Brand New Bonzie Tune

I’m really fascinated by Bonzie, both for her accomplishments at such a young age and her craft. On this track, there’s atmospherics surrounding straight-forward guitar work. It adds a layer of depth to a simplistic formula, furthered by added strings as the song progresses. I really love the slight little vocal inflections she adds into this number, continuously accented by the strumming and the textured touches she included in the recording. She’ll be releasing her new album, Zone on Nine, on May 19th, which should leave listeners with a promise of great songwriting for years to come.

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Dogs and Instrumental Electro Rock? Yes, Please.

You probably woke up this morning not knowing that you needed a slow-mo music video of dogs leaping through the air catching frisbees and tennis balls, but you really, really need it. I’m a huge fan of dogs and electro rock, so while this may seem like a strange combination, L.A. Takedown cracked me up and had me coming back time and time again to watch and listen to the great song. “Bad Night At Black’s Beach,” starts off with this ominous bass part and dark synth line and slowly builds into a jam, but the visual accompaniment is quite unexpectedly light hearted. Take a watch below and make your day a bit brighter.


Hear the Latest from Omega Vague

The music of Omega Vague has a special vibe to it; it’s in the vein of constructionist pop, though there is this atmospheric quality that allows the song’s emotional pull to pervade your listening room. You’ll hear these light little flourishes of guitar, gently stepping atop a cool wash of dreamy vocals; you can almost feel an innate bounce present, though its held back just slightly. They manage to stretch the song beyond the six minute mark, yet close listeners will find themselves wrapped up in the natural warmth of the tune. Look for their new album Aversion/Reversion in your local shops now!

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Jacob Schaffer Announces Debut

Jacob Schaffer has spend a great deal of time in bedroom, crafting songs that represent his interpretation of the world as he sees it. For the announcement of his debut album, Gold Chi, he’s dropped this tune, which does hold slightly onto the bedroom recording experience. He does push the envelope a bit just beyond the 2 minute mark, before settling back into the mellow vibe he’s pursued. It’s a pretty chilled out experience, but one that holds a great deal of promise as we near the release of his debut. Looking forward to what his songwriting holds when the record drops in May.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Grunge Americana From Umm

Umm is a new two piece project made up of husband and wife duo Chris Senseney and Stefanie Drootin. While they’ve made music individually over the years, Umm marks their first collaborative effort and it’s clear from the track below, “Black Summer,” that they’ve uncouthed something special. This song is a grunge rock track meets americana– you get the fuzzed out guitars, but also the tinkling percussion. Vocally, you get this great male/female back and forth going on that reminds me of The New Pornographers. Take a listen below and discover a great new band.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Rips Are Right Up My Alley

I hadn’t heard of Rips prior to yesterday, but apparently they’re the next big thing out of the Brooklyn scene. This time around, I’ll buy a ticket for they hype train as they’re clearly doing something that’s right in my wheelhouse. It’s a little bit nostalgic, a little bit power-pop…and everything good. Despite this tune’s look towards old school NYC vibes, the dreamier quality of the guitar styling is perhaps what sticks out the most, providing a very modern notch of flair that has me excited to hear what comes next. They’ll be releasing their debut self-titled LP on June 16th…and looks to be a hit in my book.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Permanent Vacation Change to Blue of Noon

Perhaps the allusion toAerosmith wore thin, or perhaps it was just time to change things up, but Chris McComas and Joel Blanken are at it again with fresh tunes, this time under the name of Blue of Noon…not Permanent Vacation. This time around find the Canadian duo offering up similarly dream vibes, filled in by masterful synth work and hazy vocals to bring you into their realm of dream pop. They’ve just uploaded a few tracks, which hopefully leads to the promise of a new release, but those of you seeking out atmospheric pop of the best sort will surely find yourselves thrilled at the tune below.

New Music from Moses Nesh

It seems like folk/blues influences songwriters are a dime-a-dozen, but lets not dump Moses Nesh into that bunch. His style is something far removed from the modern genre, but if anything, its much closer to the origin of the style. He employsornate chord work, and his vocals are often obscured by what seems to be a desire to use the voice as another instrument, another layer to his soulful sound. Don’t worry, the chorus on this number has some clarity, reinforced by a female counterpoint that provides a taste of the sublime. One can only imagine what its like to sit in the presence of Moses, but the buzzing strings in your speaker might just bring your ears closer…bring you closer to whatever it is you’re seeking, as well as Nesh. His new album No Labor Saving-Machine is out this Friday via Keeled Scales.

He’ll be playing in Austin on May 4th with Julia Lucille at the Cactus Cafe.

New Single from Katie Von Schleicher

Haven’t written about Katie Von Schleicher for a bit, so now that she’s announced a new album, seems like the perfect time to enjoy her work. She’s working her vocal magic over a pretty mellow vibe, which has a few occasions to get a little more emphatic with fuzzy noise and a slight bounce. For me, her voice is always the draw; she has this way to alter tones, even from syllable to syllable…and that’s on display here. I like how she takes deeper tones and stretches them into something more euphoric as the notes are drawn out. She’s just announced Shitty Hits for release on July 28th via Ba Da Bing, so stay tuned for more.

Stream The Gospel According to John from The Black Watch

Before there were blogs and music streaming there was the Black Watch. Now, 15 albums into their career, the band have crafted what I’m going to say is their best work yet. Each time I play it, I’m struck by something that has me scrambling to press repeat, to tune into a note or an element I didn’t hear the first run though, even now as I speak, I’m doing just that. If you’re a fan of pop music and poetry, stream The Gospel According to John. And if you want my two-cents on the track by track breakdown, skip beyond the jump. Otherwise, pick up the album tomorrow courtesy of The Eskimo Record Label and Pop Culture Press.

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