Stream the New Lower Plenty LP

lowerplentyMan, the opening song from Lower Plenty‘s new LP plays constantly in my brain; it’s the casual anti-pop that I’ve grown to love over the last decade or so. But, Sister Sister is full of great tunes that are equal to, or better than the opener. For the most part, this is a mellow affair, which might shock those who’ve followed the members other projects, like Total Control or UV Race. Still, give a listen to “Run Run Run” or “Cursed by Numbers” and try to tell me you’re not totally lost in what they’re doing. Looking for an album full of beautiful escape, then look no further. The LP is released by Bedroom Suck Records this Friday.

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New Music from MELT

meltMELT have been on my radar for the last few months, but as we wind down the year, I’m really looking forward to the release of their debut, Riffer. It’s an interesting approach, based on this single…a world where post rock and dream pop collide. The chords wrap themselves around one another, while the vocals are released with a soothing tone that almost sinks beneath the mix. It’s almost heavy, but not quite, offering up enough melodic intoxication to keep me from turning away. Look for the debut on November 25th via Topshelf and Danger Collecitve.

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Step Outside The Norm With Flora Cash

14884626_1090558500993196_6507523934953729105_oMaybe it’s the period of turmoil we’ve entered into, but I’m feeling like widening my musical horizons, and Flora Cash is making music that appeals to my conventional tastes but pushes a little beyond that as well. Take “Sadness Is Taking Over,” for example. It’s a beautiful blend of pop, folk, and a little bit of subtle hip hop. Starting in the folk-realm, you get simple acoustic guitar and vocals, but then the percussion mixes in and you know that the track is going to be a bit more complicated than your average folk tune. You get very-bass-heavy percussion, which almost comes across as a drop, albeit a much calmer and cooler one, when you get to the chorus. The vocals are soft and haunting throughout the whole tune, but the chorus is damn catchy and cuts deep. Look out for more music from this Scandinavian duo.

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Pop Ditty from Palm Honey

palmhoneyI’m stuck on this Palm Honey tune, and I’m guessing you’ll be in the same place once you press play. The hook comes to you via the stuttering guitar chords, shuffling the vocal croon into play. Then the guitars begin turn into a more explorative tone, which also brings a calmer vocal display. They jump back and forth between the two contrasting styles, then closes it out with a steady comboof both. This new single will be featured on the group’s new EP, Tucked Into theElectronic Wave, which comes out on January 23rd.

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Wistappear Share A Fresh New Song

unnamed-1Coming in to today I knew not one thing about SoCal based group Wistappear, but I’m looking to remedy that today with this promising new single. The song, entitled “Overflowed” is reminding me of the frequent rhythm changes of Dirty Projects mixed in with the fun and open vibe of a say Here We Go Magic. My comparisons aside, it’s definitely a reason to start paying attention to this band and their upcoming new album.

Knack for Whatever is out on November 18th.

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Fresh Tune from Spelling Reform

spellingYou’d be forgiven for immediately thinking of Mountain Goats when you play this Spelling Reform, as the vocal tones are almost precisely Darnielle-esque. But, while I like that, I think you’d be selling the quality of this song a little short. There are moments when the song enjoys an upbeat folk aura, though the unleashing of a more rocking note kicks the song up a notch, creating a track that grabs your ears, musically and lyrically. Tons of promise in this tune, so I’m expecting bigger things from their album No One’s Ever Changed when it’s released on November 18th via Black Rd Records.

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Brand New Old Music from Dayflower

dayflowerOne of our favorite discoveries this year has been Dayflower, and they just sent us a note that they had unleashed a brand new song recorded a bit ago…just now seeing the light of day. This one is heavy on the samples, but the washing of guitars for texture is what grabbed me. I love the way it allows the vocals to sort of playfully move in and out of the song; it sort of reminds me of a more electronic take on what Deerhunter‘s been doing…or maybe even Radio Dept. Regardless, this project always brings us great hits, and here’s yet another one.

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Slightly Late To The Party: Rodes Rollins


Ok, I’ll be real–this track came out a little bit ago, but it just came across my radar and it was too good not to share. Rodes Rollins is an up-and-coming artist, and “Young & Thriving” is exactly the get-stuck-in-your-head track you need to start your Monday and stay with you for the rest of the week. The song starts with some heavily distorted waves of guitar, and slowly builds from there. But the heart of the song is really the vocals, which coat everything in a cool warmth; they’re semi-distorted themselves, but still bone-chillingly real. Take a listen and enjoy.

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Sound On Sound Recap: Sunday

Processed with VSCO with hb2 presetWe’re a full week out from the incredible inaugural Sound on Sound Festival, and boy, has a lot happened since that blissful last weekend. What I thought would simply be a week of post-fest-depression turned into what I guess will be the next four years of depression and anxiety for the country and the people I love in it. Regardless of that, I’m going to take comfort in writing this recap of past Sunday and maybe I’ll can pretend I’m about tomake that drive out to McDade once more and let my body be cleansed by rain and punk rock…

Go back to happier times and read on for my recap of day 3 of Sound on Sound.

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Delay Trees Cover Cats on Fire

delay_trees_promokuva_02_2016I’m generally not one to buy into covers and what not, but here Soliti have put two of my favorite acts together: Delay Trees covering Cats on Fire. I love the fact that Delay Trees have been able to add a layer of brightness to the original, simply with a warmer vocal tone. It’s wonderful to hear band’s you adore cover their friends, all perfectly complimenting one another. This cover is featured on Soliti’s celebration of running the label for 5 years with their My Brain Hurts A Lot Comp, which features the label’s acts covering their labelmates. Enjoy your day folks.

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