Brand New Dark Blue

darkblueartSeems like just a bit ago that wewere introduced to Dark Blue, and they’re gearing up for the release of their new album, Start of the World. I’m rather impressed with this new single, as the guitar’s bring on a slightly heavy discord, chords screeching out every so often. The vocals, however, hold onto the group’s penchant for pop sensibility, offering up a deep croon discussing a lover’s lament. I like the fact that they’re not trying to fit into any modern mold, just offering up a tried and true formula of heavy guitar pop. Look for the new LP on November 4th from 12XU.

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Bit of Psych Rock From The Tambourine Girls

tambourinegirlscroppedsml-1You know how the story goes right? I’ve never heard of a band prior to today, but they impressed me with a memorable single… blah blah. You’ve heard it before and it’s happening again today with this new single called “Cupo” from Australian based act The Tambourine Girls. At its core, the song is most definitely of the psych rock genre and the band execute inside that sound quite well. Production is tight, the washed out vocals fit in perfectly, and musicianship is spot on. Carry on.

The Tambourine Girls will release their self-titled debut album on November 4th.

Download: The Tambourine Girls – Cupo

ATX Spotlight: New Music from RF Shannon

I’ve been a fan of RF Shannon since I caught wind of their work via Punctum Records, and now Shane Renfro ismoving forward with thebrand new Other Trails EP. Perhaps one of my favorite things about the project is that it consistently acknowledges the influence of Texas, be it in the sound, or the imagery, like in the video below. You get a bit of both here, which is just another reason to keep an eye on all the work that’s promised to be on its way; not to mention that there’s always this level of thoughtfulness streaming from RF Shannon releases. I don’t really need to say more than that you’ll enjoy this tune, and probably the EP when it’s released on October 21st via Keeled Scales.

Have A Nice Weekend

dsc_0472I’ll have some pics up from a little night of shimmy soon, teaser posted. New Tres Oui tacks are so strong live.

ACL is nearly upon us. If you haven’t been reading your email, this year’s fest on the fifteenth Anniversary will bring some of the biggest changes in some time. There will no longer be a stage at the rock island. This will mean hte middle of hte park will be the traffic area and we won’t have the bottleneck on the north side getting from the Stratford side of the park to the biggest stage. No more porta-potties, flushable bliss. Kiddie Limits has an external entry now. Artist and media lounges are moved to where Kiddie area was. Check out all the 411 here, including the new map.

I am going to drop in a jam that had been exclusive elsewhere on the net. It is from Ishi, strong groove, new EP called Juno is available on the bandcamps.

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=1349551850 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=e99708 track=710128306]

Chill Electro Pop From Tony Pops

14333765_1474138122601778_6614533706587267809_nWith the incoming barrage of negative news that’s bound to be coming your way, sometimes what you need is a nice mellow electro-pop tune to turn on and chill out to. If that is indeed what you’re needing in your life, look no further, as this track, “Mine” from Tony Pops surely does that job very well. This song is like a cool bath of electronic energy that doesn’t overwhelm you with too much going on– instead each element glides smoothly through the mix, making for a delightful listening experience. The vocals are mild and barely there; whispery and delicate, they compliment the streaming synths and poppy drum machine beats. Look out for more from Tony Pops.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Track from Ari Roar

ariroarThis is probably not the way that Ari Roar wants his music described, but as I play his latest track, I can’t help but to imagine myself inserting it into the background of some glorious new Wes Anderson film. It’s not quite folk music, it’s not quite classic rock or even pop, yet all those places are touched carefully as this song progresses playfully. If there’s such a thing as a perfect bit of pop music, I’d reckon this tune is pretty damn well near that. It’ll appear on the new Patch Me Up EP being released via Golden Brown today!

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Drifting Pop from Bartholin

ddOh Friday mornings. Somehow, we’re all looking towards the weekend, sometimes it’s all that consumes us. For me, this Bartholin has my mind wondering to what’s ahead, what hides beyond the horizon. It’s the new project of ATH fave Drew Danburry and Cat Leavy, building on a steady drip of pop. The opening moments are pleasant enough, as each breathy vocal turns, but I wasn’t sold completely until after the 2 minute mark where the vocals soar, met with backing accompaniment…and now, I just can’t wait to hear what else the two have in store. They’ll be releasing a self-titled EP next Friday, so keep your ears peeled.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Refined Lo-Fi From American Wrestlers

unnamed-2Refined lo-fi? Isn’t that an oxymoron? Well, maybe, but if you’re at all familiar with American Wrestlers‘ music then you’ll understand what I mean when you press play on this new song, “Amazing Grace.” In the past, the tunes we’d heard from Gary McClure and company were gritty– super fuzzy and washed out tracks with McClure’s voice hanging high in the mix. This new track shows a ton of growth for the band in that the mix has cleaned up a bit to allow for a variety of sound to be expressed. You get the tinkling piano that carries the tune, but the overall vibe is anthemic and soaring, something along the lines of The War on Drugs. This track is from the bands’ forthcoming album Goodbye Terrible Youth, which is due out November 4th via Fat Possum Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Premiere: New Track from JoJo Worthington

jojo_wyebridgeIf you’re seeking out a bit of light pop music in your day, then perhaps you’ll want to sit down with this piece from JoJo Worthington. It’s built around her voice, or at least it seems as such during the opening moments; it erupts into this pounding drum roll with electronic stabs that build loudly in your speakers…eventually settling down to make way for Worthington’s dreamy voice. The tune ebbs and flows, rises and falls, swelling with pop in your eardrums. You’ll want to keep your ears out for more tunes from JoJo going forward, and grab her latest tape from Epoch Tapes.

Dreamcoat Give You Glowing Indie Roc

14107860_1313459802061191_411731909503790422_oIf you’re like me, then you’re a sucker for some good old fashion indie rock. Dreamcoat, a four piece out of Melbourne, have got a good dose of that clean sound on their new(ish) track, “Winter,” which you can listen to below. Here in the ATX it may seem like we’re a far cry away from the cooler temps that the aforementioned season entails, you can channel that sort of energy with the track. It’s a mellow track, but by no means is it a sleeper– the song really builds over its course, the vocals becoming more and more forward and commanding in the mix, while there’s definitely some excitingly detailed percussion happening throughout. You’ll find it’s a lush indie rock track that will beg repeated listens. This great track is taken from the bands’ upcoming EP, which is called Sleeping Through Tempests, and is out October 14th


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