Check New Go Suburban Tunes

sosuburbI’ll admit that I’ve drifted from the classic indie rock sound that I adored during the 00s, but this tune from Go Suburban has me rethinking. The cornerstone of the modern indie rock statement is a great vocal, which is present here, but I needed extra touches to convince me. For one, cascading guitars ringing in the background got me, then little audio clips pushed me over the edge. Plus, like all great tensions, I needed some building tension to rise and fall, such as the moment just after the 3 minute mark. Their album WWDK, featuring this track of the same name, is available now.

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Brand New Video from The Chairman Dances

In case you haven’t seen all my fawning over The Chairman Dances, I hope this new video gets you as excited for the group’s release as I am. This song takes on that literary pop mixed with the fuzzy guitars you might hear on those new Grandaddy songs you’ve been raving about. I like how the guitar gives an energetic boost to the track, which otherwise could fade into the realms of stereotypical pop…it doesn’t! There’s a nice angelic vocal chorale to close out the song to boot! Pick up your copy of Time Without Measure from Black Rd Records now.

More New Music from Mean Jolene

MEAN_JOLENE_SALTY_FRONTImpose Magazine has a weekly special section where they pick their favorite bits of news each week…and aside from us, it’s one of the few places left for “discovery.” And, lucky for us, they chose to premiere a track from our ATH Records band, Mean Jolene. You can read the entirety of what they said HERE; but I also wanted to include the jam, so you have a choice to enjoy it as many times as possible. The band drop their debut album, Salty, on November 4th, with a release show that same week over at Cheer Up Charlies. You can grab a copy HERE, and below, press play as many times as you want!

Fresh Tunes from VEXX

vexxJust because Seattle gets all the love, doesn’t mean you should ignore Olympia. Its got the history, and more importantly, its got VEXX. The four-piece rock n’ rollers are prepping another mini-LP, Wild Hunt, which is going to be released in early November via M’lady’s Records and Upset the Rhythm. If this tune were shorter, I don’t know if I’d love it as much, as there seem to be two ideas smashed into one another, creating this cacophonous rabble that’s as enchanting as it is energetic. Sometimes it seems to me like the world can use more bands like this…just bringing home great no-frills rock.

Reverb Laden Pop From High Tide 15:47

unnamed-4Prior to right now I knew not one thing about Newcastle based High Tide 15:47, but I’m looking to remedy my lack of knowledge starting immediately. The band caught my ear this morning with this catchy new track “And The Bubble Burst”. It’s full of reverb laden guitars and swirling hooks ready for your enjoyment on this fine Monday. If you’re digging it, the song is available on iTunes and Spotify now. Stay tuned for more on this promising band.

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ATX Spotlight: Popper Burns On Dillo Milk 2 Comp

dillmilkIn an amazing year full of compilations in Austin, there’s another one ready to blast through your speakers: Dillo Milk 2. Popper Burns, one of the acts that we featured on our very own Slack Capital Comp will again be featured, bringing you a recording of their new song, “Sometimes;” it’s a personal favorite of their live set. I love the way the guitars cut through while the rhythm section kicks off a propulsive bounce all the way through. So many great Austin acts here, cementing my own personal opinion that despite the troubles, Austin’s scene can rival any of the other vital music scenes in the States. The release party for this CD comp is set for October 1 at Cheer Up Charlies; it’ll be available digitally on September 23rd for those outside city limits.

Check Out This EP From Spritzer

0005959906_10I’ve been singing the praises of Brooklyn’s Matt Meade, aka Spritzer, for a long time now, so it’s about time that you finally take a listen. On this EP, called Get Away,which you can stream below or over on Spritzer’s Bandcamp page, you’ll find streaming synths, jazzy percussion, and four great pop tunes. I’m personally digging the third track, “Prelude to Psycho,” which is a burst of energy and light, but this is not to be outdone by the last track, “Psycho (I Love You),” which showsa great deal of refinement from Meade. Take a listen and then go fork over some money for this EP.

Brief Ditty From Tony Molina

tonymolina_promo-compressedOur dearfriend Shakespeare taught us that brevity is the soul of wit, and today, Tony Molina is here to prove that proverb remains true with his track “See Me Fall.” At only a minute long, this track is small taste of a sound, and yet it comes across as a complete tune. There’s a bit of a lullaby aesthetic going on in this track; Molina’s dreamy vocals are complimented by the gentle guitar sounds to create this enchantingly simple minute. This track comes from Molina’s upcoming 7″ calledConfront The Truth, which is out October 28th viaSlumberland Records.Preorder it here.

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Premiere: Indiepop Goodness from The Holiday Crowd

holidaycrowdYou probably want to deny it at this point, but you love the Smiths. In a way, that’s important to note here, as there are some vocal turns in this brand new track from The Holiday Crowd that look at the Moz. Still, the musical quality provides you with a peppier spirit…the staple of great indiepop. I think at the moment as I play this tune, I’m finding all these little secret bits to love, such as the hi-hat work hiding beneath the mix at the throughoutthe song. Or, the “ha ha ha” that breaks out just after the 3 minute mark; this song is filled with bits of nuance that make the song last in your mind, like all great tracks. Shelflife Records will release the Holiday Crowd LP on October 21st, and it will sell out!

Slightly Late To The Party: Folk Pop From Ptarmigan

ptarmiganCanadian five piece based out of Toronto, Ptarmigan are crafting lovely folk pop music that packs a bit of a punch. Formed in 2010, this band has been around for a while and it shows in their music, especially this new(ish) single called “O Zephyr.” When you press play, you’ll be greeted by delicate guitar playing that provides a sense of mystique in its winding melody. Take a listen and then head to the band’s Soundcloud page to hear other refined folk tracks.

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