Pastel Ghost Shares Mercury

If you’ve not heard of Pastel Ghost, then we advise you to revisit Abyss (2015), as you’ll see how the artist has risen. But, Vivian Moon has relocated from Cali to Austin, with her sound fitting in nicely to the current dance/electronic scene the city’s fostering. Listening to the latest single from Ethereality, I can’t help but draw comparisons to Crystal Castles…the good pop songs before we discovered that guy was trash. It’s got a huge driving hook that bounces while the vocals come in with just a bit of effects in order to blend the voice into the track’s natural texture. Seems like a great dance tune for late at night, or, as is the case, early this morning; feel the song power through you, let your arms wave free in the air! You can grab the new LP from Cleopatra Records now! Austin fans can catch the act on October 5th at Elysium for the album release party!

PYAITK: Digital Shades

Several years back, I raved about The New Division. While they have stayed on my playlists, I have neglected to share any recent tracks. In checking in on the band, I learned that John Kunkel has teamed with James Meays, Missing Words, for a project called Digital Shades.

It triggers thoughts of all the glorious, yet brooding synth pop that feels slow and fast at the same time. I pick up tension in space left between notes and treatment of vocals as songs build and move towards shining guitar crescendo to drop to a synth hook or momentary silence. The recently released EP is called Moonraker, “I’m Still Here” is a pleasant intro. You will get your Alphaville, Ultravox, M83 vibe strings pulled.

Schaus Shares Video for Unread

Schaus is an artist from the Portland region, crafting pop music as he sits fit. Recently, he released an EP title Quite Okay, and quietly its slid into my musical rotation. His voice has some fluxuating tones, moving up and down in his register, occasionally following with rapidity like its trying to catch up with someone. Musically, he’s employing electronic elements to give the track a natural bounce, which contributes to a sense of playfulness…something that’s always important for this listener. The video takes some autobiographical ideas and turns them into a natural story that follows the track’s theme of appreciating and being appreciated…or does it? Schaus won’t let on as to how much is truth, but does it really matter? You’ll get lost in the song, regardless.

Another Henry Nowhere Ditty

At this point, it seems like I’ve shared almost all the tracks on Henry Nowhere‘s forthcoming EP, but I reckon if the songs are good, I’m going to keep sharing them out. I like how the instrumentation surrounding the vocals seems to be the song’s main focus, rather than the other way around. It’s sort of like a dreamier version of early Dent May…vocals are smoothed out in favor of maximum emotion. Rest assured, if this is your jam, there’s still three other songs from the Not Going Back EP that we haven’t shared, but you’ll have to wait until September 14th to hear those!

The Twilight Sad Share a Video for I/m Not Here

Please don’t sleep on this Twilight Sad track; I am using the release of the video to remind you to listen. The video, much like the song, is swirling and fuzzy with moments of disturbed clarity for punctuation. Directed by Brendan Jay Smith, edited by Michael Sherrington, it uses VHS with overlays with repeated imagery devolving into a negative. More importantly, put your headphones on and let loose.

They are hitting the west coast, Canada and east coast in October/early November before returning to Europe for more dates. New record soon? We can only hope.

Rays Prep You Can Get There From Here

Rays already won me over with their 2017 self-titled debut, so it makes sense that I’d already be prepping my wallet for an adventure to the local shop to pick up their newest. But, it’s not out for a bit still, so we can just enjoy the brand new song they’ve just dropped. This track steps in line with the claim that the Cali outfit have refined their sound a touch, looking more at TV Personalities and Cleaners than perhaps their earlier work suggested. I still love how the guitar seems to twinkle in the midst of all the sonic madness; that’s not turn our heads from the matter of fact vocal delivery, offering a certain sense of calm amidst the frantic bounce. You Can Get There From Here drops on November 9th via Trouble In Mind.

Love This New Song From Doe

It’s another blistering day here in Austin, TX and I need some music to inspire me through the next two days before the weekend. Helping with my “it’s only Thursday?” blues is this new track “Labour Like I Do” from London up and comers Doe. Many listeners will be reminded of bands like The Breeders but with a more modern, fleshed out indie sound. In the end, it’s a beautifully constructed rock song.

Doe will release new album Grow Into It on September 28th via Topshelf Records.

Really Love Scarves

It seems like in this day and age, everything is old and new all over again. For the most part, I’m okay with that, giving me a chance to unabashedly shed praise on Scarves. They’ve got a new LP in the works, and I’m freaking in love with it, can’t stop listening to it today. It wavers back and forth between being an homage to classic Weakerthans sound and something you’d find on Jade Tree. While those are some obvious emo nods, and Niko has a distinctive voice, they brandish their lineage with such bravado that you can’t help but be won over by the entirety of what they bring to the table. Tune in, turn it up and don’t forget to grab the Dinner Dates for the End of Days via Good Eye Records on September 28th.

Night Shop Shares Infectious Indie Pop

I may be a few days late to this track, but it’s too good to not pass along. Night Shop is the project of LA’s Justin Sullivan (previously of The Babies) who will be releasing his debut LP soon on Woodsist/Mare Records. This track is everything you want in a bedroom pop ditty–delicate acoustic guitar strumming, a deeply compelling vocal resonance, and soft percussion that eventually joins the mix. It’s not all soft edges though, some deftly executed electric riffs give way about a minute in and add just enough bite to the number. Sullivan winds his lyrics through the track, which bounces along gracefully for almost four minutes of bedroom pop bliss. Take a peek at the cute video below and then ready yourself forIn The Break, which will be out on September 14.


Elizabeth Shares Video for Burn It All

Up until now, Elizabeth has been the driving force behind Aussie outfit, Totally Mild. She already dropped one incredible album this year with the group, but now she’s stepping up her solo game. This song has been floating out on the Split Singles Series, but now it gets a gorgeous video treatment, giving me one more chance to share the tune with you. If you’re just sitting around, waiting for a great voice to hit you, then buckle up buckaroo, because this one here is great. She’s just so powerful, and yet so calming at the same time. Hopefully we get more like-minded solo work from her real soon.

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