Fun New Tune from Her’s

There’s a breed of frivolous pop out there that always gets you going, and I think Her’s are crafting precisely that. I can’t help but to recall bits of Junior Senior in their craftsmanship, maybe even mixed in with a little bit of J. Casablancas solo work. I mean, listen to the bass and tell me you don’t want to get up and shake it with the nearest person! Oh, and hand claps! Bring back hand claps! This tune will appear on their new collection, Songs of Her’s,which hits on March 12th via Heist or Hit Records.

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Austin on a Thursday Night

So tomorrow is a crazy busy day in the “live music capital,” so I wanted to create an optimal schedule for you to maximize your time, as well as see some suggestions on nightlife.

Start early over at Mohawk by checking out Mannequin Pussy and Joyce Manor…young sound, semi-emo, little punk. It’s outside, so if you want, you can go home after because it’ll end early.

But, you could also jump ship a bit early to catch a couple of great local releases. Lola Tried is jamming out over at Cheer Up Charlies to celebrate the release of their new EP or hit up Barracuda to get your hands on the new Letting Up Despite Great Faults EP!

Then go back to Mohawk, because Tyvek and Fred Thomas are jamming out. Or be cool, and just bounce all over if your wallet allows.

You could also go see Devendra Banhart play out near Buda at some place called Emos. It’s new, never heard of it.

Sample some songs below. Read more

ATX Spotlight: Fresh Borzoi Noise

After being somewhat dormant for the first few months of the year, 12XU has jumped out with several great musical announcements, one being this raucous bit of noise from Austin’s Borzoi. You’re immediately thrust into the discord, drums pounding furiously and guitar chords knifing through your speakers. It’s as if the vocals were recorded in huge concrete war room, echoing notes in a way such that your head’s constantly swirling; they’vegot a steady moment of delivery in the middle of the track that I’m particularly fond of, right before the band crashes the song to a close. Look for a brand new 4 song 7″ from the band on March 24th.

And, I highly suggest another gem from the label’s announcements: Thigh Master. I’ll add that song below too…but nothing too long-winded as we don’t want to bum Norman Wanklord out.

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More New Music from Lunch Ladies

A few weeks back we got the hint of new Lunch Ladies music on the horizon, and in a timely fashion, they’ve responded with another tune, “Love is Overrated.” I’m really impressed with their attention to the dreamy qualities on this tune, particularly where they leave lots of empty space for the musicianship shine; the wash of warm vocals are great, but they’ve drawn me into the song by allowing the rest of the band to be the focus on this track. Their album Down on Sunset Strip will hit on March 10th via Good Eye Records, and you know I’ll be ready to pick it up.

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ATX Spotlight: More New Julia Lucille

While Julia Lucille has more than made a name for herself since her move to Austin, she’s clearly going for big things with her next release, Chthonic. This new single starts memorably enough, with this ghostly charm haunting your ears…the music sits back behind Julia. But, there’s a brilliant songwriting touch at the 2 minute mark, with quieted guitar ringing carefully, almost crafting a synthetic effect behind the vocals (all courtesy of Paul Mitchell of Tapajenga). This is one of those tunes that’s easiest to describe if you simply call it other-worldly; it’s quality continues to unfold as the song does. Look for her new effort on April 7th via Keeled Scales. Austin folks can catch her Saturday night at Mohawk with Molly Burch and Cross Record.

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Hoops Dreams

You’ve likely already seen this new Hoops jam pop up; it’s like a cross between catchy dream pop and Mac DeMarco, so all the kids are happy. Me, I’m happy because we’re getting close to Spring time and to SXSW, which they’ll be attending. This song serves as the announcement that the band will be working with Fat Possum to release their debut, Routines, on May 5th. Want some dreamy pop, but not ready to come to the dark side of indiepop yet? Well, then get into these guys, they’re the perfect point just in the middle.

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New To You: Surfy Pop From Lures

This track came out at the beginning of this month, but chances are it’s new to you, and trust me when I say you’re going to want to spend some time with it.Lures are apparently a Seattle band that isn’t making much new music these days, but Jigsaw Records found out that they had an album they were sitting on and were the indie rock heroes of the month and decided to put it out so that we could groove along to the surfy riffs. “I’m With You” is a meandering track, with killer riffs and a laid back groove to it, but there’s something about the intimacy of vocals and the delicate mixing that has me returning again and again. Take a listen, fall in love, and then go take a listen to/buy the whole album here. Perhaps There’s No Pressure isn’t the last we’ll hear from Lures.

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Stream Paperhead’s Chew LP

Talked and hyped up Chew about as much as one man can, but now it’s time for you to take matters into your own hands. The Paperhead have expanded their sound, making some softer tunes that exhibit a strong dedication to the songwriting on this effort. I’m still stuck listening to “Over and Over” on repeat, but, as per usual, I’m happy with anything they’ve got out. You’ll be able to get that record from Trouble in Mind come this Friday.

Classic Pop from Michael Seal

Michael Seal cuts his chops in one of our favorites, Proto Idiot, but his solo offering wears a slightly different pair of pants. To me, this reminds me of the Kinks, especially back in the old days. It’s got these careful little plotted notes and emphatic little “ooh la la las” lurking in the back, making it a catchy ditty. It seems it’s easy to go on and rehash old sounds, but to execute it with such a classic vibe is something quite special. Give a listen, and stay tuned for more, I hope!

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Dream Pop from Skittle Alley

Skittle Alley brought their dreamy indiepop to my attention a while ago, and it looks like the French act are back to their old tricks with a brand new tune for offering. This one is just a demo, so it will be interesting to see if the bare bones of this song leave room for pop explosiveness; I definitely hear spots where you could throw in some heavy synth work and jangling guitar notes. It’s always interesting to hear how your favorite bands work their craft, so have a listen to see where your favorite indiepop gems come from today.

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