Get a Little Metal With Wolf People

298518_221756144558137_1937673973_nWolf People, out of the London area, are back in the fray with a new song off their upcoming album. “Ninth Night” is a three minute whirl of psychedelic fuzz and darkness, with a bit of metal influence coming in with the raging guitar solos that take over the song toward the end. There’s a huge amount of distortion that really takes over the number and gives it some snarl and attitude.

They’ve got a new album called Ruins coming out on Jagjaguwar on November 11th.


Stream This New Album From Ice Choir

171161_195338183814418_5234201_oLooking for the freshest of New-Wave pop? Look no further. The folks at Shelflife Records nevercease to impress me with their impeccable lineup of bands, and so I’m in no way surprised that this latest from Brooklyn’s Ice Choir is a breath of fresh air. Lucky for you, the band is streaming Designs In Rhythm in its entirety via Soundcloud, and you can take a taste of its crisp pop coolness below. Personally, I’m digging the huge sound and heavy percussion that is audible from track one. Take a listen and then don’t forget to go get yourself a copy of this album right here.

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Fresh Indiepop from The BVs

thebvsEarly last week this track from The BVs bounced around, enchanting all the big indiepop nerds on the Internet. I felt like I’d let it settle in a bit, then hit you with the band’s new tunes again, just so you had a way to feel good about your world. I like the variance in the two songs below…one offers you a more traditional indiepop, jangly feel, while the other has this melancholy bedroom pop vibe to it. In a world with so much music coming out, it’s great to revisit the beauty in tracks like these. Apparently they’ll also appear on an album to come later, but for now, you’ve got these to sample.

More Pop from Croque Madame

croquemadameIn case you haven’t caught on, Emotional Response is one of my favorite labels at the moment…they just continue to put out great pop music left and right. They helped with a compilation that includedCroque Madame, which apparently served as a warning about the label’s intention to put out the group’s self-titled debut. This new tune has this bouncy bit of pop built on piano/keyboard; combine that with the playful kindness off the French voice and you’ve got another hit on your hands. Short, sweet and lovely, so look to grab a copy from the label when it’s released on white vinyl next Friday!

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Brand New Sonic Avenues Jam

sonicavesDid someone say new Sonic Avenues? Oh you did? Then I’m posting about it. Interestingly, this has a very Canadian feel about it, like an edgier version of Handsome Furs. There’s the same propulsive style, and the delivery is akin tothe aforementioned act. But, these guys rock a bit harder, as you’d expect from an act on Dirtnap Records. They build in that explosion around the 1.45 minute mark, then settle back in to make sure you never forgot that they adore pop sensibility. Their new record, Disconnector, will be out on October 7th…and I’ll be picking it up.

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ATX Spotlight: Fresh Stephen Svacina

stephenOver the last several years, Stephen Svacina has dominated Austin’s rock n’ roll scene with his band Sweet Talk. But, he’s taking a little break from that project, and crafting some songs on his own. Our first listen sees him taking on a slightly new vibe, despite having a familiar voice. It’s much more casual, almost in the realm of hook-laden guitar pop (which I adore!). The guitar turn when he says “I’ll leaving with my hands in the air,” crafting this crisp bit of pop brilliance. No word on when and if he’ll put this on a physical release, but enjoy it while it’s out there. He’ll be playing at Beerland on Wednesday night, in case you want to prove that there’s no Austin music crisis.

Show Spotlight: Tijuana Panthers @ Sidewinder (Tonight)

tijuanaTwo things I love on a Monday night: friends and great music. Luckily for me, and for you, I hope, The Sidewinder will have both on Monday night. Tijuana Panthers, one of my favorite acts are blowing into town tonight, fresh off a continued run of great releases with their latest, Poster. But, also, our own ATH Records act Mean Jolene will be bringing in a blast of summery pop, which you should stop in and preview before you pick up their debut Salty in November. Plus, all four members of said band are really nice, and you should make friends with them. If you do, you’ll get friends and great music, all for a cheap price when doors open at 9 PM. Sample great tunes below:

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Local Natives – Sunlit Youth

Rating: ★★★½☆

In 2010, Local Natives, then a four piece, now a five piece, released their first studio album, Gorilla Manor,here in the United States to thunderous approval from the masses– their lush harmonies, wild yet clean percussion, and orchestral elements made their pop stand far above the masses whilegenerating a wide fan base. Three years later, they followed withHummingbird, which saw the band furthering their percussive reaches and treading into more emotional territory with a little production help from Aaron Dessner. Once again, three years have passed, and the band has pushed themselves into yet another territory: unabashed pop. The result is is Sunlit Youth; a fairly triumphant third release that refuses to apologize for its pop warmth and youthful glow. Read more

Fresh New Bill Baird Video

Okay, so this video surfaced last week, but I’m always going to support Bill Baird. He was a vital part in making Austin a creative space as the Internet blew up (we were there!), and he’s continued making incredible music…even as he’s moved on to new pastures. Honestly, I’d buy into his new music on the chorus of this track alone, but the video and the expansive swath of psych meets pop is pretty brilliant. The video takes Bill on an odd journey through the dark, daily life of a cleaning maid. Look to grab Earth into Aether from Rough Trade.

Brand New Dream Pop from Dayflower

dayflowerA few weeks back we brought you new music we’d been turned onto from Dayflower, and the band are right back at it with another glorious number that was just released by EDILS Records. The guitars open with a fuzz chug draping over the relaxed vocal performance. I like the chorus, as it switches the tone just a wee bit, providing more of a drifting note of pop sensibility. This might be just what the doctor ordered on a Monday morning, so enjoy another remarkable tune from the Leicester bunch.

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