Cheer Ups Show Tonight and UVH Single Premiere!

cheerupsshowWe’re really stoked to be supporting the great bill tonight at Cheer Up Charlies with our friends from GTZ Records and On the Rocks Premium Cocktails. The bill features a slew of heavy-hitters like Hikes, Flesh Lights, Gloves INTL, Shmu, Stiletto Feels, Whit and UVH…you can find set times to the show HERE. But, even more importantly, we can all gather and celebrate the release of the new UVH single that we’re premiering below. I’ve loved hearing the band, since their early line-up as Twin Bitches, but the work in this song demonstrates perfectly just why so few try to pull of classic indie rock sounds…if you’re not going to sound as good as this, why try at all. There’s a bit of a guttural growl in the vocals, while thechords are angularly plucked andthe band stomps it all out. This song will appear on the forthcoming EP from the group…released soon under GTZ Records. See everyone tonight!

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Pleased to Meet You: Skinny Girl Diet

skinnygirlReading the release info from Skinny Girl Diet is like a dream, saying all the right things, promising all the right dreams. The three piece build off their love of punk, grunge and even R&B, but aren’t looking to be defined by anything specifically; they’re aiming to make music that’s as passionate as they are, leaving you with a message in the long run. They claim to be tired of what’s been labeled “punk,” and they aim to take back the attitude of a lost culture. Musically, you can definitely hear the remnants of grunge on this particular number, which, for me, created feelings of nostalgia along with a simultaneous promise of hope for their new record Heavyflow; it’ll be released by HHBTM Records on November 4th.

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Pop Hit from Patience

Man…it’s a bummer Veronica Falls is no longer functioning, as it seems like every member has a ridiculously rad side project, be it Boys Forever, Ultimate Painting…and now Roxanne gives us Patience. We’ve heard very little but there’s a this brand new video/hit that definitely nicks from 80s club hits, even in the construction of the accompanying video. That being said, I love her voice here, and would basically listen to anything she does at the moment. And now that I think about it, maybe V Falls is just working on world domination by offering up a bunch of diverse tunes…whatever the reason, listen to Patience and look for The Pressure 7″ from Night School Records on September 30th.

Bouncing Pop From Shock Machine

unnamedShock Machine is the title of the solo project from James Righton, who makes flawless pop tracks that go above and beyond the malaise. This song, “Lost In The Mystery,” is surely going to be stuck in your head instantly after you spin it at least a dozen times in quick succession. The track starts subtly: hand claps, a groovy bass line and some subtle, breathy vocals. Then the bounce from the rag-timey joins the mix and you also get (what sounds like) psych guitar riffs that chime in and out as well. The chorus is catchy as all get out, and the whole atmosphere reminds me of a mellower Cults track with vocals a-la The Papercuts. Take a listen and decide for yourself.


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ATX Spotlight: More From The Well

13528760_1058444517544766_6923773044657595274_nA few weeks ago, I shared this new song from Austin’s own The Well. I’m pleased that the band has struck again and released another great single in anticipation for their upcoming album,Pagan Science, which is coming out October 14th. This track, “Drug From The Banks” builds upon the sound that you grew acquainted with on the last single or with previous releases– that kind of heavy psychedelic branch of rock you love to pair with slow head banging and perhaps a power stance. This track has got a bluesy vibe that joins the already psych rock base and the result is a great four and a half minutes of jam. Take a listen and get stoked for the new album.

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Enjoying This Lost Animal

I really enjoyed the diversity of Is Tropical, the last record that Lost Animal put out (all the way back in 2011). This new video shares a trippier world, which can easily be seen on that last record, but there’s still some growing, musically. I feel like this song sort of encompasses a world where Jason Spaceman decided he wanted to write pop songs; it’s textural and strange, yet also really accessible…if you like good songs. There’s a new album coming out called You Yang, and with Captured Tracks attached for the ride, we should all expect really great things. I like this more than Mac Demarco. I said it. Deal with it

Ex Reyes Gives You Jazzy Electro Pop

13221127_1083962231676708_5045264903406210662_oEx Reyes, AKA Mikey Hart of Brooklyn, has dropped a new track in the past few days called “Only You,” which channels the genres of jazz and electro pop into one smooth and sleek song with vocals that are reminiscent of The Beach Boys. This song, which you can listen to below, sounds like its about pining for someone and perhaps not having the feelings be known, or returned for a while. There’s a rad balance between jazzy elements like horns and simmering percussion that are mixed with the twee organ sounds and Hart’s cool vocals. Take a listen and see if you dig it.

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Did You Miss This Ex-Cult

Ex-CultYou’d be excused for keeping up with the slew of hits that ran amuck yesterday, but that’s why I’m here, a day late and a few dollars short to remind you about this Ex-Cult track. This new single is a straight rocker, blasting forth with these machine gun drum hits that seem barely able to keep up with the pacing. I feel as if this song was crafted specifically for the band’s live set, meant for stalking stages and creating tension with the audience…and that’s only the recorded version. Look for the group’s Negative Growth via In the Red Recordson September 23rd.

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Fun Tunes from Sinless

sinlessI’m a little tired after catching some great rock n’ roll last night, so this cooled out track from Sinless is doing a nice job of letting me drift into pop bliss. It’s falling somewhere between the realms of MGMT and Generationals, but has this organic feel to it that’s really grabbing a hold of my ears, filled out by all these layers of great pop moments. Settle into this track, and your day will get better. Look for the Melodie EP from the project this October.

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Album Premiere: The Funny Uncles

0001752112_10Drew Danburry is a guy I’ve known for quite some time as a quirky, just left of center, yetawesome songwriter and creator of great music. You might remember him as the guy who wrote the tearjerker entitled “Artex” about the horse from Never Ending Story. Well I was pleased to hear from Drew a few days ago after a lengthy pause and receive some news about his new album under the moniker The Funny Uncles. In even better news, Drew has allowed me to premiere this new album below! It’s entitledWritin’ Songsand features songs all under a minute long about some of your favorite products and stores. While some of you may think, “what the hell, that’s weird”, yes it is a bit weird, but picture it as a fun ride through all the awful shit we Americans hold as vices and addictions. You’ll laugh at times, you’ll think a bit too, and you’ll be enjoying some great pop music all at the same time. Trust me, it’s an experience unlike any other listening to start from finish. Hopefully he doesn’t get sued.

Drew will release this album on cassette soon! Pre-order here now.

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