Charming Indiepop from Plume of Feathers

There’s an arm of the indiepop world that can only be described (as above) as charming; I think of the likes of Cats on Fire or The Electric Pop Group. Plume of Feathers craft the sort of pop music filled with delighting guitar work, but also with a spirited warmth that’s sure to win over the hearts of all sorts of listeners. Just picture any endearing romantic comedy, and this is the music you’d expect to hear in the background of every scene…and you’d expect it to bring smiles to everyone watching. Join in on the fun and fall in love with this tune right now.

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Show Preview: Black Marble @ Sidewinder (6/24)

If you are out and about tonight, perhaps you should go say to Big Bill at friends at Electric Church. It is one of the best lineups of the residency. Check it out here. But if you are keeping it lowkey tonight and want to burn it out tomorrow…

We make no bones that Black Marble had one of our favorite records of last year. It’s Immaterial is packed with waves of density, haunting basslines and respites of sparse tension. This show at Sidewinder instantly went on my calendar.

I also want to highlight the openers. I missed the PR blitz when Body of Light‘s record Let Me Go came out last summer. I am bummed about that. It is full on new wave perfection with peppered in samples that will haunt you until you figure them out. Draa rounds out the bill bringing gorgeous echoing pop. Listen to previews of all three below.

This bill is stacked.

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[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=3757647333 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=e99708 artwork=none track=3253003049]
[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=2026380451 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=e99708 artwork=none track=1714704017]

Ruby Fray Returns with New Single

Austin’s been fortunate to house Emily Beanblossom’sRuby Fray for the last several years, and while she’s about ready to leave our city for Chicago, it looks like she wanted to leave us with one more great track. I love the brooding bounce that really pushes this track forward, almost crafting a dream pop number as keyboards twinkle in the distance. I like the little syllabic notes she tosses in with her vocals, adding a layer of playfulness to what seems like an otherwise sullen tune. Emily and her band will head out on a Western tour of the States before heading back up to Chi-town to wrap up her work on a new album.

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Noisy Number from FEWS

Just because this song’s filled with noise, don’t feel like FEWS are ascribing themselves to any particular genre of gaze or anything. Instead, they’re just creating this wall of heavy riffs that crash down upon your ears as the drums pound ominously in the distance. I’m interested in the matter-of-fact delivery of the vocals, almost hidden deep within the confines of the tune. And suddenly, it’s over. You’re jamming, you’re rocking…and then its done, so you can go back and play it again. Oh, and in case you haven’t caught the musical reference point yet, perhaps go check out Gary Numan.

Hear a New Song from Marijuana Sweet Tooth

I’ve always wandered what exactly is a Marijuana Sweet Tooth, but I like to think its the band’s approach to songwriting, offering their listeners a relaxed calm that you’ll beg to revisit. They quietly dropped a new single this week, as solemn as one would expect, yet drifting in its sentiment. Guitars slide behind the vocals, while other notes are carefully strummed to supply emphasis to the voice. I love how the male and female roles seem to go back and forth with one another, yet they often share the same ideas. If you’re looking to fade away into the day, then press play below.

Time Travel with Triptides

Some acts are moving away from the psychedelic craze, but some bands, like Triptides are still at it, though I’m pretty fond of their approach. They’ve gotten rid of that hazy drug-addled guitar sound, polishing it off a bit more in favor of a more pop-centric approach. But, in it’s psych restraint, it allows the band to really draw from their natural harmonies, especially with their “ooh la las.” I can just picture myself zoning out in a blacklit room with this single playing in the far our background. Their new effort Afterglow comes out this Friday via Requiem Pour Un Twister Records.

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Radioactivity Have a New Single

It looks like Radioactivity aren’t slowing down, and I’m oh so grateful. Below we’ve got a new single the band recently released, and dammit if its not another winner. The guitars chug as one would expect, but I love their sound, almost working a power-pop vibe. Vocals are pretty near perfect, even when they’re stretched to their limits. It’s a quick little blast, but it might just be one of my favorite songs from the group. The band is about to wrap up their tour, so hopefully you can find these from the group or Wild Honey Records who’ve released this track on a new 7″.

Quick Burst of Rock from Flemmings

I love a band that’s just in it to band out solid rock grooves with no frills, and Flemmings are the latest act of that sort to come onto my radar. It feels like the band just jumped in a room and pounded out this quick number; it almost feels nostalgic in a certain sense…and the emphatic vocals shouting at the end are pretty powerful.  The group has a brand new Heads and Tails EP coming your way really soon, as in this week…courtesy of Odd Box Records.

You’ve Got to Jam This New Petite League Tune

It’s going to be hard for Petite League‘s new single not to draw comparisons to the Strokes, but at least it leans towards the early, infectious side of things. This is the sort of song you want to turn up at your next gathering and watch as your friends rambunctiously jump about and trash your home…in a joyous manner, of course. You can’t deny yourself fun, and you won’t want to once you’ve played this track as many times as possible. Plus, it ends with a slight sense of longing, adding a nice little touch to the backside. The Native Sound will release Rips One Into the Night LP on September 1st.

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Weirdo Lo-Fi Track From Pardoner

It’s getting hotter than the devil’s ass crack down here in the ATX, which means that my listening catalogue and preferences are out the window. This new song from San Francisco’s Pardoner is right there with me though, as it’s a lo-fi, post punk track with just enough of a strange twist on it to set it apart from the masses. “Blue Hell” will appeal to your grunge taste, but the vocals sound as though they’re coming from another room, which puts a whole different spin on the track. Check it out below and then get stoked for the band’s debut full length, Uncontrollable Salvation, which will be out September 8 via the always killer Father/Daughter records.


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