New Music from Nightlands

What’s this? Nightlands crafting expansive pop music? Absolutely, and this is a return to the stunning form that captured my ears when Dave Hartley first announced his product. This song’s all about the vocals, with the strumming and echo of a slide guitar merely serving to fill in the negative space for a complete sound. There’s some great vocal modulation on this tune, from this high pitched note that opens the song to a deeper vibe in the verses; it’s a really stunning recording, perfect for the rainy day we’re getting down here in Austin. Speaking of Austin, the new Nightlands album, I Can Feel the Night Around Me, will be released by our very own Western Vinyl on May 5th.

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Shy Nature Gives You Breezy Indie Rock

Shy Nature are a three piece out of London who have the trappings of being a real hit over here in the states with their wind-in-your hair, easy going indie rock sound. Sometimes you need a bit of a jam to get you through the day and while this track is pretty tame, there’s no shame in turning it up loud and singing along. “Ten Times Around The Sun,” shows off Shy Nature’s ensnaring quality; the guitars open the song with a bit of twang while the percussion is steady and snappy under the mix. Vocally, the style is a bit of a mellow yelp, with backing group vocals that chime in later. The band will be releasing their new LP on March 31st– go see what the fuss is about over here.

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I Missed This: New When Nalda Became Punk

It looks like it’s going to be a day for great pop music, so I apologize that the latest from Spain’s When Nalda Became Punk slid under my radar. The band reminds me a lot of current buzz act, The Mercury Girls, though I think there’s more of an understated pop sensibility lurking here. They’re not beating you over the head with those discordant jangles, letting them sit back and enjoy the natural bounce of this track; it allows for natural melody to come through vocal harmonizing, which is always endearing. The group release their newest EP, Those Words Broke Our Hearts, on March 10th via Shelflife.

New Pop from Ghost Thoughts

If you missed Thee Ahs, things are going to be okay as Davina has a brand new project called Ghost Thoughts. Of course, she’s the star, though she’s opted to have a different singer on every track. The voice on this single is the most prominent piece in the mix; it’s got this pleasant quality that makes drifting off into the afternoon seem like the perfect escape. The Purple Period EP is full of delighting tracks, so head over to Jigsaw Records to pick it up now!

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People Flavor Join Dangerbird’s Microdose

Microdose is a singles series from Dangerbird Records, which also features live performances; this month they’re offering up this tasty morsel from Cali’s People Flavor. It definitely has some chords that allude to the California surf, with sharp chords stabbing, though I can also hear bits of one of my favorites, Pretty Nice. This number has a little more swing, coming together in a huge wash of pop during the chorus. The band will perform on February 16th in LA, and perhaps its time I look to getting something similar started in our own fair city…and you can do the same in yours!

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Playful Indiepop from Zebra Hunt

Feel like Mondays always require a bit more energy, a bit more oomph, to get the week started. It’s a good thing that we have this great new Zebra Hunt tune to help us all out…and help it will. There’s a natural bounce to the song, though the vocals tend to have more of a classic songwriter sound to them…almost like Paul Westerberg was rocking with a bunch of indiepoppers. The band have just agreed to release their next album, In Phases, via Spanish label Tenorio Cotobade; it should come out later in the year.

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New Album from Red Hunter

Former Austinite Red Hunter was always one of our favorites when he was working under the Peter and the Wolfmoniker. He’s now moved on to Brooklyn, and we’re here to share with you an entire new album of songs from the fella. It still bares the signifier of Red’s early music, offering up intimate bedroom recordings with incredible word play and delicately plucked notes. The songs are fairly short, relatively speaking, so you can breeze through the record, then come back and listen for a whole lot more. Take a trip with Red and The Dolphin King, and be sure to fund the cause!

New Music from Astrid Swan

Astrid Swan has one of Finland’s most powerful voices, though a battle with breast cancer in 2014 briefly had the pop songstress stepping back. But, she’s back again, making a powerful statement as she confronts the remaining fears from her experience. Her battle’s personal, but it’s also relatable for any of us who’ve been faced with the concept of death…that’s what makes music so powerful. The song has this huge feel to it, filled with backing chorus and careful orchestration to really bring the notes home to the listener. Her new album From the Bed and Beyond is being released by Soliti on March 3rd.

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New Music from The Generationals

Seems like the Generationals have been around almost as long as we’ve been “blogging” over here, as we’ve covered every release the band have done. They just announced they’ve got something brand new in the mix, and it’s always great to hear the duo’s songs. This song really revolves around the chorus of “always on the phone/keep it low,” which definitely has the greatest vocal hook. The pulsing melodies are definitely in line with their previous work, steady and hook-laden. No words on a release other than the promise that we’re in store for more from the guys in 2017, with a bit tour throughout March, so give in to the power of pop.

Did You Hear That New Growl

Earlier this week we were glad to see that Gold Flake Paint ran a short bit on Growl, one of the next LPs we’ll be releasing on ATH Records. It’s the blissed out guitar pop I’ve come to love, like a less formulaic Teenage Fanclub…now with more hooks than ever! They’ve earned raves from locals for some time, and we hope the rest of the folks start to take notice with the release of Won’t You on April 7th! If you’re interested, you can grab the LP directly from us at the Bandcamp or wait for the band to come to a city near you this Spring!

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