Another One From BIRDS

Less than a month ago I shared a tasty new rock n roll track from Brooklyn based BIRDS and I’m excited to bring you another new song from the group today. This new one called “Scatter” treats us yet again to some straight up rock music with a bit of fuzz and psych elements to boot. It’s time for you to get this band on your radar if you haven’t done so already.

BIRDS will release debut album Everything All At Once on August 18th via Greenway Records (pre-order).

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Plax Annouce Debut Album

If you’re looking for a new Austin supergroup to adore, then Plax is the latest to cull members from various bands to form a new entity; they’re spawned from members of Skeleton, OBN IIIs, Spray Paint and Sweet Talk (all bands we enjoy!). Their sound is a fast paced bit of post-punk, fueled by the semi-growl of Victor Ziolkowski. This song is spastic and jittery in all the right places, while the quick drum work gives a sense of pace to the tune. The band will release Clean Feeling on Super Secret Records on August 11th.

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Walter Etc. Offer Up Slick New Track

Those in the mood for some slacker style rock this morning need look no further than this new single “April 41st” from L.A. based Walter Etc. It reminds me a lot of an old school Weezer song with a carefree, almost lackadaisical feel about it. Could be a great song for driving around on a summer day or for your next BBQ playlist. Check it out below.

This track appears on an upcoming album entitled Gloom Cruise which is out August 25th on vinyl via Lauren Records/Lame-O Records and on cassette via Making New Enemies.

Impeccable New Single From Basement Revolver

Though I am likely a bit late in sharing this new song by Ontario based Basement Revolver, it’s just too damn good not to share late or not. The tune, “Tree Trunks”, is a slow, melodic, building track that reminds me of some of the better music from Wye Oak or even Camera Obscura. Both bands we here on the ATH team love. This band is certainly beginning to take off so get on the hype train while you still can.

You can pre-order the new Agatha EP now on Bandcamp. It’s out July 21st.

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Check the New Xetas Video

In what’s been a pretty productive year for Austin music, Xetas‘ recently released The Tower LP has risen near the top of those releases. They just released a pretty Austin-centric video for the album’s title track, and it’s worthy of your time this morning. I love the fact that the band are giving love to all their friends and supporters, while doing it with one of the album’s standout tracks. This is exactly what a rock n’ roll band should sound like, so enjoy the video and grab the LP from 12XU if you know what’s good for you.

Ted Leo Returns!

Man it has been way too long since Ted Leo’s name has been featured on this site. He’s long been silent his last new music coming in 2014 via his collaboration with Aimee Mann, and his last album with The Pharmacist coming a whopping 7 years ago. Well we are pleased to share news today that Ted is back and flying completely on his own with a new solo album entitled The Hanged Man. The entire album was recorded in a home studio, with Ted playing the majority of the instruments. He’s even self-releasing this sucker after a successful Kickstarter campaign. What would an album announcement be without a song right? Check out the new rocking track called “You’re Like Me”. Ted is back!

Pre-order The Hanged Man now. It’s out on September 8th.


Brand New Omni Album Coming Soon

One of the band’s I’ve hyped for quite some time, and will continue to push, is Omni. They combine an arty bounce to post-punk, and this new single has them coming off as catchy as ever. It’s like they’ve taken the formula popularized by Parquet Courts and decided they could do it better…and I think they do (for my two cents). Little flourishes from the high-hat work to layered guitars really pack an extra lunch. It’s okay now to admit this is your new favorite band! Look for their brand new album Multi Task to hit stores on September 22nd via Trouble In Mind Records.

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Hear a New Laucan Tune

Many times I’ve touched on the songwriting prowess of Laucan, but I’d really like to turn my attention to his voice this go round. There’s obviously something striking in its operatic tones, and it reminds me of the first time I heard Jeff Buckley…wondering how some of those notes could be hit so cleanly. This is a short one, with minimal production other than guitar strums and orchestral touches, but I think you get the picture: Laucan is worth your time. His debut LP FramesPerSecond comes out July 21st via Sunday Best.

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Go See Basketball Shorts and Pollen Rx Tonight

Over at the Cheer Up Charlies this evening you’ll get a chance to catch two of the great acts on our little label, Basketball Shorts and Pollen Rx. Basketball Shorts are releasing a new 7″ featuring the killer catchy jam below, and Pollen Rx are a well-oiled machine after returning from tour. Plus, you get to see Rhett and Dean, as well as Break Time in the early part of the evening’s festivities. Come out and grab the new 7″ and maybe get one of those new cool Darren tank tops from the band as well! Let yourself live a little with a great Thursday night party.

You Should Watch This New Video From Adult Books

Adult Books are back after last years stunning debut full length with a new, Twin Peaks inspired, video for the track “Firewalking.” The music video is a full on short film, which you need to check out below. As for the music, the song reminds me of what I think would happen if Wild Nothing and Beach Fossils procreated. Take a listen/watch and then go check out the band’s full-length debut, Running from the Blows,which came out last year over on their Bandcamp.


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