Sorry I Missed This: Personal and the Pizzas New LP

pizzaI got so wrapped up in the nonsense of year end lists that I missed the release of the new Personal and the Pizzas LP last Friday! I know the band’s fascination with leather jackets and rock n’ roll make it easy to compare the band to the Ramones (and that’s there!), but I think the music within their self-titled LP has a lot of leaning to an almost 70s psychedelia, though spun with a little more love for rock n’ roll; they slow things down to maximize the melody, and I’m in love. You can grab the LP from Slovenly right now, if you know what’s right!

New Hit from Dominic Angelella

dominicIt looks like we’re heading towards the end of the year with a whole bunch of great guitar pop, which seems to be what I’ve been digging lately. This time around we’ve got the new single from Dominic Angelella; he’s offering up a style that seems to hold true to troubadours of every musical cycle, though there’s more punch in his guitar. It’s a hook-laden track for sure, but I can feel the groove blasting through my speakers over the smoky vocals. This track appears on his next record, Goodnight, Doggies, which hits on February 3rd via Lame-O Records.

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Day For Night Interview: Night Drive

Night DriveRegular readers know that we love the synth-pop jams from our friends at Night Drive. Day for Night will include the Austin/Houston based outfit and I figured I would do a little Q&A action to help preview the awesome festivities. Rodney and Brandon took some time to deal with the usual list of things about life, fests and jams.

Click through to read all about it including some tips for stuff to listen to and the story behind the band…


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Mrs. Magician Announce New Single

mrsmagicThe first 30 seconds of this track already had my ears, drifting vocals carefully over distorted guitar, but it wasn’t until the drums jumped in that this new Mrs. Magician tune really grabbed me. They’ve always had a knack for big hooks, and I think the production quality on this tune really allows for the group to layer the vocals of “someday I’ll fall in love,” ultimately leaving you with an emphatic piece of guitar pop. You’ll want to check it out, and look for this new 7″ on Thrill Me Records, which hits just a day or so before the New Year rings in.

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Obligatory Moon Duo Post

moonduoYep. This song popped up all over the place yesterday, and I’m going to add my voice to the Internet void that is music journalism. Moon Duo have continued to grow, and with that, impress listeners such as yourself. Hearing this new single, it sounds like they’re taking the backbone of Spiritualized or Spaceman and kicking it up a notch with heavier guitars. For my ears, that chorus is what’s stunning; it’s probably the band at their most accessible. I’m looking forward to seeing more growth when they release Occult Architecture Vol. 1 via Sacred Bones Records on February 3rd.

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New Music from Tino Drima

tinoTino Drima spins their music, at least with this single, as some interstellar journey through the galaxy…and for all intents and purposes, they accomplish that goal. They offer a single that’s timeless in almost every way, bringing in modern touches and swagger to a nostalgic style of classic songwriting. Vocals climb to stretched tones, guitars twinkle…all with enough of a punch to keep you fascinated by the song’s progression. It’s their side of the split A Space God Appears EP (the other side is Spooky Mansion); it comes out on December 13th via Dingo Vinyl. Don’t let the dingo eat your baby.

New Track From Elbow

Elbow c  Paul HusbandOne of my fondest festival memories ever is the time that Elbow played at sunset on one of the smaller stages at ACL. An overcast humid day had a front blow through mid-set. Wind gusts forced a stop in the action to lower a banner. As the hardware dropped, the band played a soundtrack and banter abounded. I will say that Elbow frontman Guy Garvey may possibly be the most charming person to front a band in the history of music. You ever get that fuzzy-eyed, smiling like an idiot zombie moment at a show? Everyone, old fans and new, delighted.

“Magnificient (She Says)” is the first song from the next album, Little Fictions, due on February 3rd. To say the least, I am delighted to report this is as good. This band will be on my festival season must-see list, but still hoping for an actual show here in Austin (ACL Live, please make that happen).


ATX Spotlight: Ama Releases New Single

amaA day after we dropped our ATX Christmas Guide, featuring tons of local talent, we’ve got another talented group offering up their new single, Ama. The band’s long been known to us, but the balance of this track exemplifies the group’s talents; they rock hard amidst the cool verses on display from vocalist Blair Robbins. You offer me impressive guitar work and hook-laden vocals and I’m in, which is why I’ll throw down behind this act. No word on a release, but you can help them out by throwing a buck or two their way over on their Bandcamp.

Brand Spanking New Bastards of Fate

bastardspress2-kent-mooreBoredom tends to sink in at this time of the year, as we read through an abundant list of Top whatevers, quietly disagreeing. Enter Bastards of Fate, an other worldly affair Personally, their offering up something that’s indescribable, and I mean that in a flattering sense. You’ll ear elements of classic instrumentation (in the opening moments), discordant flair, rockabilly, prog…and it’s all wrapped up in a tight little pop sensibility bow for your ears. It’s kind of reminiscent of the B-52s, if they were possessed by the devil and impervious to what’s cool. Their new album Suckthe Light Out will be released by HHBTM on February 10th of next year.

Groovy Track from Femny

femnyI’m going to be playing this Femny track quite a bit today, and I’m hoping you do too. We’re winding down the year, and so posts are fading…just don’t ignore this. It reminds me of a less reverb-coated Julian Casablancas outing, only with heavier synths and brighter hooks. In the latter half, there’s even a distant shout coming in through the main vocal mix…and it really could be Casablancas himself. Don’t let similarities dissuade you; your’e going to have fun listening to this tune. Look for their Instant Star EP from Broken Circles on January 17th.

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