Goodbye 2016

day-for-night-sun-371We’ve been recovering over the holidays as it has been a strange year to say the least with more rain outs, a storm of discontent and quite a bit of loss.

The fall festival season was one of the strongest in a while with newcomers Sound on Sound anchoring the weird; the best things are often not easy. ACL had one of its best headliner lineups in years. #RadioheadplayedLetDown I have a reason to go to Houston in Day For Night. Austin Town Hall Records had several releases hit the store, great stuff. I hung out with a lot of people I love. We had a lot of great records to listen to.

Maybe 2016 wasn’t all that bad, but I’m cool with saying the final goodnight. I’ll leave you with some really random photos.

Day For Night: Sunday In Photos

day-for-night-sun-282Second big gallery, this one is nuts cause we had a full day of festing planned out.

First of all, you can’t plan the weather, but you can plan for it. It was frrrreaky cold. I was sporting my fluffy socks, gloves, the wind proof jacket and the X-Men scarf (thanks, Beth). The suffering was worth it as once again, the fest proved to be a fantastic place to have a camera.

The Sunday gallery from Day for Night features Nothing, S U R V I V E, Ariel Pink, Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats, Matmos, Lightning Bolts, Liars, Night Drive, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Little Dragon and Butthole Surfers. Wow.

Please click through…

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Day For Night: Saturday In Photos

day-for-night-sat-201Nathan has our summary post duties. Nailed it.

Day for Night is a very ambitious festival; it over-reached a couple times this year, but all in all, it was a success. We’ll be giving the organizers some real talk feedback, but hot damn, last weekend was photogenic AF. The giant LED backgrounds used either for artists synchronized art or for excellent festival graphic design or complimentary colors to appease the lighting directors whims, all with a Houston skyline looming.

Aside from tons of environment pics, Saturday’s gallery features Lower Dens, Jesus and Mary Chain, Blood Orange, Tycho and Aphex Twin. I mean, look at that list. And this was the easy and chill day.

Click through y’all. Please?

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Day For Night Recap

day-for-night-sun-324We heard such great things about the inaugural Day for Night Fest that B. Gray and I just had to attend this year…that and Aphex Twin was playing. It was definitely a special experience, with far more highs than lows, thus rendering this year’s festival a success in our eyes.

You can follow below for our highlights. And stay tuned for more photos from B.

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Watch This Bent Video

Bent just released their brand new LP, Snakes and Shapes, via our fave, Emotional Response. They just upped this rad video, which though it seems like casual footage, actually follows along the lyrical content. The song celebrates the band’s brooding post-punk aesthetic, bordering on rambunctious, yet with enough restraint to hold onto the song. It’s likely you’ll find yourself indulging in repeated listens, as you should, and if you’re so inclined, you should pick up the album why you’re at it; it’s available HERE.

Fresh Alasdair Roberts Track

arAlasdair Roberts has long been crafting folk tracks that tickle our fancy when it comes to traditional style tunes. “The Downward Road,” his latest single from his upcoming record, is no exception to this steady trend of beautiful music. As you’ll hear below, Roberts has packed just as much whimsy as serious craftsmanship into this tune–you’re greeted with a nice blend of fiddle, acoustic guitar and some wonky electric guitar. Of course you get Roberts’ gentle vocals as well, but then the chorus kicks it up a bit into a full on stomper of a track. Take a listen.

Pangswill be out February 24th via Drag City. Go preorder it here.

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Meatbodies Announce New Album

meatbodies-credit-ada-rajkovic-copy-2Seven degrees of Ty Segall continues with Fuzz‘s Chad Ubovich announcing his latest Meatbodies release, Alice…said to be a concept album. While some of the guitar work has the heavy distorted hand, I think it’s spun in such a way that this tune has more of an accessible groove to it. Guitar’s knife through the background, but the vocals have this tone that bursts through brightly, clearing out room for one helluva jam. Alice will be released via In the Red Records next year, and it’ll definitely bring something we’ll all be looking at with anticipation.

Show Spotlight: Holiday Revue @ Cheer Up Charlies (12.17)

revueIn case you haven’t noticed, it’s holiday season, and what better way to celebrate than with a great Holiday Revue show, like the one at Cheer Up Charlies on Saturday night. The show features Botany, Big Bells, Wintertime Fun Band (members of BBall Shorts), David Israel and Shivery Shakes. As if the musical line-up wasn’t solid enough, they’ll also be holding a raffle with goodies from Super Secret Records, Western Vinyl and our ATH Records…plus much more. All you have to do is bring socks or underwear to the show to donate to ARCH, which with the cold coming in is definitely a worthy cause for us all to participate in. There’s more on the event HERE, and some songs to enjoy below.

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ATX Spotlight: Hunter Jones Unleash Jordan Year

hunterjonesIn what’s been an incredible year for Austin’s music scene, Hunter Jones look to add their name to that list right before the year draws to a close. The band employ those slightly jangly, slightly dreamy tones throughout the entirety of Jordan Year. There’s a calming quality working here, always present, even when they pick up the pace on my favorite track, “Fast Song.” I’m also partial to “Maybe,” but those are just my picks for standout tracks. You can grab the new mini-album via bandcamp, or pick it up in cassette format via Outer Limit Records.

Digging on REXX

rexxWhoa! You’ve got to get into REXX. It’s like spastic proto punk, except there’s this huge undercurrent of pop sensibility brooding beneath the angular discord of squalling guitars. Personally, I think the rhythm section needs a medal; it’s the precision drumming that really brings this track success. It almost sounds like the band are bringing about a flavor akin to Les Savy Fav, but it just so happens they’re a tad more upbeat. Just going to play this song as many times as I can before the release of their To Communicate EP, which comes out this Friday via Danger Collective Records.

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