Premiere: New Music from Erki Parnoja

Lately, my musical tastes have been looking for a journey, and this brand new track from Estonia’s Erki Parnoja is perfect. The song features this grooving bit of instrumental guitar maneuvering, with just a faint hint at vocals living occasionally underneath. But, for me, the special part of the tune lives in the middle where the guitars are paused and an ambient bit of atmospherics works its way through your speakers. It has the perfect cinematic world built in, which goes great with the accompanying video that Erki has put together illustrating how he came about creating the album art for his follow-up to the Himmelbjerget EP. Listen and love my friends.

Sound On Sound 2016 Preview: 5 Local Bands To Catch

13557836_290760167940194_5618505617977878544_nLadies and gentlemen, knights and knaves, sires and maidens– the time is drawing near for the inaugural Sound on Sound Festival and we here at ATH could not be more excited. Not only have the SOS folks put together a stacked bill filled with big time acts from all over the indie world, but they’ve also made sure to stick to their Austin roots by snagging some of the great local acts from around town. Sure, maybe you’ve seen their name on a poster for a show, but now is the time to make sure you show up for their set and give them some love. Read on for 5 local bands that you shouldn’t miss this weekend.

*Don’t forget about Late Knights, which is another excellent opportunity to catch some great bands– local and international.

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Lady Lamb Makes Her Triumphant Return

11222379_10153140766377408_4787813401717244325_oIt’s no secret that I’m a big fan of Lady Lamb, or Aly Spaltrow, if we’re in the business of naming the lady behind the moniker. Her debut album,After, from early in 2015 was a statement piece that allowed us to marvel at her raw vocals and the unique blend of indie rock that she brings to the scene. It brings me great pleasure to spread the word that Lady Lamb has returned with a new track and is prepping a new EP that’s set to come out in about a month. “See You” picks up right where we left off– Spaltrow’s jazzy-yet-rough vocals punching you in the face within the first few seconds of the track while her nimble guitar playing fills out the rest of the tune. I’m especially digging the playful “woos” that warm you to the song and the repeated chorus that closes things out.

Tender Warriors Clubwill be out December 1st via Mom + Pop Records.

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New Terry Malts Video

Have you bought the new Terry Malts LP yet? If not, I’m not sure what you’re waiting for, but in case you needed more convincing, then enjoy this brand new video from the group. Personally, I love the black and white aesthetic of the performance video; it seems to also fit the band’s sound. As far as the track goes, you’ll just need to listen to hear everything you love about pop music; I think the moment at the 1.50 mark where Phil and the band turn towards a classic guitar pop sound is brilliant. How folks haven’t discovered that this is one of the strongest group’s working today is beyond me. Grab Lost at the Party now from Slumberland Records.

Hear the Dead Leaf Echo B Side from Their Latest Single

deadleafechoDead Leaf Echo dropped a new single a few weeks back to announce their split tape with Did You Die, and now they’re letting us hear the b-side of their portion of the release. While the band’s often lumped into the shoegaze category, I like how this new tune relies more upon the group’s fascination with noisier soundscapes; you should be able to hear a NIN/Ministry nod in this track, especially in the way the vocals are recorded. The discordant noise screaming throughout definitely offers a different glimpse at a band that’s been one of our favorites for quite some time. The new split tape will be out via Moon Sound Records on November 4th.

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Show Preview: Tele Novella Release New Album @ Barracuda Tonight

teleIt’s Halloween, or so it has been for the last few days, but it all culminates tonight. What better way to celebrate than by donning your favorite costume and catching Tele Novella as they release their latest album into the world; it’s a stunning piece of pop, btw. Plus, the band has worked hard to decorate Barracuda and create a haunting atmosphere. Still, you have to show up early as some of the best bands in town will help kick the evening off: Deep Time, Big Bill and Pollen Rx. This is one of those shows where you get to have fun with your friends, dress up in costume and enjoy some of the best rock n’ roll the city has to offer. Hope to see you there!

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ATX Spotlight: Brand New Roaring Sun Track

roaringsunIf you’ve been following us, we’ve been following Roaring Sun, the newest young act in Austin to really win us over. The trio of youngsters, first started by the Rawlinson brothers, are still so young that they’re willing to throw in all their influences to see what sticks. We’re fortunate for that, as they’re crafting this delightful pop bits that look ready to build a promising career. This song has some electronic touches, washes of distorted guitars and a softness in the vocals that makes your heart swoon. But, the special part of this new single comes right after the 3 minute mark when they break into this elaborate pop world akin to Grizzly Bear. I continue to be impressed by how quickly these guys have come around. Keep an eye out Austin…and beyond.

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Hear the Latest from Cory Hanson

coryCory Hanson spends the majority of his time kicking it in his band Wand, but he’s recently been working on the release of his solo effort, The Unborn Capitalist from Limbo. While there are hints of similarities to his main project, I think the orchestration in this new single demonstrates how much he’s elevated his sound. The utilization of strings provides the perfect balance to the way his voice creakily unfolds. Drag City will be unleashing the new album on November 11th, so you’ve got time to invest in Cory’s new project before making a decision.

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Digging Pauwel de Meyer

pauwelMonday’s are for being uplifted, and I reckon you should start with Pauwel de Meyer‘s newest single. It’s a pretty straight ahead indie rock track, with just a bit of guitar noodling. But, I think the harmony created by de Meyer is what continues to make my morning better; the way the tones raise when he repeats “am I doing alright” tug at ye old heartstrings. Right now, we’re just throwing this out there as a one off single, but we’re hoping that the promise shown here brings us more from Pauwel in the very near future.

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Premiere: Meet Upper Deck Pets

upperdeckUsually you reserve Saturday for Twitter and nonsense, but for all our Austin readers, and those just browsing the Internet, I had to introduce you to Upper Deck Pets. The band has is comprised of bits of local favorite Milezo and Marmalakes, and if this is their first single, we’re in for a whole lot of great tunes! It opens quickly with this guitar line that moves back and forth, filled with a layer of fuzz. The vocals get delivered quickly, then they take on a croon as the guitars get heavier and build back into the rhythmic pulse of tune; it all fades into a bit of experimental noise as the track closes. I’m not going to lie…this tune is addicting, and deserves to be the start to your Saturday.

You get an added bonus as the band releases a tape single with their friends smith+robot tomorrow night over at Sahara Lounge! Doors are at 7…buy local.


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