Preoccupations Air New Video For “Degraded”

Preoccupations (FKA Viet Cong) are going to be releasing a new album soon that matches their new name, and if it’s anything like last year’s debut release, then we’re going to be in for a treat. From the sound of the singles they’ve released thus far, I believe my excitement is well motivated. Today, they’ve put out a video for the second single off Preoccupations, which is called “Degraded,” and is a three minute collection of visually stimulating images. The track itself is great– it has the dark swirling post-rock energy that Preoccupations does so well, but takes a more streamlined approach than what we heard from this group in the past. Take a listen below and hear for yourself;Preoccupations will be out September 16th via Jagjaguwarpreorder it here.

P.S. Vinyl snobs should know that Secretly Group has started a Secret Society that sends you a new exclusive colored LP every month, and Preoccupations are part of the launch. Check that out here.


Something Different From PWR BTTM

unnamed-52You should have acquainted yourself with the New York duo known as PWR BTTM already, but in case you have somehow fell off the face of the earth, now’s your perfect chance to get back on. “New Hampshire,” is a different side of PWR BTTM than we’ve seen so far, relying mostly on the delicate vocal performance and quiet instrumentation, arguably different than the loud glitter punk that I’ve come to associate with the act. Regardless, you should take a listen to this song right now.

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ATX Spotlight: New Gospel Truth Coming Soon

gospeltruthI’m dreading the arbitrary year end lists already, and particularly when it comes to Austin acts. It seems that every band I enjoy in town has released something…and we can now add The Gospel Truth to that list. They’ve just released this crushing number from their upcoming album, Jealous Fires, which has me excited to hear the entirety of said record. I’m particularly sold on the guitar work here, churning out these unsteadying riffs that are emphatically met during the chorus with smashing cymbal work. And the vocals…at times they have this echoing distance, then they draw you in with what’s almost a close spoken whisper. Just another winner in a town where the music scene is dying. Look for the release via 12XU on September 16th.

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Darkened Rock from Axis: Sova

axissovaSometimes you press play on a song, and you marvel at why it hasn’t exploded in the blogosphere…that’s precisely what I thought when listening to the new Axis: Sova. I mean, the song has this dark pop sensibility that offers up hidden hooks…that alone warrants my attention. But, further listens offer up scuzzy rock n’ roll with a modern edge, which seems like all the rage with the kids these days. The latter half of the tune even looks into the popular sounds of 70s, so I’m perplexed as to why a million people aren’t talking about it. Regardless, you can change that by pressing play below. And if not, at least look for the new record, Motor Earth, on October 14th via God? Records.

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Listen to New El Perro Del Mar

elperroI really love the work that Sarah Assbring has employed in her work as El Perro del Mar; she always seems to channel whatever she’s been enjoying into her work. For her her latest effort, Kokoro, she claims to have been inspired by the works ofEast Asia…Bollywood on this particular song. There’s a playfulness to it, and some great energy provided by the percussive elements. Still, the smoky warmth of Assuring’s voice is always the sublime winner in her songs, and that should come as no surprise as you bob your head to this tune. Look for the record on September 16th via The Control Group.

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Take a Ride on Space Mountain

spacemountainThere’s a certain brand of rock out there that doesn’t seem like its for everybody, though admittedly, I think everybody should be into it. It’s filled with bands like Silver Jews, Eels, David Israel and Daniel Francis Doyle (for Austin folks)…and that’s where I put Space Mountain (other than in Disneyland of course). This track features great deep vocals, along with a mixture of strummed/distorted guitar. You’ll hear this song featured on the new album, Big Sky, that comes out next week via Dust Etc. If you like you’re bedroom pop elevated to the next level, then give this a listen.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New John K Samson

jksamsonI’m really sorry that I had to work all day yesterday, otherwise I would have let this beautiful John K Samson track sit atop our site. By now you should know Samson, from the Weakerthans or from Propaghandi…either way, if you’re like me, it’s something you love. His voice will always hold a special place in my heart, even if it does have a unique tone. This song is his first solo outing since Provincial, though the recording does feature members of Weakerthans in the sessions for his forthcoming record, Winter Wheat. It’s largely based around acoustic arrangements, but his memorable poetry makes it hard for me to pull myself away. Going to play it all day long. You should too. Look for the record on October 21st via Anti.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Brand New Song from Gambles

Gambles-Far-From-Your-Arms-EP-COVER-highresI think my favorite thing is when an artist slowly releases music, keeps it quiet, and just lets the song make its way straight into the world. That’s what I love about Gambles, though he’s gotten some acclaim, I think his best work is that where it’s just carefully made its way into my hands through my own discovery (and Internet trolling). On this new tune, he sings just above a whisper whilst carefully picking at his guitar; it’s his work at his most intimate, which is always a huge success in my ears. I love the emphatic touch at the end; his voice raised just a touch louder…a beautiful way to wrap up the song.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

90s Rock from LA Font

lafontLike a lot of music fans, the 90salternative guitar sound holds a special place in my heart; this is where LA Font got me. The track starts off carefully, with a guitar ringing carefully in the far off distance. It’s filled in over time with a repeatable hook that’s built into the chorus, and never seems to fade away. There’s similarities between acts like The Wrens, though this tune has a little bit more polish than some of those tunes. You’ll be able to hear more promising numbers when the band releases Swish 2 on September 16th via New Professor Music.

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Summer Sampler From Dizzybird Records

splash4Summer is officially over for us teachers, but it’s not too late to jam some new tunes and enjoy this non summer like weather right now. Dizzybird Records out of Grand Rapids, MI just sent over their new sampler celebrating the end of summer and several of their new releases. Many ATH favorites are on this playlist like Gringo Star, Heaters, Cool Ghouls, etc. etc. You can find it below for your enjoyment. Thanks dudes.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

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