Really Enjoying This New Walter TV Tune

I didn’t want to like this; I have some weird grudge against the constant Mac DeMarco hype, and members of Walter TV play with said artist. That being said, this tune grabbed me almost immediately, pushing forward with this rolling groove that almost indicated a surf rock jam was coming. But, instead, they take that energy and give it some dreamy vocals to dance atop the mix. It’s hooks grab you quick, which is great, as the song barely lasts beyond the 2 minute mark. Fan of swelling pop? Look for Carpe Diem on August 4th via Sinderlyn.

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Two New Tracks From Melt Mountain

Today’s band that you should acquaint yourself hail from the far reaches of Athens– no, not Athens, GA, but the literal far reaches of Athens, Greece. Melt Mountain is a four piece that generates guitar driven indie rock with some touches of psychedelia and theyreleased a new album yesterday, so I thought I’d share two tracks off that record with you. Below you can take a taste of “Fascinating Things” and “Saturdays,” both of which are gems. I’m partial to “Saturdays,” which reminds me a little bit of the twisted rock of Suckers, perhaps in the vocal yelps.But “Fascinating Things” is also a great tune to jam to and appreciate sonically in its changing soundscape.

Superfetishis out today viaInner Ear Records— go check it out on Bandcamp right now!

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Fresh A. Sinclair Jam

I’m really happy about all the success that’s been coming to A. Sinclair, as there are few bands who deserve the accolades more. The band just dropped this brand new tune for their label Dangerbird, which is part of the label’s monthly Microdose Series. Pressing play, you’ll hear a throbbing bass line, and a lot of great guitar work…sharp little stabs, notes ringing out in the distance. It’s honestly one of my favorite songs I’ve heard the group record, which says a lot, considering how long they’ve been at it (in some form or another). Need a good hit? Here you go friends.

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Warbly Pop from Oro Swimming Hour

At its core, this new track from Oro Swimming Hour is a great ballad. But, in order to up the ante a bit, the duo fill the song with wobbling atmospheric elements, throwing listeners off-kilter a bit with an intoxicating murkiness. They wrap up the natural warmth in shared harmonies, only furthering the understated enchantment that’s coming through your speakers right now. It should come as no surprise then that the band’sforthcoming Penrose Winoa will be handled by Orchid Tapes and Art is Hard Records; it hits on July 21st.

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New Rocker From Teen Vice

Ah yes it is Friday and it’s a great time to end the week with some rock. My Brooklyn friends in Teen Vice are prepared to give us just what the doctor ordered. The song is “Kiss it Goodbye” and is sure to offer some goodness to those of you who are into high energy, female lead punk rock. Check it out below.

The Saddest Summer EP drops on July 14th.

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Brand New Deep Cuts Single + Sade Cover

Houston’s Deep Cuts have been on our radar for some time, as they’re always putting out important pop music in the Lone Star State (or so says I). They just passed this brand new single our way, a song highlighting the sentiment of being surrounded by pseudo-friends and deciding whether to sit back and enjoy it, or just go on and get high. Even with the dark sentiment, you can’t escape the band’s uplifting pop vibes coming your way.

And speaking of pop music, the band put an incredible spin on Sade‘s “Hang On to Your Love,” taking the natural groove and dripping it with textured synth and a more impactful beat. The band has a slew of Texas dates, and then they hit up Brooklyn for an AdHoc sponsored show on July 7th. Rest easy “Friends,” pop music will save you.

New Music from Francisco the Man

Really needed a pick me up this morning after a late night at Hole in the Wall, and what better than this energetic tune from Francisco the Man (no relation to Portugal). Just after the 7 second mark the drums kick in, guitars buzz and you’re off. Vocals hit a high pitch, and soar on towards exuberance. I’m really enjoying the finer touches that are hanging out behind the front of the song, from ringing guitars to little synth touches; it helps to flesh the song out so it’s more than just a one emotion kind of hit. This single comes with the announcement of the band’s new album, Bodies in the Sun, which comes out today.

More New Music from RG Lowe

When RG Lowe stepped to the side of Balmorhea to focus on his new project, I was really interested, as I always gravitate towards more lyrically based music. And, with his latest single, he’s completely heading in a pure pop direction. While the song begins slowly, almost ornately, the pace jumps and guitar stabs create that infectious stomp in your toes. You could see this song sliding right up against a handful of mainstream acts, and you’d be proud for Mr. Lowe, just knowing how much he works to perfect his craft. It’s adult contemporary pop for the cool kids. Look for Slow Time on June 2nd via Western Vinyl.

Never Sleep on Sea Pinks

Sea Pinks are one of my favorite bands that I wish I could get more people into, if only to see their faces light up with joy. They just dropped a single from their next LP, and while it still has remnants of the group’s early work, I think it also shows just how far they’ve pushed themselves with this new release. Machine gun drums and jangling guitar notes, but you almost get the feeling that 60s pop played a part in the construction of everything on Watercourse. It’s good to see progression, as well as slight nods to the bands early hits…look for the LP this Friday via CF Records.

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Brand New Cattle Hit

It’s not too often that bands from Japan break in the US, and that might never happen for Tokyo’s Cattle, but as long as they promise to right great hits, I don’t think anyone (namely myself) will care. The last I heard of the band they had released Somehow Hear Songs via Jigsaw Records, and it looks like the esteemed label has another offering for the group coming soon. This new tune sheds a little of the shoegaze vibe, instead just hitting you straight in the face with pure pop rock. Not sure when it hits or what its called, but you should definitely listen to this track today.

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