ACL 2016: Weekend One From The Crowd

nd4_0348Kicking off some official ACL coverage beyond our social media blitzes from the world. Weekend One was the version of ACL where we get to see bands, spend time with friends and get snarky about the future of America and the music industry.

This gallery will feature some artists, mostly crowd related action and some highlights, calling out Lucy Dacus. Lucy’s set at the BMI stage was great. She and the band were sweet people and we’re fans.

Click through for the shots and a couple of random notes…

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Nice Rocker From Doubles

0008066461_10It’s a nice day for some explosive and raucous indie rock music. Right? Well our genre bender today is called “Plant” and comes by way of Philly based rock band Doubles. This one is all about the build up you feel for about a minute and a half which turns into an all out rock fest after that. It hits.

Doubles will be working on a new album coming soon! For now, enjoy this jam today.

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Heavenly Tune from Section

sectionThere’s not really too much information out there about Section, the project of Danny Belgrad, but that doesn’t mean this song doesn’t warrant your attention today. It begins with little electronic bits that soon find themselves mingling with added notes and textures. Eventual, Belgrad’s voice enters the picture, carefully resting atop the mix; I can see myself dreamily gazing out the window as this song plays behind me…and that always sums up my Mondays. As of now, this is just a one off tune, but keep your eyes open for more from Section.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Did You Catch This New Pill Video?

12963790_836192153177229_6321725234827452022_nIn case you missed it, last week, Pill dropped a video for their single “Dead Boys,” which is the perfect October aesthetic for those of you looking to get in the Halloween mood. The video features the band frolicking around in a graveyard– Houdini’s grave to be exact– and the post rock tune makes for a great soundtrack to the video. Check it out and then go scoop up Pill’s latest release here via Mexican Summer.


Slightly Late To The Party: Pale Honey

14435158_929839563787121_4964455778880146206_oPale Honey are a Swedish group that I’m somehow just now finding out about, though they dropped their latest track, “Real Thing,” to the internet alittle while ago. This song has got a nice balance of fuzzy guitars with angelic vocals, and while it’s a rock song, the percussion is eclectic– waves of tinkering cow-bell esque sounds give the tune a funky beat. If that wasn’t enough, there’s also finishing touches of synth waves that round things out nicely. It’s a catchy track, and I’m looking forward to more from this group.

This single will be out officially on October 13th via Bolero Recordings.You can go preorder it here.

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Giant Burger Ready Rocker

giantburgerThis brand new Giant Burger tune popped up on the Odd Box Records bandcamp, served as a warning to all those that Giant Burger Forever was coming. It’s a mix of Devo-esque dance and propulsive punk…built to force energy through your ears until the song explodes in a noisy eruption at the end. Just as quickly as the spasmic noise blurts through, the song abruptly ends…leaving you thirsting for another hit. Look for all the hits when the full album is released on November 25th, but be warned, there’s only a limited amount of copies out there!

Brand New Dead Leaf Echo + Cheer Up Charlies Show

deadleafechoTomorrow night there’s this great shoegaze event over at Cheer Up Charlies, put on by our friends over at The Nothing Song. The line-up includes local faves like Single Lash, Moving Panoramas, Grivo and more…but it also features Dead Leaf Echo from NYC. And, to celebrate the event, and music in general, the group unleashed a brand new track today…it might just be one of my favorites. It begins with a little upbeat indiepop feel to it, building tension with some hi-hat work and echoed crooning. Eventually it takes on the full realm of pop by unleashing the rest of the percussive kit, and increased vocal presence. At about the 1.30 minute mark the song takes a turn and a wall of guitars squall through your speakers; it leaves quite the impression. So, fall in love with the track, and go see the band tomorrow night here in Austin!

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Play This New Dig Tune, Ya’ Dig?

thedigMan, I can only use the word dig so many times in reference to The Dig, but I definitely am enjoying their new single. It’s this shiny bit of indie pop drenched in a playful rhythm and a nice soothing vocal throughout the various verses. There’s this really subtle melodic wash grooving in it too, jumping out with an even larger hook during the chorus to grab the listener. You liked that last Tame Impala LP? You’ll probably find a nice home here. Look for the band’s debut, Bloodshot Tokyo, in February of next year via Roll Call Records.

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Melbourne’s Parading Cover Paul Kelly

paradingParading are readying a new record for Lost and Lonesome, but in the meantime they’ve offered a cover of Paul Kelly’s “Big Heart.” Their take utilizes a similar opening moment with the guitar, though there’s more fragility in the vocals. As the song moves along, they muddy it up with more texture than you’ll hear on the classic version. They add in an extra few bars of exploratory sound, which should come as no surprise to folks familiar with the band’s work. It’s Friday, and that means you should just listen to good tunes, so add this one to your list.

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Nintendo Pop from Deerful

deerfulI always check in on WIAIWYA, one of my favorite micro-labels overseas. They just put up information on Deerful and the project’s Home EP. For me, it’s great, as the music really sounds exactly like the early Nintendo games, just with the heavenly voice of Emma Witson singing atop. I guess in that, there’s a huge level of familiarity, but also an endearing enchantment that’s let me get sucked in completely. Sometimes, the simplest approach is often the most rewarding, and I feel as if this song proves exactly that!

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