New Gem from Delay Trees

I’ve been reinvigorated by the pop music bug (I owe this to catching the Ocean Party last night), so it’s great that this new Delay Trees tune came into the old inbox. For me, this song is all about execution; you’ve got to take a simple formula and make it meaningful, which the band clearly does. It opens with vocals and a light guitar behind, then there’s a movement of elevation as the drums and keys join in to uplift the song, and listener. The chorus has this brilliant melody that’s intoxicating; it reminds me of early Travis (and that’s a compliment). This tune opens the band’s new album Let Go, which hits worldwide via Soliti on April 23rd.

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SXSW Interview: La Vida Boheme

Here we are again moving into the madness of SXSW week and many of us are shocked its already upon us. Im beginning to feel a bit more prepared as I scan some of the bands coming into town and send out interviews. Moving forward, Im pleased today to be sharing with you our interview questions from Venezuela based outfit La Vida Boheme. Adding some international flair for this one people! Follow the jump for full interview.

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Nice Indie Rock From Vassals

It’s exciting when someone sends me a catchy new song like this one called “SoHo” from Brooklyn based Vassals. Here the band treat us to what I call classic indie rock similar to the likes of Pavement with hooks akin to Ben Kweller. I’m sure you’ll also find that the song will offer something new to like with each and every listen. Well done doods.

This track appears on the band’s new EP entitled Halogen Days out on April 7th via Post Fun. Pre-order here.

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SXSW Interviews: Mt. Wolf

I am so not ready for SXSW right now… are you? Well ready or not, it’s right around the corner and we’ve all got to prepare ourselves for the oncoming party. As usual, ATH has tons of interviews lined up to help expose you to some of the acts coming into town in a couple of weeks. My first one is with British indie act Mt. Wolf. Follow the jump to see what they have to say.

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Fresh Video from Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever

Clearly we’re enamored with the playful sounds of Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever (I even wrote about them HERE for SXSW). They definitely have an Australian sound, and it’s super apparent here…filled with that breathy vocal and guitars that ring circles in your head. Personally, I love how the band has this attitude of indifference, yet they survive by offering up an inherent joyousness; it’s even evident in the celebratory attitude of the accompanying video. These guys are one of the highlights of my upcoming SXSW plans, and if you won’t be here, that’s okay because you can grab The French Press EP on March 10th via Sub Pop.

ATX Spotlight: Brand New US Weekly

Listen up. US Weekly has been gradually building a huge following in Austin, and with the announcement of their debut album, they’re ready to break through to a larger audience. I love how you can feel singer Chris Nordahl stalking the stage with his vocal delivery, bringing the band’s live energy through on this recording. You’ll also get to hear the band disrupt your ears with discordant guitars and an underlying tension fueled by Kent’s drum rolls. Their full length album hits the streets on April 22nd via Night Moves, ready to take the rest of the country by storm!

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Announcing The ATH vs SOTO Spring Break Showdown

We’re a few weeks away from the madness that we all love, or at least I do. And happily, we’ve teamed up with our friends over at Side One Track One to bring you a solid bill of 29 Austin acts, and a French band. What’s the cost to you? FREE! The whole show will be going on over at Hotel Vegas/Volstead on Sunday, March 12th, and we hope you come out to enjoy the day with us, starting right at 2 PM with one of my favorites, AMA. There’s four stages and not a bad band on the bill! More info on the FB Event Page.

Here’s a list of other participating bands on the day: Ama, Julia Lucille, Basketball Shorts, Quin Galavis and Annecy, Caroline Says, John Wesley Coleman, Jana Horn, She Sir, Lola Tried, Wild Bill and the Lost Knobs, Darkbird, The Halfways, Mean Jolene, Melat, Grivo, Pollen Rx, The Lovely Sparrows, Hard Proof, Roaring Sun, A. Sinclair, Black Books, Tres Oui, The Digital Wild, Tamarron, Upper Deck Pets, Growl, Skin Drips, Midnight Stroll, The Dizzease, and Weird Omen (mbrs of King Khan).

Check out a bunch of tunes from the bands after the jump.

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