Orthy Shares Which is Better

Monday’s can be a struggle, even on your days off, so you’ve gotta be sure to get something energetic to really get you moving out the door. It’s a good thing we have the latest single from Orthy hanging about; it’s the upbeat dance number I didn’t know I needed. The guitar’s have this angular dance to them, seemingly nostalgic, while offering that frivolity that makes it easy to live your best life. I love the depth of the production on this one too, adding this rhythmic pulse to the tune, only furthering the hook of the guitars. It’s all the Monday you need wrapped in a 4 minute present. Just another reason to get hip to Orthy before the band drops Fable Living in January of next year.

Have a Nice Weekend

Looking for something a little different for your weekend? There is plenty happening. If you want to have some solid foodtruck snacks while listening to DJs play the beats, check out Piknik Electronik. A friend went to the party up in Montreal, said it was fantastically run and made for a pleasant weekend that ratchets up in BPM as the sun goes down. Tickets are available at the door, the whole thing happens at Auditorium Shores.

Soccer, erm football, fan? I’ll be at Scholtz’s for the NBCSN Premier League Mornings Live Fan Fest in my prized Tottenham third kit and Spurs scarf. #COYS

Finally, a good friend to ATH has some sweet jams available to add to your playlists. Orthy is back with the Austin Disco Synth Pop sounds you love. “Your Spell” is the first song back in five years Ian and team. The full-length Fable Living is due in January. Hang with this jam as it evolves and gets layered up.

Show Pics: Jon Hopkins @ Scoot Inn (4/23)

We dodged the rain. In fact, it was a perfect night, the heavy air transmitting sound well. Scoot Inn was an odd selection for a pure electronica artist like Jon Hopkins, what with its wood paneling and gravel dance floor, but fans showed up and put the venue at capacity right when Jon took the stage. It was a drifting set of ambient tones that would build to grooves and break back down again with a set list spanning years of albums and collaborations.

Orthy put down a DJ set before hand, merch was bought, the sun set and the yard moved. Pics and show notes to follow…

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Show Preview: Jon Hopkins @ Scoot Inn (4/23)

I’ll be out dodging the few rain drops hoping for heavy air as Jon Hopkins is going to perform at Scoot Inn tonight. The artist has been on our playlists for a long time, scoring spots in our year end best-of song lists and through collabs with King Creosote. This is a pretty rare opportunity to catch one of the best electronic artists building, layering and unleashing tracks live. Orthy will be performing a DJ set beforehand, but be warned – there has been a low ticket warning on bookface event page, so don’t assume they’ll be available at the door, get tix here.

Show Pics: Night Drive Release Party @ Cheer Up (6/16)

We are in the throws of the longest days of the year and while it will get a bit hotter, it won’t get much hotter that last Friday. The hotness was overcome.

Night Drive threw a party at Cheer Up Charlies and we were all invited as long as you contributed $5 at the door. Isn’t that nice. Four bands, a DJ that popped jams, so many friends and even some family. Attendees got to see Keeper, Orthy, Night Drive (duh) and Single Lash with Lambda spinning jams in between.

If you click through, you will be rewarded with many images. You will be able to read more words. Thanks.

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Show Preview: Night Drive Release Party @ Cheer Up TONIGHT!

Come dance with us.

Night Drive is finally able to unleash their self-titled full length out today. To commemorate, we are gathering at Cheer Up Charlies for a night music and fun. They wanted to invite friends that they love and make some new ones to join them on stage. If you show up, you get good friends Orthy, who have promised a bunch of new music, Keeper, Single Lash and Lambda.

That is a really nicely stacked lineup. Add to it, AmuricaTX will have their photobooth trailer to immortalize things and Captain Morgan is providing the drink specials if you dare.

I’ll be there taking the pics for ATH along with +1 and many friends and familiar faces. We’re thinking a burger and Salt and Time would be fun beforehand. It will be hot. Be ready. Dress sensibly. Comfortable shoes. Nathan loves when I bring up comfortable shoes. Tickets are $5 at the door.

To get psyched, have a listen…

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/330567062″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Night Drive News

We don’t shy away from the fact that the ATH loves Night Drive. “Rise And Fall” is on my JamOTY list. The new record is finally final with a June 16th release date. The s/t debut rehashes a few hits we are familiar with while adding new tracks that have been on the periphery of recent live sets. New song below!

Speaking of live sets, the big release party is also officially official. Details available on the bookface, but the short and sweet is 6/16, Cheer Up, Orthy, Keeper, Single Lash and Lambda for $5. In.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/320604783″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Show Pics: Free Week 2016 Pt. 2

The MohawkI decided for the next evening of Free Week silliness, I would start at The Mohawk and make my way to Sidewinder. Free Week venues where met with capacity attendance and lines waiting for one-in-one-out to give access.


Bands I caught this time around – A. Sinclair, Ben Ballinger, Sweet Spirit, Abram Shook, Stiletto Heels, Knifight, Orthy and Sounds Del Mar. Click through for shens.

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ATX Spotlight: Institute Unleash New Single

instAustin’s had a pretty solid week single bringing out music.  We had a hit from Orthy, Jesse Jenkins and now we’ve got this Institute track (there was also a new Future Death tune floating about). The music has this propulsive proto-punk, though the latter half of the track has a little bit more of a quirky art-rock approach.  The vocals, by and large, are delivered in a sort of matter-of-fact spoken fashion, which works against the guitar’s created sounds; it’s unsettling, creating a haunting that will surely win over new listeners. Look for Catharsis on June 9th via Sacred Bones Records.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/206419080″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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