Sound on Sound Interview: Tiny Moving Parts

tmpNext Friday Sound on Sound Fest kicks off what we hope will be an annual event. We threw out some interviews to start previewing the bands that will be gracing the stage, and we’re here with one from Tiny Moving Parts. The band has several albums under their belt, and a lot of praise has been going to this year’s release, Celebrate. Check out what Dylan had to say when we caught up with him. You can stream the new record below too! Thanks to Talia for setting this up.

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More from The Wedding Present

weddingIf you’ve been paying attention out there, you knew that Going Going, the newest album from The Wedding Present, was making its way to US shores. That’s important, as HHBTM Records will be releasing it here, but it’s also important to the narrative of the album, as the 20 songs were all written or based off a US road trip. Plus, each song is accompanied by a short film, which hopefully documents the trip itself. But, we’ll have to wait until November 18th to see, though in the meantime, jam this just released tune! It’s titled “Two Bridges,” which if you listen to the track below seems to be two wholly different bridges. Listen and find out why I say that.

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Brand New Indiepop from Desario

desarioWhen the music world goes stale, you can always count on the fact that there’s a great indiepop band out there just crafting wonderful tunes. Luckily for us, Test Pattern Records and Desario have six great new tunes! The label releases the Haunted EP, the second EP from the band this year, and there’s not a miss on this one. I think the bubbling pop of “Formula One” is my current favor, though when I started writing this little blurb, I was completely digging the shimmering sounds of “Wayside.” If you want something charming on your Friday, then you need look no further than Desario and their latest batch of hits.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Simmering Electronic Track From Sundayman

kyr-02aSundayman is the project ofKyriakos Moustakas, out of Greece, who produces and makes electronic music. He’s going to be releasing a new album on November 7th calledScene Missing, which will be a follow up to his first two albums. This track, “Alive,” puts Sundayman on your radar for upcoming releases– it’s a dark groove of hazy electronic music that slowly builds up over the course of its four minutes. Take a listen and enjoy below, then go pre-order the new album via Inner Ear Records.

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We Leave at Midnight Offer New Tune

Processed with MOLDIVThose of you looking back towards a more “classic” indie rock sound should stop and press play on this new tune from We Leave at Midnight. It’s a song that carefully sucks you in by layering voices and instruments, almost like a 60s texturing. Then the minute mark comes in, bounce kicks in and the song takes off, wrapping hooks around your hears so tightly they’ll never let you walk away from this song. The San Antonio group break things down in and out of the closing moments, tinkering with bits of piano to fulfill the textural promise. Texas is Funny Records will be releasing the band’s new album, The Holy Rolling Flower Band, on December 9th.

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Late to the Party: New Music from TYVEK

tyvekThis track got some love last week from those super cool kids over at P4K, but I wanted to give it some space, as I’m a huge TYVEK fan. The song opens with this brooding bit of guitar and hints of feedback. It all makes way for a sort of spoken word vocal approach, which calls to mind Parquet Courts a bit, but it ends up just leaving this haunting echo hanging out in your head space. It’s this sprawling piece of dark, calming rock, unwilling to sacrifice the approach; it leaves you mesmerized, thirsting for more, which is why I’ll be picking up Origin of What on November 4th via In the Red Records.

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More Fun Pop from Flower Girl

flowergirlNot too long ago I was writing about how much fun I was having listening to the first single from Flower Girl, and here they are blasting out another catchy number. It’s strange, they have this noisy element hiding in the background of this track, providing a slight edge. But, if I let that slide, it’s just a euphoric number akin to the early works of Surfer Blood. It’s built for singing along, letting yourself go and rocking out with your best friend. Their album, Tuck in Your Tie Dye, will be released by BUFU on November 11th.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Another Track from Pure Moods

PURE_MOODS-BLooks like we’ll be spending some time over in Australia today, as we first ran a Lower Plenty track, and now we’re here with this Pure Moods hit. I’ve really taken to the band’s approach; they seem to take the pages from the Mac Demarco notebook and slow it all down…like the DJ Screw of indie rock. There’s a nice meandering bit of guitar jamming out right after the 2 minute mark, but even that has a subdued wash to it. To me, this is chillwave, but with instruments! Looking forward to the group’s debut self-titled album, out November 4th via Deaf Ambitions.

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Premiere: Smile Release New Album

smileYou might recognize a few faces from the Smile posse, sharing members with local posters, Dreamboat. But, don’t use that to make your basis for the band’s sound,with the group here flexing their musical muscles and creating musically dense compositions. Each track on Like a Diamond in the Rough, You Shine seems like it’s own mini-concept album; songs take twists and turns, though always relying upon the group’s dynamic pop sensibility. For my two cents, I think the journey, and flip side, of “Must Be Something 1 & 2” are easily worth your time, with one side hitting hard and the other letting you venture off into your own world. If you’re looking for a new band that adds a little bit of sunshine to art-pop, then delve into this listen right now.

The group release the album on Friday with a secret special house party. Hit them up to find out where!

Brand New Single from Kevin Morby

kevinKevin Morby‘s made quite a name for himself since he departed Woods, and with that, he just keeps offering up great tune after great tune, like this brand new one, “Beautiful Stranger.” But, not only is he out to bring a new song, he’s also got an important cause, with all proceeds from this tune going to Everytown for Gun Safety, an advocacy group fighting for safer communities and an end to gun violence. Aside from the message, the song maintains your attention for over 6 minutes, which isn’t an easy task for folks these days. Plus, an added bonus is the B-Side to the single is a cover of Townes Van Zandt‘s “No Place to Fall.” Good idea, even better songs.

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