ACL WE2 – Friday In Photos

acl-we2-121aAre you ready to reminisce?

Let’s kick off more photos from the front for Austin City Limits on Weekend Two. Friday was the day. Let’s name drop – Radiohead, Die Antwoord, M83, Foals and more. A whole day of headliners for me and I was super excited. I had one “break” where I decided to get photos of Banks and Steelz to fill in the gap. Oofah. Do I have a story.

How about you read past the break? I had to suffer for my art. Heh.

#pukeandrally #radiohead #cantstopmenow

So yeah, I had been serious about taking care of myself, eating and drinking healthy stuff. I had a veggie taco and pressed veggie drink when I walked into the fest Friday. So after a few bands, I am down at the Samsung stage getting pics of the train wreck of a live set that was Banks and Steelz and I realized, I have to vomit. I walk over to a security guy in the middle of the second song and he points me to the medic’s tent. The medic asked if I have been hydrating, yep, tells me to sit down, nope. When I ask where he wants me to throw up, he points at the port-potty, OH HELL NO! I grab a trash can side stage and unleash. All the water came up. I proceed to kick the shit out of the trash can in anger. “I AM NOT MISSING OUT ON SHOOTING RADIOHEAD!!!” I sign a form to release liability to the fest for not continuing medical attention and shoot the third song. I puked one more time after chugging water, but I persevered. You are welcome. Shout out to the photo family for having pharmaceutical supplies and words of encouragement. I skipped shooting Die Antwoord from the crowd to save strength, no pit shoot this year, bummer.

Anyway, it was Thom’s birthday, there is a sequence in the gallery where he goes from sheepish, to thankful, to sticking his tongue out. He is human, apparently. I fostered the notion that he was in fact an alien sent here to save music. Otherwise, The Wombats were immensely fun, I got a jump shot. I also ticked off the emo-band-guy-in-crowd shot Friday. M83 was quite a bit better than I expected, though I dislike the new material, greatly. It was an awesome day aside from the vomit part. Fun story to tell, though.


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