PYAITK: Geotic Is Back

I missed the first announcement about the new record from Geotic, the electronic/downtempo/looping project from Will Wiesenfeld, better known for Baths. Ghostly is home to the new LP called Abysma due end of March.

Previous material was more towards ambient, using loops of guitar taps and minimal synths with a drum machine to keep it all in motion, gorgeous stuff and an anchor of the soundtrack I use when I travel. The latest content is more polished, relying more heavily on synth and programming then pulling smaples and layering, but I love it none the less. It is an evolution, bordering on shimmy material.

I embedded the latest called “Nav”. If you dig, check out “Actually Smiling”.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

More From Pauwel De Meyer

Back in October Nathan shared with you guys a sweet new track from up and coming Belgianartist Pauwel De Meyer. Well I’ve recently picked up word of this new single entitled “Emotional King” and I had to share it with you today. It’s a nice little indie rock track with some slick guitar work meandering through each verse. Ya dig? Stay tuned as we receive more information from this promising new artist.

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New Andrew St. James Single & 7″ Release

Unless you ignore our website completely, you’ve likely heard that we ATH kids are releasing a new 7″ single from San Francisco based songwriter Andrew St. James this week. Ok yeah you heard…. I’m excited damnit! Today I’m pumped to share the second single entitled “Red Hair, Green Eyes” from the new release. Andrew yet again treats us to a chant worthy, folk/country inspired anthem ready for long drives on the back roads. You’ll find the new single and first single “You’ll be Fine” combined into one handy playlist below. Both songs work together beautifully and here’s to hoping you’ll find something to like.

The new 7″ records are shipping out now! Buy your copy today over on bandcamp.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Chilled Pop Music from The Birthday Letters

Really enjoying the subtle vibes on this great pop hit from The Birthday Letters. There’s a casual opening bit that immediately slides you into the song; it’s mostly just vocals with faint instrumentation. Things pick up just a little bit as Joseph Hughes croons atop a slightly fuller sound, but there’s brilliant balance in the entire composition. It’s a song you’d likely play driving with the windows down, while on the flipside, you could easily have the song on late night listening rotations. This song pops up on the We Never Talk About Paradise (We Do God) EP.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Noisey New Pop Number From Dead Leaf Echo

As if I wasn’t already excited enough for Brooklyn based Dead Leaf Echo to be heading into town for SXSW, I now have this new single to grow my anticipation. As usual, these guys bring a noisy, shoegaze pop sound worthy ofall the current greats in the genre. Not surprising when each band member has a history of greatness in bands like Wax Idols, My Bloody Valentine, No Joy, etc. Get ready.

Dead Leaf Echo will release a new EP entitled Strawberry Skin on March 31st via Papercup Music.

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Stream Astrid Swan’s From the Bed and Beyond

It’s a shame that great art sometimes stems from personal pain, which seems to be the case with Finland’s Astrid Swan. After a battle with cancer, she got back to work, constructing a brilliant collection of the tunes that make up From the Bed and Beyond. It’s apparent in the lyrics that she’s had to confront and overcome some demons coming with such an ordeal. But, in seeing that, and delving deep into the record, you find that there’s an aura of positivity that arises from overcoming fears. I’m partial to the album’s closing number “Whos the Witch Now,” which seems to encompass the feelings mentioned above. The album will be available worldwide from Soliti Music.

The Districts Share New Rock Track

The Districts, out of Philadelphia, are back with a brand new track that will get you ready to face pretty much anything. Starting slow with some falsetto vocals, the song hits you hard thirty seconds in when the guitars kick through. From here, the track transforms into a grunge/emo rock number, but you still get the gentle motif from the beginning a little later on. I’m taken by the way the band alternates between these two tones with ease and still manages to create a rock jam that you want to scream along with. Take a listen to “Ordinary Day” below.


Nost-Rock From White Reaper

Sometimes you forget how much you love a band and then said band releases a new track or two and you’re instantly reminded of that affection. This was the story for this new track from White Reaper— it’s got this nostalgic rock sound mixed with the same fresh energy that this band always seem to bring to the scene. So perhaps you’ve already seen this track floating about in the internet world but didn’t have the time to take a listen. Well, now is the moment to change that. Stream the track below, put on your leather jacket and shades and get ready forThe World’s Best American Band, which is out April 7th via Polyvinyl Records.


Show Preview: The Ocean Party Comes to Cheer Up Charlies (2/28)

I encourage you all to head out tomorrow night to Cheer Up Charlies. There’s a huge line-up of great pop music, some of which I’ve had a hand in putting out on vinyl. For instance, we’ve helped The Ocean Party from Australia put out Light Weight in the US, and this might be one of the few chances you get to see the band live! Second, you’ll have Shivery Shakes and Summer Salt, both perennial pop powerhouses who we’ve released stuff from in the past (and present). Plus, you’ll get to hear Daphne, which is Santiago from Growl‘s other project, as well as Summer Swells. You won’t find a better bill in town, and it’s free, with donations highly encouraged to help out The Ocean Party while on tour in the States. Sample some tunes below, and see you tomorrow at 9 PM.

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