Annabel Allum Streams New EP

I have a feeling that Annabel Allum will be a sensation within the next few years! I’ve already written about two singles, and still rate “Rich Backgrounds” as one of my favorite tracks of the last year. Today she’s streaming her brand new All That for What EP, which also includes two new singles. “Picture on Picture” is a stunning addition to her catalog, with her voice shining above the noise, while “Spit” has a more intimate showing from the singer. This should be your new favorite jam!

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Brand New Cats of Transnistria

Cats of Transnistria are currently working on their second album, and while the work progresses, they’ve shared this tune as a peak at what’s to come. It’s an experiment in minimalist pop, offering little more than a single note and the powerful voice; it doesn’t need much more to carry the song’s natural beauty. As the track unfolds, tiny touches of strings and piano float in and out, creating a beautiful haunted atmosphere that will take you off into the ether. Looks like album number two is going to be pretty remarkable!

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Indiepop from My Light Shines for You

What a great Friday it’s going to be now that we’ve got new music being offered up by Cloudberry Records; the label just announced this new 7″ from My Light Shines for You. The Chilean indiepoppers definitely know how to work those jangling riffs, then wrapping them up with sweet vocals…including some nice male/female accompaniment. It doesn’t last too long, so you’ll have to get your sugary fill before you press play and repeat. Look for the release to come your way this Fall via one of the finest labels in indiepop.

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Fruit Juice Gives You Whimsical Psych Pop

The latest single from Fruit Juice out of Olympia, Washington is all sorts of fun and good. “Candies” is a bouncy little number with strung out vocals that soar over the twangy mix. I dig the way the track grooves along for its majority and then builds on the already-high-energy to its twee ending. Towards the finale of the song, the guitars gain strength in the mix and you get the Of Montreal blitz. It’s a weird track, but I can’t help but groove along to the psychedelic pop that Fruit Juice have done well.

The band’s debut full length, Eat You Up, will be out on July 28 via Swoon Records.


Austin’s Belcurve Drop Live Video + Show Tomorrow

There’s a great show going down tomorrow evening over at Cheer Up Charlies, which gives us the opportunity to drop this live video from Belcurve, who are one of several acts playing the venue. The video is the perfect portrayal of the band’s power, with Sarah Castro’s distinctive vocals dominating the front of the mix…clearly she’s got some range in those pipes! It’s a pretty strong performance from the rest of the band as well, crashing in unison to meet the rise and fall of Castro’s pitch-shifting.

You’ll be able to catch them at 11 on the Outside Stage, but be sure to show up early and stay late…the bill features The Reputations, Magic Rockers of TX, Loteria and our own Lochness Mobsters!

Bizarre Video From Midnight Sister

Absurdist pop group Midnight Sister should be at the top of your list when it comes to artists to watch, as they’re making major waves with only two singles released. The music is nostalgic, playing heavily on the 70s organ sound and the quirky vocals. While minimalist in nature, the music video makes up for the airy tune with its weirdo aesthetic that will have your eyes glued to the screen for its duration. “Blue Cigar” has a Nico vibe, but channels modern pop a little more towards its end. Take a peek below.


Flesh World Have a New Album

I’m really intrigued by this new Flesh World single; it falls somewhere in the line between dream pop and post-punk…I guess making it post-pop. There’s a darkened shadow from the guitars, almost industrial as they scream in the distance. I really love how the song seems to circle your ears as Jess’ vocals echo through your speakers…probably wouldn’t mind hearing this song another 100 times today. Look for their brand new LP, Into the Shroud, on September 8th via Dark Entries Records.

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Grunge Alt Rock From Partner

Partner are a two piece who hail from New Brunswick and are making heavy cut alternative rock songs that will make you nod along and perhaps laugh a little. This new song, “Sex Object,” engages the all too common experience of snooping in your roommates room and finding something that wasn’t exactly made for your eyes. The track, while silly, rips pretty hard with its grungey guitars, but manages to stay light with the soft vocals. Take a listen below and get stoked for this duo’s debut album,In Search Of Lost Time, which will be out September 8th via You’ve Changed Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Another Stunner from Oro Swimming Hour

Not long ago, I raved about the first single from Oro Swimming Hour, and I’m going out on a limb saying that this is even better than the last one. It starts off with this warbly quirk, but then settles into the bread and butter: the dueling male/female vocals. In listening closely that this is the sort of songwriting that’s extremely personal, almost as if they meant for you to listen to it quietly in your room (headphones work best). Can’t wait to get my hands on their album, Penrose Winoa, which will be released via Art Is Hard Records on July 28th.

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Rock with New Guantanamo Baywatch

Guantanamo Baywatch continues to impress me with the way they’re approaching their latest release, Desert Center. It bares a resemblance to their psych-tinged garage rock, but here you see them taking on a more spaghetti western vibe, then moving into some surf rock territory towards the song’s middle before firing themselves to a raucous moment that most likely resembles the band’s early work. The band’s putting all the cards on the table for this release, and I, for one, can’t wait to hear it in its entirety; look for it on August 4th via Suicide Squeeze.

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