eagles, but now he’s ready to make a name for himself on his own. He’s absolutely killing me today with this new track “Gold Feeling”. I suggest you play this one a few times as it seems to get better and better with each and every listen. It’s clearly folk inspired while still giving you an incredible overall pop experience. Prepare to fall in love.

Golden Suits will drop Kubla Khan on October 7th via Hit City U.S.A.

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Bright and Sunny Single From Beauty Sleep

unnamed (2)As I continue to bring you a few more songs of summer right before the season ends, this new tune “Living Right” by Belfast natives Beauty Sleep should fit that summer playlist. Imagine if you will Beach House had a baby with a crossbreed child of Rainer Maria and Pains of Being Pure at Heart and that’s about what we have here. Hopefully those comparisons will make a bit of sense to you music fans out there. I’m loving it. You’ll be able to download this new single from all major outlets on August 12th. Stay tuned.

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Goodbye Fortuna Pop: A Love Letter

fortuna-pop-637x358Ever since I first started collecting music as a passion, I’ve always been one of those that blindly follows the labels I love; I buy anything they put out, whether or not I was initially impressed with what I heard…I trust these people. It probably started with Dischord, somehow merged into Saddle Creek and Vagrant…then the Internet exploded…and with that, so did my tastes. I had to find a new label to love…among those was Fortuna Pop. Read more

Get Groovy With This New Mild High Club Video

Oh man, are you in for a treat. We know it’s hot and we’re in the thick of the dog days of summer down here in the ATX, but I’ve got the perfect track/video that will help you cool off. Mild High Club are a psychedelic slack band that should have your attention immediately. Once you start to listen to the song below and watch the video, you’ll be lulled into a daze of pleasant, laid back, vibes. The guitars trill through tweely, while the vocals are hazy and, well, mild. The chorus employs some jazzy percussion that begs for minimal subtle summer shimmying. All in all, it’s a tune worthy of your ears, so take a listen and get excited for their album with the same as this track, Skiptracing, which will be out August 26th via Stones Throw Records. Preorder it here.







Fresh Glam Rock From Cheena

13568937_313983955603768_8798916160693826690_oNYC’s Cheena are on their way to releasing a new album at the end of this week, but before they get there, they’ve got a new track to throw your way. This track, “Lost My Way,” which is below, is a fuzzy, grumbling example of great glam rock. The percussion glitters and jingles through, while the guitars snarl and spin menacingly for the duration of the tune. Take a listen, fall in love with the rock goodness here, and then get stoked forSpend the Night With…which is out August 5th via Sacred Bones Records.


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New Cass McCombs Track

cassWhen listening to this new Cass McCombs track, the first thing that struck me was how fragile his voice sounded; it’s edging on cracking, yet he holds it together. The rest of the track is filled with tiny flourishes of accompaniment for accent purposes…be it slide guitar or electronic blips. He does take a spoken-word approach for a moment saying “if it’s so easy, you try” in the song’s latter half, adding the number just a bit of needed respite so as not to wear on listeners. Mangy Love, his new effort, comes out this month via Anti, and it should be on your radar already.

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Brand New Purling Hiss

purlingSome brands of music grow weary, especially the psychedelic blend of garage rock. That being said, there are remnants of that in this new Purling Hiss tune, though it’s spun in an entirely different manner, making it supremely refreshing. Guitars are heavy and crashing, but the vocal melody seems to look directly towards 90s Brit pop (particularly the brand Oasis made popular). It just goes to show that you’re still allowed to jam loud, but you can also do it with a little touch of pop sensibility. This song will appear on the band’s new album, High Bias, which is being released by Drag City on October 14th.

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Stream New Music from Hunck

hunckThere’s something undeniably catchy about this track from London’s Hunck. That being said, I can’t put my finger on the exact reason for its familiarity, or my own personal attraction. The vocal melodies have definitely grabbed me on each listen, and the music has this power that grabs you instinctively from the moment you press play. I think in all that, it accomplishes a great deal, remaining impactful, yet failing to be pigeonholed into some meaningless genre. As of now, no release news, but enjoying this song nonetheless.Plus, their press photo looks delightfully wicked.

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Stream The New 7″ From Ex-Cult

unnamed (14)It seems like my day will continue to rock with these new songs from Memphis based Ex-Cult. So the band is releasing a brand new 7″ soon, and in preparation they have posted both of the new songs on bandcamp for all to enjoy. I’m sharing both below, and many of you might recognize “1906” from earlier this month, but new song “Summer of Fear” is really doing it for me. While rock at it’s core, I love the overtones of punk rock and psychedelia as well.

Pick up this new 7″ on vinyl via Famous Class on August 12th.

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Folk Ballad from Justin Peter Kinkel-Schuster

justpeterMaybe it’s the fact that summer in Texas is sweltering hot, or maybe it’s just that time of year, but folk music has really been hitting the spot on the home stereo. That brings with it Interweb scouring, where I found this Justin Peter Kinkel-Schuster tune off his forthcoming record, Constant Stranger. There’s a fragility in his voice, especially the way he carries some of the notes; I always envision myself staring out the window on a long West Texas car drive during the instrumental moments. Looking forward to the full release on September 30th via Big Legal Mess.

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