Moving Ballad from Ian William Craig

The tape hiss and warble from the opening moments drew me into this new Ian William Craig song. In the end, it was the powerful simplicity that made me press repeat, made me want to share it. There’s a starkness to this number, as Craig’s voice soars angelically and piano notes ring out. While that empty space serves a great purpose, the song blossoms as the recording crackles and light atmospherics swell behind Ian’s voice. Don’t be scared by the length of this tune; your time will be well spent! Slow Vessles will be released on May 5th, ready to strike at every emotional note you hold within yourself.

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Enjoying This New Tall Juan Jam

It should come as no surprise that Tall Juan, though hailing from Argentina, has found his living in New York. His work, from what I’ve heard, has this brattiness that encompasses a great deal of my old record collection. It’s energetic, filled with hooks and just enough bravado to make Juan endearing to listeners. Ultimately, the song’s just a lot of fun, and sometimes, no frills rock n’ roll just feels right, as it does here. Look for his debut Olden Goldies to hit via BUFU on May 5th. Probably doesn’t hurt that he hangs with Juan Waters and Mac DeMarco either.

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ATX Spotlight: Stream Tammaron’s New EP

Austin’s been offering up a lot of great tunes as of late, and while this was on my radar last week, I just didn’t get a chance to get it on the web. Tamarron is one of our favorite acts, and their Let’s Get Out EP. You’ll hear a great deal of psychedelic vibes on this four track jammer, but don’t forget the band’s ability to wrap it up in an accessible dosage of pop sensibility. The EP’s title track alone is remarkable, and begs to be listened to on repeat for days and days. Just as the weather gets a bit warmer, these guys kick out great warm vibes to take us into Spring.

Dream Pop from Oko Tygra

The new label on the block, Grey Market, is releasing tons of tunes, and this one from Oko Tygra really caught my ear. There’s this great industrial feel to the track, as if the band recorded it in some industrial warehouse…there’s just a great darkness. But, while the mood is somber, there’s this great pop coming through in the seemingly angelic tones of the vocals. It doesn’t hurt that Jorge Elbrecht of Violens/Lansing Dreiden was behind the board for the recording, continuing the labels run of great hits. This song appears on the band’s Sealegs 7″, available now.

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New UV-TV Rocker

I picked up on the edgy rock from UV-TV when they did a split 7″ on Emotional Response, and the band build on my early impression with the brand new track. It kind of reminds me of the recent work from Wax Idols, using those knifing guitar chords that walk the fine line of jangle. There’s an emphatic vocal performance, reminiscent of great 90s alternative rock tunes. Still, the best thing, in my opinion, is that the song’s not quite polished, making it a lot closer to my ears, in the personable sense. Look for the group’s Glass on March 10 via Deranged Records.

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More New Music from Gold Star

I can’t help but fall for the cinematic appeal of Gold Star, especially once you hear this brand new single from Marlon Rabenreither’s project. Honestly, I could see this being the centerpiece of some great Cameron Crowe movie; it pulls at every heartstring from the moment Marlon’s voice comes through the speakers. The simplistic approach of great chords and mild percussion really allows each note to stretch out across the track; and, while it may be simplistic, I don’t feel like there’s too much out there that pulls this sound off. Gold Star will release Big Blue on March 24th via Autumn Tone.

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Another Rocker from Vaguess

We’re pushing towards the weekend, so you need something energetic to pick up the pace and get you there…especially if you hit the town last night. I’ve written about Vaguess before, and while there first single was an energetic burst of noisy rock, this one has a whole lot more hook to it, though it’s equally as short. I like the fact that they’re mixing up the sounds slightly, which should make Guilt Ring steer clear of falling in the trap of redundancy. The album is being released by Sinderlyn next week, March 3rd to be exact. Bring me those rocking hooks!

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Premiere: Bloomer Offer Up New Tune

When I first heard the guitars on this new Bloomer track, I immediately thought they’d blast off into modern guitar pop, or in the least, offer a sunny gem. Well, the band fooled me, as they actually combine the deep vocal tones to leave you with a casual pop number that rests uniquely in solemn tones. It’s a nice juxtaposition of sound that the group leave you with, letting the track fade out with a high end vocal that gives you another new tidbit to sink your teeth into. The Maryland act is perfect for those of you wishing to sit back and let the world wash over you!

More Psych Bliss From RF Shannon

Oh man, I am getting too excited for the upcoming full length album from Austin’s RF Shannon. They shared the title track from their upcoming release yesterday, and it beautiful, other-worldly trip into sun bleached psychedelia that the band does so well. It opens slowly with flute sounds and tinkering piano sounds, like a sleepy day begins, but then suddenly it picks up as the sun always seem to arrive and turn the sky rose before you realize it. Hazy vocals and steady percussion move the song along, accompanied by twangy guitars.Just when you think the song can’t get any more devastatingly beautiful, some female vocals join Shane Renfro, and you’re simply smitten in the psych-desert-blues glory of the song. Take a listen below.

Have you preordered Jaguar Palace yet? It’s out March 31st. Get on it.

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