Stream New/Old Unhappybirthday

unhappyPlease please please listen to this new/oldUnhappybirthday. I’ve been browsing the Interwebs forever and never found a thing I liked until I stumbled upon this one here..via the always reliable Kingfisher Bluez. This record, Schauer, was recorded in the bedroom, and it definitely has that aesthetic, at least in the vocals. Musically, however, there’s a real vibrancy that shines through the confines of one’s bedrooms, crafting pop songs you can take with you anywhere you go. Remember when you loved Blank Dogs? This is just as cool, if not cooler. But, if you’re one of those that caught on early, and already jammed this out, it has a new song on this edition, making it worthy. Besides, why not listen to good music today?

Have Another Track from Axis: Sova

axissovaFrom the instant you press play on this new Axis: Sova track the guitars draw you in; you want to know where they’re going to take you. It’s a journey with a bit of a jam to it, banging out rock n’ roll chords with a haunting vocal draped across it as the drums push forward. It settles into sort of a dark stomp, yet the promise of this song leaves plenty of room for the songs on Motor Earth to freak out or rock out; it’ll surely leave a lasting impression when it hits the streets courtesy of God? Records on October 14th.


Bright Pop From ADOY

13754468_1061697427250200_1566118883685813389_nWell I officially have a new favorite band from South Korea! I’m not sure how much competition they have exactly, but trust me when I say this new single from Seoul based ADOY is a jam. It’s called “Don’t Stop Me” and features some nice bits of bright pop and head nod inducing beats. How is this band not blowing it up right now stateside? Seriously. Stay tuned for more information on ADOY as they work on a debut album.

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I Blew It: Dean Wells New Project, The Astounds

astoundsDean Wells writes jams. He wrote jams as Capstan Shafts and Rare High, among others, but now he’s working under the name, The Astounds. The group quietly released their self-titled LP earlier this year and I completely had no idea! But, now that I’ve found it, and see it’s streaming, I’m going to play the shit out of it all day long…I hope you do. It combines bits of lo-fi with classic guitar pop, and always leaves you with memorable hooks you won’t be able to pull away from. Seems like the perfect way to spend this Hump Day…join me?

ATX Spotlight: Fresh Tune from Tele Novella

telenovellaIn case you’re not living in Austin, there is a huge buzz about the town for the forthcoming Tele Novella LP, House of Souls. The last few years they’ve elevated their sound, occupying this darkened spot in the minds of pop founds. I think thetouch of organs and change of pace builds on the haunting, though Natalie’s voice maintains its wholly captivating quality. It kind of takes on the score of B-movie…it’s the best pop music Rob Zombie hasn’t heard yet. Check the group out on tour throughout the States for the next month…but be sure to grab the LP this Friday from Yellow Year Records.

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Stream New Haste Track

hasteThere’s few scenes that rival my home town, but it seems Portland is one of those perennial rivals…and deservedly so. I just caught wind of Haste, offering up their dreamy new single for the world. Honestly, the vocals are almost just monosyllabic words drifting atop guitars, but in doing that, there’s lots of empty space for the guitar to fill out…and it’s done so magnificently. You can easily just count the vocals as an added instrument, and when executed this well, it leaves great promise for the album that’s coming out soon. Keep your eyes and ears pinned back for this!

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Hillary Susz Gives You Epically Beautiful Folk

unnamedThere’s something to be said about a female singer/songwriter who breaks the norm in terms of vocal style. Hillary Susz, out of Boulder, has got that excitingly different sound, and one listen to this new track, “Make Me Make You,” will have you smitten with her folksy sound and ready to hear more from her. This epic track spans six minutes in length, and shows off that Susz is more than relying on her deep and rich vocals for intrigue. The guitar part is the very first thing that you hear on the song– delicate plucking that meanders for a bit before Susz charms in with her silky, almost jazz-singer-esque, vocals. Instantly, you’re captivated, but before too long this intrigue is doubled over by the quiet presence of cello, and then further captured later on by the change in tempo and change-over to a rock song. Take a listen and don’t miss out.


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Yesterday’s News: Warpaint Share New Track

warpaintEveryone’s favorite ethereal girl band, Warpaint, are releasing a new album quite soon and the singles that they’ve released fromHeads Upare delightful and show the group heading in a groovier direction than we’ve heard from them on their first two albums. The first single, “New Song,” is an infectious pop track, while this new song “Whiteout” is a bit of a slower burning number that still packs a bit of a shimmy within. The lighter, overall poppier sound really suits the bands’ style– the sleek guitar riffs are juxtaposed nicely by the stark drums. Take a listen below and then make sure you are ready for the new album out September 23rd fromRough Trade Records;preorder it here.

Luke Roberts Nails Alt-Country

lrobertsA few weeks back, you may have heard this track from Luke Roberts from his upcoming record,Sunlit Cross, which is due out in just about a month, and I’m delighted to share that Roberts has released another track from that album that’s a perfect sample of alt-country. “Untitled Blues,” has got this mellow acoustic guitar partthat rolls through the track and Roberts’ vocals have got just enough twang on them to be considered some sort of country. Not to mention, the intermittent slide guitar part that joins the instrumentation adds that extra depth to the track that will set it apart from the rest of the songs that you hear today. Take a listen and don’t forget aboutSunlit Cross, which is out October 14th viaThrill Jockey.


Brand New Ballad from Justin Peter Kinkel-Shuster

jpksI know it may not seem like it down here in Texas, but there’s winter just around the corner, ready for the perfect fireplace listening experiences. I think I’ll end up having a lot of this JPKS spinning during those fireside chats with my old lady, as it already seems built for such times. Kindle-Shuster’s vocals are perfect, but I love the intimacy of his playing style; it almost sits back in the mix, allowing the world around your speakers to fill in what space remains in the ether. You don’t want to sleep on Constant Stranger, which is being released by Big Legal Mess on September 30th.

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