Give a Listen to Presentable Corpse

My first experience listening to the music of Jorge Elbrecht came way back in the early 00s when I was fortunate enough to discover Lansing-Dreiden through some friends that were way cooler than me. It led me to Violens, his next project, but I think perhaps the best work he’s done to date is coming via this Presentable Corpse track. It takes the best of all his work, somehow managing to get it all together into one atmospheric pop journey. I don’t think there are words for such a track, so I’ll just let it speak for itself. If you’re inclined, it’s being released on a super limited basis via Grey Market, the newest LA label.

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New Song and Video from The Coathangers

On February 10th, The Coathangers will blast into Austin to continue their musical assault on the masses. We’re likely to get a great deal of tracks from their excellent Nosebleed Weekend, which came out last year, but the ladies have just done a video for a brand new song that we’re sharing with you today. I love this track, as it celebrates the energy that drew me to the band during that one year I caught them 7 times during SXSW. It’s raw and gritty, yet there’s a slightly soft underbelly when Julia changes her delivery of “parasite.” Check the live video, and look for the band to hit your city as they’re tour encompasses the whole of the land…their Austin gig is at Barracuda next Friday.

More from Mr. Elevator

Today’s one of those days where I just want to post all the songs…especially this new one from Mr. Elevator. I think this tune has the feeling of psychedelia meets electronica, executed perfectly to create this drifting wash of beauty that calms. The grouphas claimed that Donovan was a huge influence in their bond, which isreally apparent in this tune, though not overt. If you were into MGMT, but were looking for a band that could pull that sound and still sound wholly original, then rest easy, these guys have it. Their new effort, When the Morning Greets You, will be released by Rad Cat Records on February 10th.

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More Shimmering Pop from Crushed Stars

This might be one of my favorite tunes on the Crushed Stars album, Displaced Sleepers. There’s something enchanting about the delivery of the vocals from Todd Gautreau; it’s almost spoken word, with just enough energy to let the lyrics drift into your ears. The music, while soft, is quite powerful, wrapping itself around every note from Gautreau’s voice. In doing so, there’s that inevitable warm fuzz that takes over you. I guess you could say it’s thoughtful; it made me think and ponder, and it’s likely to do the same for you…if not, in the very least it’ll make you love the band’s sound. Look for the new LP via Simulacra on February 10th.

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Stream a New Album from Sun Airway

It’s been almost five years since we’ve heard from Sun Airway, but it seems that the passage of time has perhaps yielded the best collection of songs to date. It seems Jon Barthmus spent countless hours compiling the samples that would create the sonic soundscape of his latest opus, Heraldic Black Cherry. A few songs have leaked previously, but you’ll find so much to discover within the confines of these 15 tracks, including little musical interludes to complete the album’s running. If you’re making bedroom pop, it sounds like its best to toil over these tracks for years…if only they all came out this good. Look for the new album on a limited run from Sly Vinyl just before summer hits. Until then, stream it all below.

New Music from Flowers de Moon

While I spent many a year railing against the basic qualities of a lot of electronic based music, the last few years have seen me look a little deeper at the acts like Flowers de Moon…the sort that use it for grand construction of pop songs. This new single has this joyful guitar chord looped again and again while Olivia Price offers up a soulful vocal that glides back and forth as little electronic beats flourish within the tracks confines. There’s no dropped beats, just the undercurrent of pop sensibility of the best sort. As of now this is a one off single, but the band promises a new release of some sort come March. Note* An alternate version of this track appears on the band’s last EP.

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Jay Som Is Back with New Music

Ran the Courtneys latest track this morning, so seems only appropriate that we’d rock this new tune from their tourmate, Jay Som. The release of her new album, Everybody Works, is just about a month away, and I love the heavy-handed guitar on this new tune. Melina Duarte has a softness to her voice that provides the perfect musical juxtaposition, especially when she gets playful with the “up up up” line. There’s some discordant noise too at the end, when the chords are changed just a bit to offer up a slight bit of noise that gives the tune an extra bit of oompf to close things out. Polyvinyl Records will release the album on March 10th.

New Monster Movie Music

Christian Savill is probably having a rad month. One of his projects, Slowdive, announced their return triumphantly. Now, his other long-running act, Monster Movie, has announced a brand new album. These songs have pummeling drum work and a darkened tone via the guitar squall that echoes in the distance. But, listening through and through, you can hear the group propelling into the realm of beautiful noise pop. Yeah, it’s loud, but there’s a sense of hope exhibited throughout, making all our lives infinitely better. Keep the Voices Distant will be released by Graveface Records on March 31st.

ATX Spotlight: More New Knife in the Water

If you’re not anticipating the new Knife in the Water record, then perhaps you’ve lost something. But, now’s your chance to find it, as the band have released another single leading up to the release of Reproduction. While I love the slide guitar work, I think the intimacy of the track is what I find so appealing; it sort of reminds me of a Dean Warehampenned track, moving ever so gracefully, offering solace to anyone willing to take it. Texturally, you’ve got the sliding guitar, but there’s also some heavy strumming that makes it’s way through the speakers in the perfect way, adding a depth to an already brilliant piece. Keeled Scales will be releasing the LP on March 3rd.

Burst of Slacker Rock From Bleached

Yea, I know Bleached is a big deal, so you’ve probably been informed that they’ve released a new track. If you passed over that blip of news, perhaps you should use this as an excuse to sit down with “Can You Deal” and then prepare to stand right back up so that you can dance to your teenage hearts’ content. This track is a whirlwind of quick-lipped lyrics and ferocious guitars that is hard to get out of your head once you’ve let it in. I’m digging the catchy chorus, which has the right attitude to get you out of bed in the morning and face the day, guns’ blazing.

The EP that this track is taken from will be out March 3rd, alongside the “Can You Deal” Zine, which the band is releasing and contributing all profits to Planned Parenthood. Go buy one.


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