Digging This Rocker From Mainland

unnamed-4So maybe I’m a few days late to sharing this track, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less good. On the contrary, you should be already clicking on the track to listen now, so that you can make up for my tardiness. Mainland, out of Brooklyn, are releasinga new album before the end of this year and they’ve shared a track from that upcoming LP. “Permission Slip” goes nicely with the everlasting summer we’re having here in the ATX; the ceaseless “oohs” and springy pop guitars scream warm weather and carefree attitude. The vocals also remind me of Modest Mouse a bit in their raspy energy. Take a listen.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/288979170″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Upbeat Number from Walkingshoe

walkingshoeTuesdays are my hardest days. I’m always in search of something extra energetic, which is great as this Walkingshoe tune is doing just the trick for me. It’s got this jangling ring to the guitars, kicking off a Rally-era Phoenix feel to it. But, those vocals have that youthful tone that captures the ears of many a listener, and I’m no different. The project is in the final stages of prepping the Hennie and Me EP, which should hit in early January of next year…so now you’ve got something fun to look forward to as Winter creeps in.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/284610202″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Music from Solilians

soliliansThis new tune from Solilians is something a little different, and since it’s also an ode to Martin Rev of Suicide, I figured it might be a great place to just start venturing out into the world. There’s a rhythmic pulse that pervades the number creating an odd state of disorientation. Eventually, vocals start to show themselves, leaking out between the cracks of the song. While the song inches forward, you find yourself completely immersed, incapable of pulling away from the band’s self-described space drone. Look for the group to release Shin on November 18th via Goodbye Better.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/287021988″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Premiere: Croy and the Boys Celebrate Album w/ New Single

croyandtheboys2It’s been a long time coming for Corey Baum and his posse, aka Croy and the Boys. Finally, their new album is ready for the masses, and it sounds as great as we’ve all expected it would. Their brand new single holds true to the Texas country tradition, but they’ve textured the track to make it more than just a run of the mill piece; there are layered guitars and a walking bit of keys. Honestly, it sounds like a cross between Wilco and Lucero, with hints of the Texan attitude Baum has inherited since moving to our state. The band have titled the album, Hey Come Back, and they’re celebrating it’s release over at Hotel Vegas this Saturday.

Intimate Track From Hand Habits

14379829_1047569908672491_1109086074060025602_oHand Habits are your new favorite act– well they are if you have five minutes to spend with this gorgeous americana-ish track. “All The While” will essentially bewitch you from its opening notes, asthe simple combination of guitar, vocals and drums are hauntingly beautiful. Meg Duffy, the front lady behind the moniker, has a voice that will bathe you in its warm and yet hold you completely at its mercy while the bluesy guitar parts twist and turn through the background. Her debut album,Humble Before The Void, will be out via Woodsist sometime at the start of 2017.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/287681085″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

ATX Spotlight: Brand New Album from Slow

slowWe’ve been hot on the heels of Slow since we first caught their set a few years ago. Out of nowhere the band, fronted by G. Thurston, just uploaded a brand new album, Pocketknife. It’s filled with 8 songs of stuttering guitar-monies, recalling the best of the guitar-pop realm. I love that they were able to capture some of the band’s live energy in the recordings, not to mention Darren Shorts (of Basketball Shorts fame) is working out the bass here. Congrats to the band for getting these songs out here; go listen and be sure to spend your money where your heart is.

Stream No Museums New Album, The Drifting Knives

nomuseumsJust a few weeks ago we brought you one of the brand new tracks from No Museums, and now the time is here for you to stream the new record, The Drifting Knives. Some of the track are slow burning indie rock tunes, letting you settle in with good quality songwriting. But, I’d also advise listening to a track like “The Months,” which is built more around a muddied guitar strum and really soft vocal touch. It’s my favorite track today as I listen, but with this band, I love it all, so I’ll likely find another favorite tomorrow. This is one of those artists that I wish more people would spend time with, so now is your chance to enjoy a great Monday listen.

Uplifting Number from Body Is Working

livingI love to follow the micro-labels of the world; it’s where you find the best tunes. Thus I spent today looking for new music all over, like at Kingfisher Bluez; it is there that I discovered Living Body. What was once a one off show has emerged into a promising new act, and this single perfect demonstrates what’s to come. It opens with an emphatic statement, but circles back with just a bit of fragility in the vocals…occasionally reinforced with ringing chords. This is one of those numbers that reinvigorates the spirit, allowing you to bask in the world of music as a smile creeps upon your face. Look for the band’s debut, Body Is Working, on December 2nd.

ACL WE2 Sunday in Photos


Austin just went through another “festival” with what appears to have been a rather successful Formula One race weekend. I am an F1 fan and the three days out at the circuit are treated as a staycation for the wife and I. Why am I telling you this? I do not know.

Back on topic, The final batch of photos from ACL are ready for your consumption. Sunday was a sleeper day. The fest was sneeky-fun and I had a great day with my photo friends. The weather was amazing again and we had some big WE2 exclusives.

First, I did not go anywhere near that crowd for Willie. It was INSANE!!! A friend went up in a cherry picker and took twenty some-odd wide angle photos and stitched them together into an impressive panorama. Instead, I watched the set via festival TV and relaxed. Ra Ra Riot, on the other hand, was an early in the day highlight of festival hits. Amasa Hines was the surprise, think blues guys doing Interpol covers. Also on the BMI stage, Atlas Genius drew the biggest crowd I have ever seen at our favorite stage at ACL. NF did an Eminem impression, just grabbed photos on the way to Pete Yorn. Local Natives ooh-ahh’ed straight into our hearts. St. Paul and The Broken Bones brought the soul review to life, though I was concerned the Saint’s jaw would unhinge and swallow one of us whole. Miike Snow filled a gap; too much fog. Young the Giant got sexy and dirty to a fanatical crowd obsessed by frontman Sameer Gadhia while the band seemingly went through the motions.

And finally the second bucket-list shoot, LCD Soundsystem gave us the end-of-the-fest dance party. Seeing their set two weekends in a row, you realize that it is scripted and I guess that is understandable given the number of synth, percussion and instrument changes required. Didn’t stop WE2’s dance party from being any less awesome…

Click through for the pretty photos.

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