Well, Wire Has a New Album

It’s not like you should expect anything less, as Wire have been consistently been rocking out the last few years (well, the last 30+ really), so I’m going to get a few short words up on the band’s new single. This one feels slightly different than what they’ve brought to the table the last few times; it’s a wholly accessible jam, whirling guitars swimming through the speakers as the vocals are deliver in a rather matter-of-fact manner. I think the calming tones in the voice work against the music, which illustrates the band’s continued focus to mess around with modern musical tropes. Look for Silver/Lead on March 31st via Pink Flag.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/302131861″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Playful Dance Pop from Biscotti

The blogosphere runs heavy with bands who know the right folks, so I’m always happy when I come across a gem that seems to have gone unfairly noticed. This new track from Biscotti has a propulsive synth groove that hooked me right away, with little no wave guitar chords stabbing in and out of the mix. I think the vocal playfulness is also an attractive feature in this track, moving back and forth between a clever spoken word and a gentle little coo. If you’re looking to dance a little differently, then check out the upcoming record, Instamatic, which is coming your way this week, courtesy of Listen Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/303923952″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Rosie Carney Wins Most Beautiful Track Of The Day

Rosie Carney is a youngster out of Downings, Ireland, whose voice and overall sound is going to knock your socks off. While I’m a bit biased as the resident folksy-leaning-writer round these parts, this song is objectively stunning. “Awake Me” is a slow burning folk gem that makes me yearn to listen to this elegant brand of music all day long. Soft guitars welcome you to the track before Carney’s effortless voice breaks through. What shines the brightest here is the combination of the poeticism of the lyrics with the cutting vocal power that grows and grows over the course of the track. Take a listen below and watch out for Rosie Carney to gain major attention.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/304098610″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Black Watch Video

One of the band’s that never seems to stop recording and writing is The Black Watch. I couldn’t even tell you how many albums they have, but in each way, they all have something special to offer listeners. They’ve just offered up this stupendous new tune and video, which features frontman John Andrew Frederick traipsing about in the UK. On this tune, while I love the ring of the guitar, I’m really in love with the chorus. Frederick has great vocal control here, letting his voice melodically smooth out the edges as he hits each note. If you’ve yet to get into the band, then perhaps this is a great place to start, offering visuals and a song that will last in your mind throughout the rest of this week.

More From Rolling Blackouts C.F.

So maybe I’m a day late and a dollar short on sharing this new track from longtime ATH faves, Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever, but it’s a right jam, so I had to. These Australian gentlemen, if you’ve somehow managed to miss out on the plethora of great songs that they’ve been tossing your way, have signed to Sub Pop and will be putting out an EP later in the spring. They’ve just released the title track from that release, called “French Press,” and it shows the band really tearing up the jangly rock scene; they remind me of a tightly-wound Real Estate. Crisp electric guitar riffs frolic through the whole tune while the vocals are tight and quick lipped. These folks are doing indie rock right, and it’s time for you to dive in headfirst. Take a listen below and don’t forget about their French Press EP, which is due out March 10th via Sub Pop. Pick it up here.


Rocker from Aquarian Blood

All pop and no rock makes me a dull boy, so this Aquarian Blood tune is the best way to wake us all up today. The band is comprised of JB and Laurel Horrell (he of ExCult, she formerly of Nots), and they brandished a pounding bit of discordant punk that you’d expect from the two…fleshed out with some help from their friends. It’s a frenetic pace from the get-go, and only settles down in the final thirty seconds of the tune. You want energy, you want rock? Then check out their Last Nite in Paradise LP on Goner Records on February 10th.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/303184072″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Premiere: New Video from John Wesley Coleman

You’re a mere four days away from the release of Microwave Dreams, the newest release from John Wesley Coleman. Having been fortunate enough to listen to the record a few times before it hits the streets, I can honestly say that it holds some of the best songs JWC has written to date (and that’s a whole lotta songs!). The song has a pretty simple message, seemingly a coming of age tune with the acceptance of adulthood. It’s a message further emphasized by the accompanying video, which has Mr. Coleman out on a family adventure here in Austin; the video is endearing, which hints at some of the themes running through the new LP. You can grab that LP from Super Secret Recordsthis Friday!

Enjoying This Track from Lunch Ladies

There’s a new label in the world, Good Eye Records, and they’ve just announced their next release: the debut LP from Lunch Ladies. I’m really digging on this track, as the vocals have this soaring dream pop quality to them, floating high in your speakers. The rest of the crew do their best to add some crunchy texture to it, especially with that bouncing high-hat work throughout. Just imagine indiepop kids crafting a band while listening to a whole lot of Blondie, and you’re there. Down on Sunset Strip drops on March 10th.

New Music from Cotillon

A few years ago I was introduced to the music of Cotillon, so I’m happy to see that Jordan Corso’s project is back up and at it with a new LP on the way. The first minute has a pretty solemn tone, with Corso mostly working his vocals atop light musical accompaniment. After that, the emotional darkness still remains, though there’s add percussive elements and slight atmospheric feedback lurking. There’s a slight change in the tone of the voice during what I perceive as the chorus, adding an extra touch that makes me smile. Look for the new LP, The Afternoons come this April via Burger Records.

New Music from Famous Problems

As of late, I’ve been really getting stuck into broad sweeping pop ballads, and this new track from Famous Problems is doing just the trick today. There’s a little guitar tinkering in the song’s latter half, but that powerful voice keeps me coming back and back again…it’s akin to some of Richard Hawley‘s work, though imagine it stripped way down. This song will appear on an excellent 7″ from WIAIWYA, which is one of the many reliable boutique labels out there…look for it on April 7th.

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