Show Preview: Night Drive Release Party @ Cheer Up TONIGHT!

Come dance with us.

Night Drive is finally able to unleash their self-titled full length out today. To commemorate, we are gathering at Cheer Up Charlies for a night music and fun. They wanted to invite friends that they love and make some new ones to join them on stage. If you show up, you get good friends Orthy, who have promised a bunch of new music, Keeper, Single Lash and Lambda.

That is a really nicely stacked lineup. Add to it, AmuricaTX will have their photobooth trailer to immortalize things and Captain Morgan is providing the drink specials if you dare.

I’ll be there taking the pics for ATH along with +1 and many friends and familiar faces. We’re thinking a burger and Salt and Time would be fun beforehand. It will be hot. Be ready. Dress sensibly. Comfortable shoes. Nathan loves when I bring up comfortable shoes. Tickets are $5 at the door.

To get psyched, have a listen…

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