Brand New Set of Tunes from Frail

frailSomewhere along the lines of running this blog I stumbled onto Frail, excited by the band’s blend of pop structures and punk tinge. Admittedly, they’re like the heavier version of Nada Surf, bringing in a great sense of melody, though with a quicker pace. Plus, the songs are rather short and infectious, making them perfect for repeated listens throughout your day. Sugar Heaven just popped up yesterday, so you’ve got plenty of time to absorb the hits before your friends catch on to how cool you truly are, so give ita long listen.

Kew Have Great Pop Numbers

kewIf you do anything, it’s best to listen to your friends, which is how I stumbled across Kew (thanks Mercury Girls). I don’t think this band is easy to pigeonhole, as they have hints of all the great little nods in the realm of pop. Therearehooks in both the songwriting and the vocal notes, but really these are just refreshing new tracks that make you happy to be alive. This is just a quick little sample to turn up loud, bounce around your room and revel in great jams. Grab these songs right now for the NYOP (always pay please!).

Tonight: Roaring Sun, Growl, Pollen Rx @ Mohawk

athshowFrom time to time, we hereat the ATH like to put on shows for you all in Austin, and it just so happens we have couple of gigs lined up this week, with our first coming tonight at Mohawk following the Anthony Green set. We’ve recently agreed to work with Pollen Rx on their debut full-length, Sunshine Emptiness, so if you’ve yet to check them out, tonight’s a good time. Growl, one of our long time favorites, return to the stage after taking a few months off to wrap up their own album and work on some other projects…never an act to miss. Plus, Roaring Sun get the headline spot, with these youngsters grabbing our attention with their recent hard work and rad new songs, like the one below.

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Unique New Track From Busman’s Holiday

unnamed-3Bloomington, Indiana has sort of become this weird new spot for up and coming indie music over the last decade or so. Though not near as prolific as say a Brooklyn or Portland, some solid bands are coming out of the area as evidenced by a group like Busman’s Holiday. The music created here is a type of indie folk music blended with some nice horns and full of chant style lyrics. Their latest single below entitled “What We Need We Know” is a perfect example of the style I’m talking about. It’s worth a listen or two.

Busman’s Holiday will release a new EP entitled Popular Cycles on October 14th via Joyful Noise.

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Hear a New Suburban Living Track

suburbanlivingI love good old layered pop rock n’ roll, just like this new Suburban Living tune. There’s a playful sensibility in the way the vocals are gently released into the song’s mix, but texturizing really builds an impactful emotion into the song’s structure. For me, the sense of longing to be with someone shines through, not only in the lyrics, but just the way the track drips its ear candy through your speakers, casting a spell of musical infatuation. This is just the latest from the band’s AlmostParadise, out October 7th via 6131 Records.

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Digging This New Trails and Ways

trailsandwaysPathology was a pretty decent introduction to Trails and Ways, and they’ve built on that success with a few singles for their latest record, Own It. This one below is the latest, and I think those looking for the next Tame Impala will find some similarities, fusing the blend of psychedelic with pop accessibility; these are songs meant to be absorbed by pop fans that like their tunes just slightly to the left of the dial. It has a memorable hook of rising and falling “oh”s, which find a way to sink their nails deep into your pop soul. Look for the new record, featuring this hit, on October 7th.

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Lovely Pop Number from Light Fantastic

lightfantasticOkay…when I saw this song in the world, I initially pined for a new track from Tripping the Light Fantastic. This is not that, it’s simply Light Fantastic, but it’s as lovely, if not more so. It’s got this semi-psych meets jangle feel to it, and I was sold on the groove from the get-go, but I’m also always in search of great little song memories, and you’ll find one at the 1.23 minute mark; it’s ever so slight, and not repeated, but there’s a perfect little switch in tone that made me fall totally in love with this band. Look for the group’s Out of View LP on October 7th via Spiritual Pajamas.

Darkened Pop Tune from Shana Falana

shanaFor the last few years, I’ve fawned over Wax Idols, and now we’ve got another kindred spirit spinning dark-tinged pop music, Shana Falana. It’s this heavy brooding, as if it’s been recorded in some hollow garage, with the volume ruffling the cones on your speaker just enough. Still, you’ll be sucked into this track, drenched in pop sensibilitythat only comes from the most innermost caverns of your soul. The new album from the project is titled Here Comes the Wave, and it’s being handled by Team Love Records for an October 21st release.

A Festival, A Parade Share Dark Alt Rock Single

afapA Festival, A Parade are a four piece out of Newcastle Upon Tyne who have got a Frightened Rabbit meets Preoccupations vibe with their heavy dark rock. This new single below, “If Dogs Could Talk,” has all the elements you’d expect from an alt-rock song: cutting riffs of electric guitar that duel throughout, furious drums with lots of cymbal crashes, and the deep vocals of Joe Allen that keep the song in that grumbling, low tone. This band has only been at it for about a year, so you can expect a bright future from these gents.

Bonus points if you can guess which track by The National that it appears this band has generated their name from.


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Striking New Luke Temple Tune

luketempleAdmittedly, Luke Temple is hit or miss with me. There were some tracks he built with Here We Go Magic that will forever live in my memory, yet others, they just didn’t grasp me. That being said, this new tune he’s just let loose is pretty memorable; I love how every note here almost feels like it’s being plucked from the strings. His voice continues to impress as well, especially as it rises right at the 2 minute mark. Some guys, they just have a gift, and I’ll go out on a limb and say that Luke’s got it. His new record, A Hand Through the Cellar Door will be released by Secretly Canadian on November 11th.

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