Chelsea Wolfe Announces New Album

Those of you expecting Chelsea Wolfe to keep releasing the same old album are going to be in for a shock when you give this new single a listen. Musically, it still has that darkness…drawing connections to her past work, but the accompanying band brings in something different. Crashing cymbals, walls of distortion and heavy almost sounds like she’s channeling Deftness, but with her own haunting voice drifting through in a ghostly fashion. Her new album is titled Hiss Spun, and it’s always great to see her continue to push her music, so we accept nothing but further success. Sargent House will release the new album on September 22nd.

Pop Balladry from Suntrodden

I’m not afraid to cover more Suntrodden tunes, especially when he’s slightly toying with his sound, such as he does on this new ballad. While previous tracks have been filled with harmonies and careful guitar work, this song roams atop a sullen piano backbone. Then on the song’s latter half the guitar is slightly more pronounced, percussive elements are layered and then there’s the airy voice of Erik Stephansson winning in the end! Pretty sure III is going to be another release welcomed by my ears…look for it on June 30th.

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Quiet Hollers Return

Louisville based Quiet Hollers have slowly begun to make a name for themselves on our website and out in the music world. It’s well deserved praise as the band continue to pump out hit after hit, like this one called “Funny Ways”. The band has always reminded me a bit of Grand Archives or the lighter side of Band of Horses and that comparison is confirmed here. Thinking you’ll enjoy the meandering feel, bright guitars and hushed vocals. Check it out.

Amen Breaks is out on July 7th. Pre-order on iTunes now.

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Show Preview: Merchandise and B-Boys @ the Sidewinder

I’ve been really looking forward to this show for awhile, as I’m wholly stuck on B-Boys new record, Dadism. The band have this old school punk vibe, though thrown into a world of odd structures and a sense of urgency…it’s like if Parquet Courts had gotten artier (and better). Plus, the headliner is Merchandise, who always put on a really great show, continuing to impress with their constantly changing vibe. Street Themes will also be going on early to kick off the night. Doors at 6:30 over at Sidewinder, so be there or risk missing out on one of the best shows coming in town this summer.

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Au.Ra Gives One More Fuzzed Pop Number

The release of Cultivations is just a few short weeks away, so this might be your last chance to sample some new Au.Ra before the record drops. This track employs a dreamy vibe, tossing out the vocals in an almost distant manner while the electronic wash plods carefully through your speakers. In the song’s middle the band brings in a nice little atmospheric respite, only to push back with a melodic fade out to end the song. Felte will be releasing Cultivations on June 30th in stores worldwide.

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Amy O Has My Attention with New Single

Amy O is a few months away from the release of her latest album, Elastic, and after spinning this song on repeat for the last few hours, I will fully commit to this release. There’s something in her songwriting, commenting on mundane life amidst gentle guitar lines, that reminds me a great deal of early-era Rilo Kiley. This song, starts off in precisely that manner, though Amy ramps it up by plugging in just before the 1.5 minute mark and blasting off towards the finale. You really can’t deny the inherent joy within this song. Go ahead, play it as much as you want…you want tire of it. Look for her album to drop on August 4th via Winspear.

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Swirling Pop from Cruel Summer

Cruel Summer have made a name for themselves in the San Francisco scene, and they look like a continually rising star with the announcement of their new LP, Ivy. What I love about their new single is the way the guitars rise into the air like a smoke, billowing through your speakers as the vocals quietly, and softly, crawl out on top. It walks that careful line between dreamy pop and the gazier elements that modern listeners find endearing…I certainly could do with more songs like this. Look for their debut LP via Mt.St.Mtn. on June 30th.

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Austin Record Label Flea Market Recap

We love you Austin.

Everyone is already looking forward to doing it again. More on that later. I took photos, we did our shimmy thing, records were sold, merch was sold, group shots, industry discussions, ball-busting, cider sampled, dogs joined in, kids were indoctrinated into collecting vinyl.

Modern Outsider, Super Secret Records, Western Vinyl, Holodeck Records, Launch Cycle, Chicken Ranch Records, Keeled Scales, Saint Marie Records, Nine Mile Records and, as Nate said, our own little ATH Records all had the booths up and running. We had the musical stylings of The Sour Bridges and A. Sinclair.

Please enjoy my little photo essay on the Austin Record Label Flea Market. Click through to see what you missed or reminisce…

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Andrew St. James Gives Us Another Gem

At this point, San Francisco based singer/songwriter Andrew St. James is a not just a label mate, but also a friend. As the months go by, it’s incredible to see the amount of songs he records and pumps out. Seriously, it’s crazy. What’s even more crazy, is that all of the songs offer something unique and special. Andrew’s latest single “In the Morning” continues his recent hot streak of jams. This one offers a sort of Paul Simon vibe with it’s poppy drums and driving theme. Keep it up kid.

St. James is releasing a new album entitled The Big Ole Veronica Apology Record this Friday, June 16h.

Also don’t forget to pick up your copy of Andrew’s 7″ single we released recently on bandcamp.

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Can’t Not Share New POBPAH

We really love The Pains of Being Pure at Heart. Like, our love knows no bounds. So when this track dropped yesterday from the Brooklyn group, I naturally knew I needed to spread the word– “When I Dance With You” is yet another bombastically perfect pop song from Kip Berman and company. The track builds on the fresh energy that their last release,Days of Abandon, packed. As always with this group, they give you tunes with catchy choruses, but also pack that punch of great lyrics to boot. Dare you to put this one on and not crack a smile through the bouncy synths and bright tone.

Take a listen and join our growing excitement forThe Echo of Pleasure, which will be out September 1.

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