New To Me Track From At/All

At-AllSometimes you get an email about a second single and accidentally listen to the first single that was released earlier in the month and you get mad at yourself. This track from At/All is that very scenario. While I liked “Frequency”, it was the track “Deeper” that got me fully dialed in. Take a listen.

At/All are Matthew Nicholson, Pascal Babare, and Lucy Roleff. They have a lovingly awesome electro-pop sound with flourishes and harmonies. Melbourne is home to the band and Aussie electro-pop dominates. The full-length LP, SUN DOG, is out 8/29.

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Love the Nostalgic Sound of Fond Han

fondhanI’ve found myself gravitating towards Fond Han‘s new track this morning; it seems like it’s perfectly suited for folks that really hit their musical stride in the late 90/early 00s. I kind of hear bits of Joan of Arc or Pinback, featuring guitars maneuvering left and right throughout the song whilst vocals sort of have this jagged shout to them. Still, there’s this little hint of pop sensibility in the brief bits of harmony that unfold. The band will release their debut LP, Sham Cloud, on September 23rd via Exploding in Sound…and I hope you find a place in your ears for this.

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Strong Folk Feels from Catch Prichard

catchSlide guitar carefully works behind careful picking on this new single from Catch Prichard. If you’re into the musicianship, then you’re likely to find yourself lost in the careful bits of production. Me? I’m in this for the voice, or the combo of the two, but that voice. There’s a wavering in the notes as they come from the mouth of singer Sawyer Gebauer; it’s akin to several other artists, but I love how it seemingly offers up a certain sense of fragility. This song appears on the Eskota EP, which is being release by Devise Records on October 21st.

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Brand New Christian Fitness

christianfitnessI’ve always had myself a musical crush on Andrew Falkous, of McClusky/Future of the Left fame, so of course I’m getting behind Christian Fitness…his solo work. Don’t expect it to always fit into the realm, though there are some similarities. This particular single has a bit of propulsive rhythm pushing forward, and it doesn’t even get noisy until just before the 2 minute mark. If you’re into rock n’ roll, and the half-life of a sperm, then enjoy this jam while he works on wrapping up is third record on under the moniker.

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More Pop To Love From Spritzer

14053663_876990992431249_3986173069315795720_oY’all, I’ve been telling you about this project from Matt Meade for some time now, so how long is it going to take before you finally jump on the Spritzerfan train? Hopefully not too much longer, because it soundslike this train is in full motion with this new track, “The Twilite.” This track is a jazzy pop number, relying on the sounds of wild synths that float in and out of the mix, as well as subtle jazz percussion that simmers under it all. At the heart of the song are the vocals from Meade, which are like a cool breeze on a hot day; soft and with just enough distortion on them to make them float through the mix. Take a listen and get ready for an EP from Spritzer, which will be out September 16 on Paper Garden Records.


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Listen to More Magic Trick

magictrickWhat’s that? You need to eat more Wheaties? No, you need to listen to more Magic Trick. And, what better way to kick off your week then getting two new songs from Tim Cohen’s other project (he’s also in some band called Fresh and Onlys). I’ve written a bunch about his work in the past, and so I don’t really need to tell you much more than that I love listening to him, especially as he’s grown as a songwriter. Below you’ll find two new songs from his forthcoming Other Man’s Blues, which comes out via Empty Cellar Records on August 26th.

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Obligatory Teenage Fanclub Post

teenagefanclubWell, you had to know this was coming, and you had to know I was going to be the one to remind you about this new Teenage Fanclub tune. It just popped up yesterday, offering that classic TF sound, bringing heavy distorted guitars into a melodious zone while the vocals carry your heart home. I’ve listened to their new album Here quite a bit lately, and I think anyone remotely interested in the finer side of guitar pop will want to get their hands on it; it’s available via Merge on September 9th.

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Brand New Dead Horse One Track

deadhorseoneAre you looking for something that blends the pastoral with bits of psychedelia and shoegaze? Well, you’re in luck because that’s exactly the vibe this new Dead Horse One track is giving off…at least to my ears. This number opens with a wall of noise, cymbals clattering in the background, waiting for more guitar to knife its way through. Then chords bend, opening the way for the soft edged vocals to find a place to reside. Honestly, I’ve been a fan of the band for some time, but this might be my favorite piece from the group yet. Look for their new effort Season of Mist in October via Dead Bees Records.

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Premiere: Redspencer Offer New Single

redspencerMelbourne’s Redspencer won me over with their debut EP, so I’m stoked that they’re getting ready to release a proper full-length. They’ve been kind enough to share with us this new single, which takes on the guitar-pop of their early work, but elevates it to the next level. The hooks are still present, and coolly float out, but I think there’s some bits of Blur‘s casualness in the way the lyrics are delivered. So, take some mid 90s Brit pop, add in some textural elements from Aussie guitar pop, and you have this gem of a tune. You’ll find this tune on the group’s debut LP, Perks, which is being released by the uber reliable Deaf Ambitions.

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Gone Gazin’ with Dayflower

dayflowerI got turned onto this yesterday, and I think it’s about time you get to hear some of the new music coming from Leicester’s Dayflower. They’ve got a heavy buzzsaw influenced shoegaze sound, although, like the best, they drench it in pop sensibility. Sure, it sounds like PoBPaH just a touch, but remember when you really loved that band? I think those of you fawning for C86 days, or just a great song will find yourselves enjoying this track. Embrace the melody, embrace the wall of noise…and let it carry your mind off.

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