New Music from Acting Strange

Lately I’ve been looking backa lot to find musical solace in my life, and when I came across this new tune from Acting Strange, I was really excited, as the song not only looks back on the innocence of early Beatles, it also makes a nod to early 70s glam. It’s a feel-good, straight-ahead jam that exhibits a wonderful control of pop structures, keeping things simple in order to maximize the appeal for listeners. The group will release Talk Talk Talk on March 31st via In Black Records, so it should be chock-full of catchy numbers you’ll want to hear again and again.

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Casual Pop from Rainbrother

Those of you who revel in the execution of relaxed pop music will find that the tunes from Rainbrother fit perfectly into your life. Bjarke Bendtsen might be familiar for his role in The Migrant, but he’s looking to further expand his sound with this new project…he’s doing it quite well. There’s a nice nostalgic look back in both the lyrics, as well as musically, as I canhear elements of what Midlake so fascinating awhile ago. There’s even a bit of a jam lurking in the song’s latter half. Should make for good listening, so check out Tales from the Drought, which just got released by General Bird.

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Show Preview: Two Nights With Angel Olsen @ The Mohawk (2/6 & 2/7)

Tonight and tomorrow you have the chance to catch one of the biggest names in the indie rock world at one of the best venues in town. Angel Olsen was originally slated to only play one night at The Mohawk, but due to overwhelming demand and a fast sell out, another night was added to soothe the desires of our town to catch this lady and her band touring in support of 2016’s boldMy Woman.Perhaps we’ll be treated to full evenings with some back catalogue hits from the spectacularBurn Your Fire For No Witness, or maybe even a few fromHalf Way Home. (I’ve got my fingers crossed that by some strange chance I’ll get to hear “Lonely Universe”). Regardless of potential setlists, you can bet that if you’re lucky enough to be at The Mohawk tonight or tomorrow night, you’ll be in for a songwriter in her prime– surely Olsen’s unmistakably powerful vocals will dominate the night, followed closely behind by the ferocious guitar that has accompanied her on her more recent albums. Tickets may be sold out, but there’s always craigslist, right? Word on the street is they may be going for a pretty penny– and you can see why by checking out the video for “Shut Up Kiss Me” below. Do you really want to miss out on this?

Oh, and Chris Cohen will be providing the opening act for both evenings, so that gives you another reason to show up and show up early after the 6:30 door times as to not miss out on his even-tempered indie rock. Check out “Torrey Pine” below as well.


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Fazerdaze Signs with Flying Nun Records

Flying Nun Records continues their run of really great female-fronted guitar pop this year by signing Fazerdaze for the release of her debut Morningside. Honestly, this might be the best thing they’ve got on the books this year (that includes new music from The Bats and The Courtneys). This single coming with the announcement has a rather dreamy quality to it, especially in the way that there’s a coat on the vocals. But, in the music, you can hear the guitar being strummed way up in the mix, which adds a great balance to the track. This definitely sounds like something we’ll all agree is great…look for it on May 5th, just in time to help craft a great summer playlist.

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New Mystics Is Josh from Other Lives

Other Lives and I go way back, so far that I remember when the band went by a different name. But, I’m proud of these guys, and proud to bring you this new tune from Josh Onstott, one of the core members of the act; he’s got a new project titled New Mystics, and this is the first I’ve heard from him. It has a broad swinging indie connotation, built on huge pop sensibility and a pounding piano rhythm. Onstott’s voice soars with deep tones, matching the crashing percussion before backing vocals join in; I love the way the notes rise ever so slightly too during the chorus. Glad to see Josh get some of the limelight here…I look forward to hearing more.

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Sucker For This Tim Kasher Tune

You’re probably familiar with Tim Kasher from his work as the frontman of emo-staple band, Cursive, but 2017 sees Kasher striking out on his own once again to bring you his third solo album. The track that he just put out from this new release is called “Break Me Open,” and it’s as emotionally vulnerable as the title suggests. Swelling violins open the tune, and Kasher’s raw vocals soon join the mellow mix. The whole track is centered around Kasher’s storytelling, and the result is a song that will have you stuck on line after line that Kasher doles out. Take a listen below, and then go pre-order (pretty colored vinyl) his latest solo effort, No Resolution, which is out March 3rd on Cursive-Run label, 15 Passenger.


Stream the Business of Dreams Debut LP

I raved about Terry Malts last year, and this year I’m going to praise one of their other projects, Business of Dreams. I’ve talked about the Corey Cunningham’s side gig before, and while I expected a certain level of greatness, I wanted to be sure you were aware too! It’s nine tracks of great indiepop, some of it dreamy and some of it more upbeat, like my personal favorite “Joyride.” Now that I think of it, “Turning Away” might be another favorite. Well, who am I kidding, I love it all. Take some time out of your day to indulge yourself in these pop delights. Buy it from Parked in Hell.

Premiere: Moor Hound Preps Green EP

On February 14th, many around these parts will be celebrating Valentines Day, which is all well and good, but more importantly, it’s the release date of Moor Hound‘s Green EP. On this track, as well as several others from the release, you have a stripped down affair of guitar and voice, mostly involving the concept of love, and love lost. Steve Marino is clearly working his way through something, with little baubles of memory such as the “taste of smoke on your lips,” though he admits to his former love that’s it’s “hard to see you around.” Surely you’ve been there, and in if so, you’ll connect immediately. If not, well, Marino’s heartfelt tunes are ballads for the every person, stripped to simplicity for repeated enjoyment. Have a taste below, and be sure to grab the EP from Darling Records.

Tara Jane O’Neil Will Make Your Day Better

If you know what’s good for you, you’ll be taking in every bit of beauty that comes your way and cherishing it for as long as you can. This track from Tara Jane O’Neil is three minutes of lush folk bliss that you shouldn’t pass up. “Sand” may be slow, but the moment you embark on listening to the song, you’ll be enraptured by the way the guitars gently flicker in and out, while some orchestral instruments swell on the bottom layer of the song. Tara Jane O’Neil’s voice is rich and sweet, but not overpoweringly sugary– rather ethereal and smooth. Take a listen below and look out for her self-titled album which is out April 21st via Gnomonsong Records.

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