Jeffrey Lewis at Beerland Tonight

In a city with an abundance of music, even during low touring seasons, you can easily get overwhelmed by shows. But, tonight at Beerland you’re getting a special treat: Jeffrey Lewis. He’s a musician at the moment, but for the past twenty years he’s also worked as an incredible comic artist (the book version not the stand up). You can check out his work and his site HERE, but show up tonight at 9 and get ready for something incredible. His last album, Manhattan, still plays steadily in my rotation, so check out the tune below. Also, you’ll get to hear Jake Gumb and Dead Sally, so technically you’re going to win all day long…and you know how America likes winning.

Tim Darcy of Ought Goes Solo

Man. This might just be me, but I think that Ought is probably one of the most important, underrated acts around the music scene. Now you have Tim Darcy dipping toes in the solo water, and it sounds just as rad as I wanted it to be. The musical work is just a steady dose of post-punk guitar rock, but Tim’s voice has this distinctive sound that makes his work incredibly impacting, not to mention meaningful once you unfold the lyrics. Putting this one out there, as it’s now on my highly anticipated album list for next year! Saturday Night comes out on February 17th via Jagjaguwar.

New Music from Debate Club

debateclubWhile we were all taking a break in the States, the rest of the world was moving on, and one of my personal favorite little labels, Beko Disques, tossed out this brand new EP from Debate Club. If you listen, you’d see thatMontreal group fit rather nicely with the current indie landscape; they offer up a slightly dark bit of rock n’ roll, built upon a brooding sensation with a slight bit of foot stomping. You can grab the 2 track EP for the magical name your own price option, but please remember, folks can only keep putting out great songs like this if we throw them a dollar from time to time.

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New from The Holiday Crowd

holidaycrowdIf you’re looking for some bouncing pop that has that historical lean towards everything we loved about the 80s, then look no more because the Holiday Crowd is here for you.I think the biggest piece of this track where folks will fall in love is the semi-croon in the vocals, reminiscent of the Moz. I love the contrast between the twinkling guitar work and the deep bobbing tones of the bass guitar; it’s a nice twist on the influences that make all indiepop songs enchanting. The band’s self-titled record is being released by the uber-reliable Shelflife on December 9th.

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Check Out This New Pollen RX Tune

pollenSo, as we wrap up the rad year of 2016, I’m already looking towards what ATH Records can bring you in 2017! First up, the brilliant band of popsters, Pollen Rx, aim to take Austin by storm with their excellent debut, Sunbelt Emptiness. It was recorded here in town by Ian Rundell, and I think he killed it; it’s filled to the brim with the perfect blend of punk and pop, discord and harmony. I can guarantee you there’s not a bad hit on this record, but you should judge for yourself by listening to this new single (a demo version was floating around, but it’s since been re-recorded). Look for the LP from us on January 27, or pre-order it HERE.

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Jangle Pop Bliss From The Artisans

1461701_717961474963707_3796667194911930857_nWe’ve all done it– wandered through the endless loophole of the internet until we find something so far from what we first started looking at that we have to take a step back and try to trace our steps back. This time around, my internet wanderings led me to this track from The Artisans, who are a four piece picking up speed somewhere ‘between the thick smog of Hartlepool and the bright lights of Newcastle.’ I can’t tell you much more about the band,but it seems as though this track below is some new material from the group. When you press play, what you’ll find in “The Ballad of Armley Jail,” is a twisting story of jangly indie pop, with cutting riffs, group vocals, and (wait for it) handclaps! Take a listen below and lend these folksyour ear.

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Dream Pop from Seeing Hands

seeinghandsNothing gets to me, especially on a Monday, like the sound of those twinkling guitars I associate with the dream pop genre; they border on jangling, if only in tone, but I’d sign up for that alone. This new single from Seeing Hands fits perfectly in there, and I think I’d push you to enjoy it on those qualities alone…except that’s not just it. Listen carefully to the slight tonal turn delivered during the chorus, lightly coated, it leaves you floating. The band continues to show promise as they work on a debut album, and with songs like these, it’s hard not to see it going somewhere special.

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Digging on Super Paradise

superparadiseWhile the year wraps up and folks are looking to 2017, there are still a couple of hits out there waiting for you, like the new album from Super Paradise. The (now) London based act have this earnestness in their vocals that has me currently fawning over them, with their debut single offering up this blistering bit of bouncing pop. I’m tapping my toes here, trying to let myself go, and then the guitars hit a wave of distortion as the track fades out; it’s perfect. Their album, Quencebo, was just put out on CD by Jigsaw Records, which you know we support, so you should do the same.

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Sorry I Missed This: Tim Cohen Announces New Music

timcohenI wonder when Tim Cohen ever sleeps, and if he does, is he writing songs while he sleeps? Last week he announced another new release…though not with Magic Trick nor Fresh & Onlys…just Tim Cohen. This new track, however, is something as enchanting, if not more so, than his various projects. His vocals capture something, and while the music is good enough, you can’t pull yourself away from that voice. It’s accented by female accompaniment in points, but the clarity on his voice alone warrants repeated listens. I’m not sure there’s anything this guy can’t do, so I’ll gladly spend time with his new album, Luck Man, when it’s released by Sinderlyn on January 20th.

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Premiere: Broken Chairs Release Rad Single

brokenchairsProbably one of my favorite emotional pulls in music is the rushing feeling of falling off the tracks; it’s like losing control, yet you know the artists have you covered. When I listen to this excellent rocker from Broken Chairs I feel like the world is rushing in, crashing all around me. It’s jagged punk with the slightest melodic semblance that leads to the track’s infectious quality; you’ll memorize it, lose yourself in it and ultimately find it a memorable listen from start to finish. If you love the song, as you should, then go ahead and check out their BANDCAMP and grab yourself a copy.

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