You Can’t Not Love Alex Cameron

There’s something undeniably cool about Alex Cameron, be it his 80s leaning pop construction or his memorable dance moves. Today he announces Forced Witness, his new album coming your way in the fall. I love the slightly smoky feel to his voice on this performance, aided by a female companion in the back. I’m a little bummed he couldn’t get Christian Slater to play him in this video, as it definitely feels like a roll Christian would have killed! Smooth pop, smooth jam. Look for Forced Witness on September 8th via Secretly Canadian.

Pop Hit from BOYS

In need of a midweek dosage of pop? Well, you’re in luck because this new BOYS tune is doing precisely the trick. It has the hazy vibe to it, like the billowing of smoke across the sky as rays of light shine through. There’s a really cool turn just before the 2 minute mark that really makes the song rewarding. It’s continued proof that these lads have something going here, and they promise to release a new EP later this summer…with the song sure to be one of the stars!

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Yesterdays News with Widowspeak

Just wanted to be sure that we ran this remarkable Widowspeak tune, or else I’d feel like I’m letting you all down. Perhaps my favorite thing about this track is the way it seems to unite the sounds from the band’s previous 3 releases; it takes on some of the dreamy pop and blends it with some of that folk-driven guitar sounds the band has employed. I even hear a touch of Mazzy Star coming in just after the 2.5 minute mark; this tune’s beautiful for long drives at night with nothing but stars on the horizon and the wind in your hair. Look for Expect the Best on August 25th via Captured Tracks.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Irresistible Pop From Fever Kids

Fever Kids is the project ofΣtella and Alex Z, based out of Athens, Greece. The duo has been making music together since 2011 and they’re about to make your day with this killer track “Living In Fame.” Starting low with just some na-na-nas, the song builds upon itself with a groovy bass line, simmering percussion and sweet and lucid vocals ofΣtella leading the tune. It channels new-wave pop of yesteryear and chill-wave vibes of today, but also makes you want to head out on the town and dance away your troubles.This song is the perfect example of understated dance pop that will slowly creep its way into your daily listening cycles.

Take a listen below and then get ready for the release of this song as a 7″ single on July 3 via Inner Ear Records.


[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00aabb&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Have You Listened to Caroline Says

Caroline Sallee is a good friend of ours over here at ATH; she’s one of the guitarists in our ownPollen RX, but we wanted to make sure you were aware of her solo work as Caroline Says. Not too long ago she released 50,000 Elvis Fans Cant Be Wrong via bandcamp and a handful of tapes…now it’s getting the reissue treatment from the revered Western Vinyl. This song’s a great introduction, mostly working with intimate picking and Caroline’s voice; there are some slight atmospheric touches atop too (including vocals towards the tracks end). It’s the sort of song that lets you sit at your window with a cup of coffee in hand, gazing into the distance as your mind drifts in and out. It’s a winner for sure. Look for the reissue on August 4th!

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Here Comes a New Wand Album

Long ago, for some reason, Wand got lumped in with the Ty Segall crowd; that’s fair, considering songwriter Cory has played with Ty in various projects. But, as we’ve seen over the last two releases, Wand is entirely an act on their own territory. This latest single finds the band walking the territory between bouncier elements of Spoon and the lingering melodies of Radiohead. Maybe this is what California’s version of Spiritualized sounds like? Whatever it is, there’s no heavy riffs needed anymore, just the creative process and the perfect execution. Look for the band’s new album this September via Drag City…surely we’ll be hearing much more leading up to its release.

Show Pics: Black Marble @ The Sidewinder (6/24)

You ever go to a show excited about the headliner, and in fact, very impressed by the headliner, but walk away a bigger fan of an opener?

That very thing happened last Saturday when Austin converged on The Sidewinder last Saturday night. Black Marble was outstanding. They ended up selling the place out. However, I was really taken by Body of Light; they were fully on target for the renaissance of analog synth pop/dark wave I am delighted to see surging right now. The fact that openers Draa held their own here was also worth praise.

Click through for a few thoughts and plenty of pics.

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Stream All Three Sundtrodden EPs

On the off chance you read this blog on the regular, you’ve likely heard me mention Suntrodden a time…or twenty. Today could be the best day of your week, as you can now stream all 3 EPs together in one collective listen. It’s hard to pick a single track I love, as this collection is filled with a nice bit of diversity for any mood. I love the piano balladry from “Moonflower,” but then there’s real beauty in “Stay Gone,” taking on a more singer-songwriter vibe. I guess in the end, the most difficult thing is finding a track to ignore; each tune offers something special, something personal, which is perhaps why I’ve fallen in love with Suntrodden. The 3rd and final EP comes out this Friday, but stream them all together below!

Verandan Sign on to Soliti Music

You’ve always got to keep an eye on the Finnish label Soliti Music, as they’ve become an increasingly consistent label…I’ve adored the last six releases, to say the least. Today they announce the singing of Verandan, the new project of Ville Hopponen, of Cats on Fire fame. There’s definitely a pop-centric vibe to this, filled in with throbbing bass and a wash of synths that add a darker texture to the track. I’d pick up this song for the delighting chorus with its rising tones and natural hook. Look like Soliti has done it again; expect to find this track on a brand new EP from the band coming your way this Autumn.

Stream Playtime from Freak Genes

Freak Genes is a new Manchester project made up of members of Proto Idiot and The Red Cords. The entirety of Playtime walks the fine line between old school punk and power pop, delivering these insatiable slices in quick succession that begs you to come again. There’s a bratty indifference, giving the impression that the group really is taking the title to heart; put your ear to the speaker and you can hear the band having fun. “Mind the Gap” was the group’s single for this release, but “Nothing’s Plain to See” is my personal favorite with its furious power pop tendencies. You like Dirtnap Records? Wish Burger Records had better bands? Listen to Freak Genes. The album’s available via Alien Snatch as we speak!

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